It doesn't matter that WoW wasn't based on a TV show. You build a good game and wrap the show around it sticking as true as possible to the game while making allowances for good game play. You don't build the game around a show that was never designed to provide good game play but only tell a story.
As Doctor McCoy could say, are you out of your Vulcan mind?! Really, can you possibly even be remotely serious about this insane nonsense?
NEWS FLASH: Star Trek began as a television show in the mid-1960s, which is over 50 freaking years ago! At that time, the concepts of personal computers and video games were at best science fiction concepts with no idea when, if, or how such things would ever be implemented in reality. That television series gained a cult following which became a massive fanbase after syndication in the 70s revitalized and massively expanded its reach. Over the decades, the series-turned-franchise has spawned films, novels, merchandising, pretty much single-handedly made fanfiction a thing, also pretty much single-handedly made the fandom convention thing happen, launched several spin-off series and oh yeah, many video games once those got around to being invented.
So, Einstein, would you mind telling me exactly HOW in the name of Spock anyone is supposed to "wrap the show around the game" when the former predated the latter by over four decades? Even if it were somehow possible, it would be a mistake. Star Trek is far, far older and bigger than this MMO, and the game exists BECAUSE of the franchise. The game must, therefore, serve the franchise and not the other way around. To expect otherwise would not only be, as Spock would say, "highly illogical" but also go against what Scotty always said which is that "ye canna' change the laws o' physics!". Your suggestion violates the law of causality, which is that cause must always precede effect. The Star Trek franchise caused this game to happen. Thus it came first and gets to set the rules.
If you cannot accept this, then this game is not for you. Adapt to it or find something else to do with your time and energy, because you're not going to win a battle to change 50 years of Star Trek canon and lore because it doesn't agree with your idea of ideal game design.
Easy.. by putting good game play first. You put in factions, you put in equipment you provide viable ways for all factions in the game to obtain what is needed to support their classes. It's pretty simple really. No Vulcan mind needed. If you don't, you get a game like we have today with STO where the resources have dwindled so far that most things are a pipe dream and the game itself wouldn't exist if someone didn't hang the Star Trek name on it.
In other words...
Pig = Bad Game Design Choices
Lipstick = Star Trek IP
Only now are they trying to address some of that especially with the vesta 12 pack release. It's a step in the right direction but there's a lot that needs done to clean up the mess.
Been here since open beta. I have no concerns about what geko n co r trying to do. I can remember a time when where were no set bonus or special consoles. The game will be fine. Its in a desprate need of tweeking after 3 expansions and 12 seasons
PWE knows it is harder to alienate the hardcore playerbase because they are the most loyal. The hardcore playerbase are the ones that go for the all epic gear, waste tons of resources to get it first, and will keep coming back for more through the changes to elevate themselves back up into the top 1%. PWE knows exactly who can take the hardest hit with the nerf bat! Keeping that 99% is their goal because 99% suits their metrics and profit margins more.
You all don't get it, they need to shift thing around so folks will invest in their future upcoming and new shiny. Do DPSers hurt their bottom dollar? By doing what they deem a necessary evil, will improve more time & money investments? Hmmm, interesting. Won't surprise me if they introduce some new console, ship, trait box or something soon after the changes.
Tier 7 Ships coming soon in 2017. :P
I personally don't buy the paranoid ranting that says this was done to sell things. When I read all the notes on how extensive the changes are it looked to me like they were doing exactly what they claimed to be doing. That is looking at what is too good, or not good enough and changing them to be less of outliers.
Then it seems you don't understand the terminology you use.
You have to admit that certain comments concerning these nerfs are a little on the insulting side. If you are happy about all these nerfs that's great, but you don't need to act like a complete a$$hat about it. I don't mean you in particular, but I have read some pretty dickish comments lately where people voice how happy they are at other peoples angst. It's one thing to discuss and argue the benefits of these nerfs, it's entirely another thing to be a unpleasant about it and directly attack people. That is of course the nature of the internet. You can be as mean-spirited as you want without consequence.
I'm not one to take pleasure in the suffering of others, but conversely, I can't take pity or have sympathy for those whose misfortunes are basically being a spoiled child having been denied their candy. Separating personal desire and/or a misplaced sense of self-entitlement from the actual definition of fair is a lesson that should have been learned at a far younger age than anyone old enough to play this game.
Secondly, what fun is a game if there is no challenge to it? In it's current state, PVE is zero challenge whatsoever, PVP is a broken mess where a certain profession can faceroll their keyboard like a drooling idiot and still win 50% of the time.
So sorry, the only sorts of people who are crying about these changes are exactly the sort of people who deserve no pity.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
Then it seems you don't understand the terminology you use.
You have to admit that certain comments concerning these nerfs are a little on the insulting side. If you are happy about all these nerfs that's great, but you don't need to act like a complete a$$hat about it. I don't mean you in particular, but I have read some pretty dickish comments lately where people voice how happy they are at other peoples angst. It's one thing to discuss and argue the benefits of these nerfs, it's entirely another thing to be a unpleasant about it and directly attack people. That is of course the nature of the internet. You can be as mean-spirited as you want without consequence.
I'm not one to take pleasure in the suffering of others, but conversely, I can't take pity or have sympathy for those whose misfortunes are basically being a spoiled child having been denied their candy. Separating personal desire and/or a misplaced sense of self-entitlement from the actual definition of fair is a lesson that should have been learned at a far younger age than anyone old enough to play this game.
Secondly, what fun is a game if there is no challenge to it? In it's current state, PVE is zero challenge whatsoever, PVP is a broken mess where a certain profession can faceroll their keyboard like a drooling idiot and still win 50% of the time.
So sorry, the only sorts of people who are crying about these changes are exactly the sort of people who deserve no pity.
Spoiled child and self-entitlement eh? Well if that really is the I'd blame Cryptic rather than the players. They are the one who have created such an atmosphere by so deeply integrating the game with a "real money" economy. So unlike most western MMORPG's where its just a matter of game time and grinding out fake currencies and tokens, the massive nerfs in this game can represent a lost of hundreds of dollars in investment, depending on the player. So yeah, of course people are going to feel entitled for what they feel they paid good money for.
I also dispute the notion that PvE is not a challenge. Maybe if you stick to Normal and Advanced content, but Elite queues and missions can still be quite challenging, especially if your going for the optional objectives. The problem here is that Cryptic has not been on the ball on properly pushing out Elite versions of all the queues and that many of them aren't rewarding enough to justify the time and coordination it takes to get through them.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
Spoiled child and self-entitlement eh? Well if that really is the I'd blame Cryptic rather than the players. They are the one who have created such an atmosphere by so deeply integrating the game with a "real money" economy.
No, that is still on you. C-Store, lockboxes, reputations and all that is full of stuff that's mechanically weak and people don't use much. You see a clear pattern of them selling power, but only because you completely ignore all the duds they've created that people consider weak and underpowered. You latch onto the few outliers that were overly powerful and believe that this is what Cryptic always had planned for.
For every Plasmonic Leech there have been 4 Impulse Capacitance Cells.
Oh, and by the way: Even if the parents did spoil the child, it doesn't entitle the child to stay spoiled.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I'm finding it amusing that the thread has fixated on *one* aspect of the entire exercise - drain effects - and therefore screaming the whole rebalance is a failure. There is a lot of good stuff, even what looks like an actual effort to breathe some life into PVP.
Otherwise, it's a fact of life that any living game will go through big shifts where older stuff... changes in utility. It's by no means a phenomenon limited to STO or even MMOs. I suspect that most of those complaining are simply too young to have seen the cycle in operation before.
I also dispute the notion that PvE is not a challenge. Maybe if you stick to Normal and Advanced content, but Elite queues and missions can still be quite challenging, especially if your going for the optional objectives. The problem here is that Cryptic has not been on the ball on properly pushing out Elite versions of all the queues and that many of them aren't rewarding enough to justify the time and coordination it takes to get through them.
