Titel - was editied from the previous
Confirmed !!! - The "naked" AUTOFIRE is BROKEN (Power Levels get stuck)
Hello everyone,
I used Tribble to get very crazy with my
Power Transfer Rate
i got to first 825% ; then 900% and now 1030%
although it worked perfectly for comming out ouf Full Impulse and Switching Systems
I could revealed a major Problem ....
As i went into combat without anything but Autofire
(Science ship - 4 active Weapons)
my Weapon Power droped from 125 to 80 and stayed there
until the Weapon cycle ended , this was the moment
the Power Transfer Rate kicked back in
then i notices it did not kick in when i used certain abilities
bye the way you have to use that little Energy Level window
and use the Setting
Number 1 to see that, you need to see that numbers
for yourself
i will continue my testings
the "normal" weapon fire is broken
as soon as you fire your weapons your Weapon Drain
reduces your Weapon Power levels and gets stuck there
- Space Combat
- Cruiser
- 8x Beams Arrays
- 125 Weapon Power (about 1,3 Power overcap)
- Power Transfer Rate of 1030%
- No Buffs
- opening Fire
- Engery levels drop from 125 to 46
- they stay there for the entire duration of the Weapon cycle
---> the Weapon Damage is calculated by 46 .. so there is not much damage
- Cycle ends
- - Power Level return to 125
- New Cycle beginns
- - Power levels drop back to 46
weird thing
-> Emergency Power to Weapons 1
--> +20 Weapon Power
---> Energy drop from 125 (only) to 93
-> Emergency Power to Weapons 2
--> +30 Weapon Power
---> Energy drop from 125 (only) to 103
-> Emergency Power to Weapons 2
--> +40 Weapon Power
---> Energy drop from 125 (only) to 113
The Power Transfer Rate can not affect the Weapon Power during a active weapon cycle
I have to assume that has something to do with
I hope someone is able to fix that ...
I suppose that is not workign as intended
Drain on your weapons power is from the 4 weapons during the entire duration of the cycle.
Transfer rate is how quickly it recovers after you fire.
Are you saying, transfer rate was working to restore power to weapons at the same time as you were firing, before?
Are you using that Plasmonic Leech console? You may want to look at the changes they made to that unit, too.
P.S. Torpedoes and mines do not use weapons power at all.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Does this bug only occur with very high power transfer rates, or does it occur regardless of your power transfer rate?
There is currently a bug which removes posts that are edited too many times from the forums.
Disappearing forum posts
This is not something I've ever looked into, but the stobuilds people have an explanation here:
You can read that at your leisure. (Note: I have not read it.)
This is not a bug but a much needed fix to the game. The power drain is now per weapon during the full firing cycle. you have 8 beams, well you power level will be really low, and thank goodness
As statement above the "Transfer rate is how quickly it recovers after you fire." is correct
Weapon Power Drain is not suppose to do that
and it never acted this way before
I don´t have / had a Plasmodic leech equipt
because i wanted to minimize the Power overcap
and to have a very accurate Power setting for the test
I like You ( @where2r1 ) to see this YouTube video
it is from "Sarcasm Detector" explaining the hole topic in detail
Star Trek Online - EPS, The Secret to DPS
it also happens to low Power Transfer as well
but you think it does not come up because it is that low
with High Power Transfer numbers you to recognize it immediately
thank you for the Forum link :-D
Sorry i have to disagree on that "much needed fix" thing
the way it works now makes no sence
1. your Energy Weapons becomes to weak, they render themself almost useless
2. to hold you above 100 Weapon power you can only fire 2 Weapons at the same time
3. it makes overcapping a necessity
4. 2 copies of *Emergency Power to Weapons* becomes a MUST HAVE ,
5. A high DPS player don´t get affected - he times his cooldown more accurate - to overcame this bug
- - - only affects the unknowing Player - this drops their DPS so hard
why should the Power get stuck at this power level ?
why give us ships with 8 weapons slots ?
-- when you get such a huge penalty for using all of them ?
