Just twice now tried to create a new Romulan character. Skipped training for both. Either I get stuck at New Romulus Command if I accept Temer's offer to the transport to get a new ship and can't get to Sector Space after getting the ship. Or if I if refuse his offer and go do the required Customized Clothing with Lt Deletham mission on the Flotilla, New Romulus Command doesn't show up at all in Sector Space and all I can enter is the Flotilla. I can't get the level 2 ship from rank 10.
Also made it to rank 16 with my second try and no doffs have been provided, even though missions are available. Research and Development has now appeared but no doffs to execute. A shame this is still broken since introducing this game on the PS4 back in September. Really no excuse for it.
The critical mission is "Turning Point". Unitl you complete that and ally yourself with the Federation or Klingon Defense Force, you will not unlock any new ship, duty officers, R+D holograms, New Romulus.
Usually, you are level 10 when completing this mission anyway & everything will unlock smoothly, but if you create a Romulan during a XP-boosted period, the character will level faster than intended creating the artifacts mentioned above. Eventually, everything should become available but it feels very 'random' as to when things do unlock.