PvE is not and has not been a challenge in a long time. There was a brief period after the release of Delta Rising when even the common queues were at least a little bit interesting, but all that was quickly nerfed out when players whined it was too hard and now basically everything is more or less impossible to lose.
And yes, a few of the Elites are theoretically harder than others, but that doesn't mean anything when none of them are rewarding enough to justify even the time needed to wait for the queue to pop (assuming they ever pop at all) much less actually playing them.
Of course, none of this "balance pass" nerf is going to actually make things any more challenging either. Autowin missions are an autowin missions. The average completion time of CCA and ISA goes up a few seconds, big whooping deal.
You all don't get it, they need to shift thing around so folks will invest in their future upcoming and new shiny. Do DPSers hurt their bottom dollar? By doing what they deem a necessary evil, will improve more time & money investments? Hmmm, interesting. Won't surprise me if they introduce some new console, ship, trait box or something soon after the changes.
Tier 7 Ships coming soon in 2017. :P
I personally don't buy the paranoid ranting that says this was done to sell things. When I read all the notes on how extensive the changes are it looked to me like they were doing exactly what they claimed to be doing. That is looking at what is too good, or not good enough and changing them to be less of outliers.
And yet what was deemed 'too good' is what they created themselves, also very deliberately. You may believe they just create these good items haphazardly, and that's fine. Me, however, I think they do so for one reason only: power creep sells! Simple as that. No paranoia required, but simply bottom line tactics. Don't believe? Wait for next month's lock box, and watch them try and sell you the power creep all over again. It's really almost amusing ppl don't get this.
See, the rather naive thing I'm noticing here -- not from you per se, mind you -- is that ppl really buy into this whole "Gee, we have no idea what caused this mess; but look at us being responsible cleaning it up!" routine. Why, they weren't so alert when they were selling me those items, now were they!? That's what makes all of this so unpalatable for me. I spent the last few month upgrading my Tact Rom, at pretty high cost; and then Bort comes along, effectively saying "Hahaha, we're gonna cap the Leech at +6. So, good luck getting your power levels back up! And, oh yeah, your weps will now use extra power too. In your face!"
And then they go about it in a totally shoddy way. I mean, what self-respecting Dev just outright kills all DrainX equipment entirely?! Nerf a bit here and there, fine; but this is total BS. DrainX not your thang? What if next week we kill all partgens builds? Would ppl like that?! I bet they wouldn't.
25-odd years of gaming, seen the same thing over and over again, and the grognards used to grumble about how things had been churning since the 1980s; designers work on the "new thing" then it becomes the "old thing". Or they have a change of heart, or personnel, and take things in a new direction. No doubt it's at least partially deliberate, but if there's a company that's managed to last without doing so I'd be interested to know.
What's good about this rebalance is that there is a decent line in bringing older builds and weapons back into value - it's interesting to note the attempts to make accuracy make BO more useful. I do like what seems to be the guiding principle - if something was so good it was a "must have" it's been reined in. For those crying nerf, I have to ask what it is you've lost; bragging rights? Content taking a few minutes more to complete? It's supposed to be a game you enjoy playing...
I'm finding it amusing that the thread has fixated on *one* aspect of the entire exercise - drain effects - and therefore screaming the whole rebalance is a failure.
When I was still playing EvE Online (non-consensual PvP, who needs that!?), we had a saying, "Cap is life!" And it is. Unless you're running a full torp boat, 'cap' -- or simply 'power', as we call it here -- is at the very core of every build. Tact needs it for energy weps, the Science Captain needs it for aux, the Engi for shields (and everyone a bit of all). My Engi main will overcome more easily; but my Rom Tact will suffer, guaranteed.
And it's not even about the money per se (although that part is obviously annoying); but it's simply about having worked/spent to get a build that can get me adequate power levels (not as good as my Engineer, but certainly good enough). And now that it's all done, they're just yanking my entire setup from under me.
And then ppl post about spoiled children, not being able to get to their candy. Wut?! Bort didn't *give* me any candy: I had to BUY it from them. And I don't respond well to backsies.
Except this hasn't happened, even with this patch.
Stop using a false equivalence fallacy that not doing 200K damage means its dead, or entirely useless.
No one is going to take you seriously if your entire argument is based on easily refutable lies, fallacies, and misinformation.
LOL. Stop saying 'false equivalence fallacy' in every post to me and others. No one is going to take you seriously if you're too keen on showing you learned a few clever-looking terms. Oh, and the 200k thing is getting old too. Like I told you before, 200k, where do I sign up for that?! :P
I must be insane, but I will explain, one last time, why, yes, DrainX is now 'entirely useless.' See, the thing is, the DrainX properties of, say, the Terran space set, are indeed completely useless now, as they can't give me any surplus power any more, since Leech was capped: aka, their DrainX properties might as well be absent, as I could get +6 easily without ithe set.
Some there be that say they love draining NPCs. Respect for them, making that a useful activity. For me, though, I might as well toss aside all my DrainX gear.
And yet what was deemed 'too good' is what they created themselves,
The devs created the entire game.... so yeah they also created that ability you've forgotten exists because you never use it too.
See, the rather naive thing I'm noticing here -- not from you per se, mind you -- is that ppl really buy into this whole "Gee, we have no idea what caused this mess; but look at us being responsible cleaning it up!" routine.
Leech was far less of a problem back when it wasn't easy to get a drain boost of 200... but now dedicated drain can hit 700. So no, they did NOT in fact make Leech to work the way it is now.
Correct. Your fun IS wrong and it's being purged. Ball's in your court what you're gonna do next.
Yeah about that:
Increase the fun – Games are about having fun, and players should not be made to feel that their fun is “wrong.”
There are exceptions, such as when allowing your fun takes away from the fun of many other players.
That truly is just pure nonsense.
Would someone kindly tell me how DPS builds ruin other peoples fun.. Please ?
10 master keys to the person who explains this to me.
The only problem I can see with current DPS builds is no appropriate venue to use them.
So sure, maybe a high DPS'er will ruin the challenge of a norm or advanced pug for some of the lowbies, or even AFK them...
...But people seriously think that won't happen after the changes ... Seriously ?
I just wish the devs would stop ruining consoles, specs and abilities and get to work on giving the players at the high end of the spectrum a place they can use their talents (elites for all queues) rather then ruining a bunch cool stuff for everyone !
The plasma explosion console is the perfect example. It WAS a really fun/cool console.
Sure, it was over performing when stacked but why the heck didn't they just limit them to 1 per ship, rather then making the whole darn console a hunk of TRIBBLE ?
This is kind of stuff infuriates me !
someone vaping everything in range before you can even get a shot off - and also causing you an AFK penalty in the process - ruins quite a few people's fun
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
The plasma explosion console is the perfect example. It WAS a really fun/cool console.
Sure, it was over performing when stacked but why the heck didn't they just limit them to 1 per ship, rather then making the whole darn console a hunk of **** ?
This is kind of stuff infuriates me !
Those consoles are still a valid method for managing threat (their original purpose, but often overlooked) - great for a reciprocity / FBP using build. FBP will still be useful, and very potent when combined with the Krenim trait.
The plasma explosion console is the perfect example. It WAS a really fun/cool console.
Sure, it was over performing when stacked but why the heck didn't they just limit them to 1 per ship, rather then making the whole darn console a hunk of **** ?
This is kind of stuff infuriates me !
Those consoles are still a valid method for managing threat (their original purpose, but often overlooked) - great for a reciprocity / FBP using build. FBP will still be useful, and very potent when combined with the Krenim trait.
Actually they aren't. The embassy Hull-Repairing and Shield-Repairing consoles would be far superior choices for threat management after this nerf.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
Correct. Your fun IS wrong and it's being purged. Ball's in your court what you're gonna do next.
Yeah about that:
Increase the fun – Games are about having fun, and players should not be made to feel that their fun is “wrong.”
There are exceptions, such as when allowing your fun takes away from the fun of many other players.
That truly is just pure nonsense.
Would someone kindly tell me how DPS builds ruin other peoples fun.. Please ?
10 master keys to the person who explains this to me.
By causing overwhelming, unbearable jealousy.
The only problem I can see with current DPS builds is no appropriate venue to use them.
So sure, maybe a high DPS'er will ruin the challenge of a norm or advanced pug for some of the lowbies, or even AFK them...
It's not the players who designed the game content to be easy and the reward structure to disproportionately favor the easiest content, that's entirely Cryptic's fault.
The crappy useless "AFK" penalty is also entirely Cryptic's fault.
someone vaping everything in range before you can even get a shot off - and also causing you an AFK penalty in the process - ruins quite a few people's fun
at least that's how the victims tell it
Absolutely it does, I've had it happen to me and it's no fun at all. Even without the AFK penalty, I play the game to play the game, not to watch others play the game while I can't even find an enemy to engage. I might as well watch Youtube videos if my presence in the mission is so completely unneeded.
And how is nerfing everyone to death equally going to change that? Better players will still do 17x better than others. That won't change at all.
It doesn't matter that WoW wasn't based on a TV show. You build a good game and wrap the show around it sticking as true as possible to the game while making allowances for good game play. You don't build the game around a show that was never designed to provide good game play but only tell a story.
As Doctor McCoy could say, are you out of your Vulcan mind?! Really, can you possibly even be remotely serious about this insane nonsense?
NEWS FLASH: Star Trek began as a television show in the mid-1960s, which is over 50 freaking years ago! At that time, the concepts of personal computers and video games were at best science fiction concepts with no idea when, if, or how such things would ever be implemented in reality. That television series gained a cult following which became a massive fanbase after syndication in the 70s revitalized and massively expanded its reach. Over the decades, the series-turned-franchise has spawned films, novels, merchandising, pretty much single-handedly made fanfiction a thing, also pretty much single-handedly made the fandom convention thing happen, launched several spin-off series and oh yeah, many video games once those got around to being invented.
So, Einstein, would you mind telling me exactly HOW in the name of Spock anyone is supposed to "wrap the show around the game" when the former predated the latter by over four decades? Even if it were somehow possible, it would be a mistake. Star Trek is far, far older and bigger than this MMO, and the game exists BECAUSE of the franchise. The game must, therefore, serve the franchise and not the other way around. To expect otherwise would not only be, as Spock would say, "highly illogical" but also go against what Scotty always said which is that "ye canna' change the laws o' physics!". Your suggestion violates the law of causality, which is that cause must always precede effect. The Star Trek franchise caused this game to happen. Thus it came first and gets to set the rules.
If you cannot accept this, then this game is not for you. Adapt to it or find something else to do with your time and energy, because you're not going to win a battle to change 50 years of Star Trek canon and lore because it doesn't agree with your idea of ideal game design.
Easy.. by putting good game play first. You put in factions, you put in equipment you provide viable ways for all factions in the game to obtain what is needed to support their classes. It's pretty simple really. No Vulcan mind needed. If you don't, you get a game like we have today with STO where the resources have dwindled so far that most things are a pipe dream and the game itself wouldn't exist if someone didn't hang the Star Trek name on it.
In other words...
Pig = Bad Game Design Choices
Lipstick = Star Trek IP
Only now are they trying to address some of that especially with the vesta 12 pack release. It's a step in the right direction but there's a lot that needs done to clean up the mess.
Your standard of "proper faction balance" is based on a purpose-designed MMO with a much larger budget and player population, it's a game first with the lore designed around what's best for gameplay. Star Trek Online is STAR TREK, first and foremost, just another spin-off property designed to satisfy the Trek fanbase same as the novels, films, subsequent television shows, RPGs, and other video games. STO serves the Star Trek IP and its fans, which means Star Trek lore from television and film is the template. Again, if you can't accept that then this is not the game for you.
