Why does all the good looking ships suck and all the crappy looking ship are amazing?
Don't get me wrong here all fed ships except Star cruiser right now look so bad in comparison. The Kazon ships looks good, but they suck in comparison. I think I saw someone using an ugly Fed starship. It was huge compare to my star cruiser but, dam it was ugly.
I like my Tal'Shiar Adpated ships, the Narcine, and the Eclipse intel cruiser and all of them have pretty much great stats. Heck, even the T'laru grew on me and it's a beast.
It took some kitbashing, but I eventually made things I liked out of the new T6 Sovereigns.
Even the Tarantula's not bad.
Agreed. There are lots of good looking ships in this game that kick butt, and that is my opinion. I also think there are a few nasty looking ships, but they are few and far between.
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Btw, if you like big ships and the ship you like is small, you can just zoom in the camera. Look at the pictures above. Has anybody a clue if these ships are big or small. That Sovvy with those nacelles, that is just weird. What is it for? Wait, it let the ship floats when it lands on water.
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R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
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Guardian is great, very cool that they basically 99% copied Probert's original Ambassador concept art of what he actually wanted the ship to look like, instead of what they actually gave him the time and money to build.
It is because they have bad players.