Please read the tool tip on tribble, and the patch notes, and thus you find power level drain on energy weapon fire is working as intended
Salted caramel please
You must be that jealous noob everyone keeps talking about.
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
Noob? I would assume new people would not be able to read a tool tip, so noob seems right in the case
Please be more specific ... there are ALOT of tooltips on Tribble
Are you talking about the thing i already posted here?
Tribble Patch Notes
Major Mechanics Changes:
- Energy weapons now always drain power when firing, instead of all but one
- The equation used to determine how weapons power influences your damage has been changed
--> it now gives you a much higher benefit at low power levels, and is the same as it was before when you are at 100 weapons power
There u go, working as intended
Every beam u fire at once drains X power, there 8 beams at -10= -80 power drain.....what bug, what issue
Really this is a great change and should have always been so, deal with it
This was always the case .... besides the first beam ... of course ...
there is not a single word about the Power Transfer Rate recover the Energy Levels
anyway ....
Power Transfer Rate became useless (from a tactical perspective)
Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah !!!
you know it is so funny that the hole "recovering Power Level functionallity"
suddenly works again when you start using buffs and all power levels
stay steady on 125
but really its not a bug, so yeah there's that
if simple mechanics and word and tool tips cant be understand I cant help you guy
okay ... okay ... okay ...
I really try to see the things from your Perspective
lets say it is working as intended
But why only go half way then ?
implementing it only for your "auto fire cycle" ...
so they did not came around to nerf the Abilities just yet?
I guess we have to wait and see if the "workarounds" get nerfed aswell
^^ can i get a like button already
did you activate anything ?
this is one of the ways to "surpass" that ... that is the reason i wrote "naked" autofire in the title
not the best choice of words , i admit
but my english is limited .... sorry
I went back in and used no abilities and did the same thing on live.
On Live my power went down to 62 and bounced between that and 80 a little bit until the firing cycle was over, where it jumped back up to 113.
On Tribble, my weapon power went down to 46 but didn't go back much more than that during the weapon cycle, but afterwards, it did go back up to 110.
It kind of looks like the power return has been changed to only happen after the weapon cycle is over instead of during, unless there is a power reserve available from overcap.
I go to bed now
Have a very nice day
Basically, what you're observing is that your weapon drops by the listed amount per weapon, and you do not recover that power drain over the weapon cycle, only when it ends?
I am honestly not sure that this is not how it is supposed to work, really. But I might be misremembering bug fixes or balance changes from many years ago.
Thank you very much aswell
I edited the Title
This makes things like: Emergency Power to Weapons, Weapon Batteries, Tac Team will mean MORE. Tactical Captain buffs will be the one with oomph in damage department.
Which is GOOD...you actually have to use those skills/traits/abilities in synergy with each other...not just be a one trick pony. And anyone can leech their way to DPS.
Auxiliary Power to Batteries is probably something to look into.
If you insist on controlling your DPS via power management...you will want an Engineering Captain.
I don't understand why you think that higher transfer rate ALONE will give you a pool of reserve power to transfer, anywhere, without a Leech (drain power from enemy when firing upon it with energy weapons, and that boosts your own power levels). And Leech does not work the same on Tribble...you don't get much power back (it is good enough to be helpful for my Romulan, though).
NO...not watching a video by Sarcasm Detector (I know his videos go on for 1.5-2 hours) or analyse a MATH post on Reddit (sorry, Frtoaster, ack, really?). Rather read my really, really good book this weekend.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Can I get a like button already
Spot on reply
Go to Space.
Set your Ship Power Tray to setting 3....that is the one where there are 4 vertical bars...one for each subsystem.
Slide the power levels on one of the systems all the way to the top of the bar. Choose one that is NOT maxed out already. Watch how quickly the levels move from one system to another and fill in the bar.
That is your transfer rate.
THAT should change with how many "points" you have. The more transfer rate you have..the faster that bar will fill up. This is good....because when you hit a battery or an ability/power that give you power into a system, that power is available to your systems faster.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin