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Next Upgrade Weekend?

gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,201 Arc User
I know we just had one, but anyone know roughly how often they run, or when to expect the next one? Thanks.

I finally completed grinding for Iconian Probe Datacores to get the full Iconian Resistance set, and I want to upgrade to MK XIV before equipping.


  • wideningxgyrewideningxgyre Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    What I find very troubling is the timing of the upgrade weekend.

    Many people plugged a lot of resources into upgrading before the "balancing" due to come online.

    I'm at a loss to understand why the upgrade weekend was not time to occur AFTER the balancing, so that we could reduce wasting our upgrades (especially Omegas and Phoenix) and dil on items which we may no longer find as useful.

    Even if they do another immediately after, we still will have used up resources which we cannot get back.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    There's plenty of things that you could upgrade without fear of them being useless. Or you could just not upgrade and wait until after.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    that was precisely WHY they held the upgrade weekend when they did

    PWE WANTED people to blow all their upgrade stockpiles beforehand, so they would have to spend money to restock for the next after the balance TRIBBLE comes out​​
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  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    I would guess sometime in June will be the next double tech point weekend.

    I didn't do much upgrading the past weekend. I only crafted some gear for a new Romulan captain I decided to create.
  • tribbulatertribbulater Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Actually, Cryptic made it clear when they did the ground rebalancing (well over a month ago) that there would be a space rebalancing.

    They released Tribble patch notes on the space rebalance while upgrade weekend was going on (Mar 17) and had several days to run. They blogged about the changes several days before the weekend.

    Pretending you 'wasted' upgrades without knowing about the rebalance is disingenuous at best. Also, since items like rep gear and many weapons and ground items aren't referred to in the coming re-balance, there was plenty of stuff to upgrade.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    What I find very troubling is the timing of the upgrade weekend.

    Many people plugged a lot of resources into upgrading before the "balancing" due to come online.

    I'm at a loss to understand why the upgrade weekend was not time to occur AFTER the balancing, so that we could reduce wasting our upgrades (especially Omegas and Phoenix) and dil on items which we may no longer find as useful.

    Even if they do another immediately after, we still will have used up resources which we cannot get back.

    Who forced you to upgrade anything now?

    Upgrade weekends happen at regular intervals. There was no reason for them to skip one.

    I was happy to upgrade some ground gear, beams and the Iconian space set for one character. I chose not to upgrade other things.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    gfreeman98 wrote: »
    I know we just had one, but anyone know roughly how often they run, or when to expect the next one? Thanks.

    Dude, we just had TWO relatively close together! :/

  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    Dude, we just had TWO relatively close together! :/
    And I took advantage of both of them. Thank you Omega and Phoenix upgrades!
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    that was precisely WHY they held the upgrade weekend when they did

    PWE WANTED people to blow all their upgrade stockpiles beforehand, so they would have to spend money to restock for the next after the balance **** comes out​​

    And Cryptic's reasoning last year for timing the upgrade weekends when there wasn't a balance pass? If I recall correctly there was one right at the end of the anniversary event with another a month later just like this year. Last year's was pretty memorable to me because I did some upgrading with omegas from what I had collected from the anniversary and then again after I had time to craft my remaining shards into more omegas.
  • lapprenticellapprenticel Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    I've got something like half a dozen MK II [CtrD]x3 or [dmg]x3 anti-proton beam arrays I want to upgrade sometime, but no rush :smiley:
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Think cryptic issued those weekends in intervals of 3 moths when they were new. Later they were down to 6 weeks for a time and then up to 3 months again.

    Making one so short before a space revamp with almost all stuff that is good being adjusted is Cryptic at its finest.

    Since the whole point of the “rebalance” is to get players to trash resources I’m not that surprised though.
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,568 Arc User
    I took advantage of the two recent upgrade weekends. Doubt we'll see another for a long time. That being said they shouldn't have had the two close together like they did. That was very odd especially with the space combat rework coming around. Still if you were smart you upgraded things that most likely wouldn't be hit to hard like beam weapons, tac consoles, etc. Though deciding on what those things are can be hit or miss obviously.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • wideningxgyrewideningxgyre Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    Actually, Cryptic made it clear when they did the ground rebalancing (well over a month ago) that there would be a space rebalancing.

    They released Tribble patch notes on the space rebalance while upgrade weekend was going on (Mar 17) and had several days to run. They blogged about the changes several days before the weekend.

    Pretending you 'wasted' upgrades without knowing about the rebalance is disingenuous at best. Also, since items like rep gear and many weapons and ground items aren't referred to in the coming re-balance, there was plenty of stuff to upgrade.

    While we only have the Tribble testing being done by a handful of people, it's clear that several things are being "rebalanced" which didn't make it into the notes and several others are being affected in ways that would not be obvious - even to people who live and breathe the game, like some of the folks doing the testing.

    I'm not saying anyone forced me to upgrade anything. What I'm saying is that it would have been nice if the upgrade weekend could have occurred AFTER the rebalancing when much more about the changes could have been known and people could have made better informed, longer-term decisions about equipment.

    People can decide for themselves whether the timing reflects a nefarious plot, poor planning by the devs, poor planning and low information by players, or a combination of all three.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    False dilemma: a type of informal fallacy in which something is falsely claimed to be an "either/or" situation, when in fact there is at least one additional option.

    I get that *you* think The Evil Ones want to torment you through malice or incompetence. We are free to disagree.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    While we only have the Tribble testing being done by a handful of people, it's clear that several things are being "rebalanced" which didn't make it into the notes and several others are being affected in ways that would not be obvious - even to people who live and breathe the game, like some of the folks doing the testing.

    I'm not saying anyone forced me to upgrade anything. What I'm saying is that it would have been nice if the upgrade weekend could have occurred AFTER the rebalancing when much more about the changes could have been known and people could have made better informed, longer-term decisions about equipment.

    People can decide for themselves whether the timing reflects a nefarious plot, poor planning by the devs, poor planning and low information by players, or a combination of all three.

    Big deal. There will be other upgrade weekends this year. The next one is likely a few months from now giving people plenty of time to evaluate the effects of the changes to the game mechanics.
  • startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    What I find very troubling is the timing of the upgrade weekend.

    Many people plugged a lot of resources into upgrading before the "balancing" due to come online.

    I'm at a loss to understand why the upgrade weekend was not time to occur AFTER the balancing, so that we could reduce wasting our upgrades (especially Omegas and Phoenix) and dil on items which we may no longer find as useful.

    Even if they do another immediately after, we still will have used up resources which we cannot get back.

    I think they had to event when they did so that people could use the Omega Upgrades, which makes perfect sense to me.
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