It makes zero sense to devote 1:1 faction parity to groups that were a proportionally tiny part of canon who captivate a devoted vocal minority of the fanbase, and the fact that Klingons and Romulans exist as independently playable is more a bonus for hardcore fans than anything else. Star Trek has always been first and foremost about the Federation and Starfleet for the entirety of its 50 year existence and most Trek fans are interested in the Starfleet experience as they came to love on their screens for decades. They play to be like Kirk, or Picard, or Sisko, and be the captain of a Starfleet vessel like their screen heroes. That is the fact of the matter, period, and it's been that way for decades longer than this game was even a concept. One more time, if you cannot accept that, then this is not the game for you. Find something that's designed from the ground up to be a game in the WoW mold, since that seems to be what you want. This game is designed to deliver an experience directly based on the Star Trek television shows and movies, for fans of the IP. That will not change and it should never change.
Perhaps if they did proper design from the onset of introducing new factions it wouldn't be such a big cost to fix things this late in the game. Again arguing this is Star Trek isn't going to score points when proper game design paired with Star Trek means you get more players, more revenue, and more budget to do things.
someone vaping everything in range before you can even get a shot off - and also causing you an AFK penalty in the process - ruins quite a few people's fun
at least that's how the victims tell it
This has happened to me too. Before I can get to a group, it disappears in seconds. Cubes which, in the show, vaped Starfleet at Wolf 359, are being vaped by min/maxers.
Now, I'm not celebrating the 'rebalancing', it won't affect me much at all. I'll just keep on with my mediocre (compared to high DPSers) build and have my own fun.
But yeah, those vape-monsters did cause me some AFK penalties. But I simply found something else to do while I was in 'time out'.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Easy.. by putting good game play first. You put in factions, you put in equipment you provide viable ways for all factions in the game to obtain what is needed to support their classes. It's pretty simple really. No Vulcan mind needed. If you don't, you get a game like we have today with STO where the resources have dwindled so far that most things are a pipe dream and the game itself wouldn't exist if someone didn't hang the Star Trek name on it.
In other words...
Pig = Bad Game Design Choices
Lipstick = Star Trek IP
Only now are they trying to address some of that especially with the vesta 12 pack release. It's a step in the right direction but there's a lot that needs done to clean up the mess.
My character Tsin'xing
I'm not one to take pleasure in the suffering of others, but conversely, I can't take pity or have sympathy for those whose misfortunes are basically being a spoiled child having been denied their candy. Separating personal desire and/or a misplaced sense of self-entitlement from the actual definition of fair is a lesson that should have been learned at a far younger age than anyone old enough to play this game.
Secondly, what fun is a game if there is no challenge to it? In it's current state, PVE is zero challenge whatsoever, PVP is a broken mess where a certain profession can faceroll their keyboard like a drooling idiot and still win 50% of the time.
So sorry, the only sorts of people who are crying about these changes are exactly the sort of people who deserve no pity.
Spoiled child and self-entitlement eh? Well if that really is the I'd blame Cryptic rather than the players. They are the one who have created such an atmosphere by so deeply integrating the game with a "real money" economy. So unlike most western MMORPG's where its just a matter of game time and grinding out fake currencies and tokens, the massive nerfs in this game can represent a lost of hundreds of dollars in investment, depending on the player. So yeah, of course people are going to feel entitled for what they feel they paid good money for.
I also dispute the notion that PvE is not a challenge. Maybe if you stick to Normal and Advanced content, but Elite queues and missions can still be quite challenging, especially if your going for the optional objectives. The problem here is that Cryptic has not been on the ball on properly pushing out Elite versions of all the queues and that many of them aren't rewarding enough to justify the time and coordination it takes to get through them.
For every Plasmonic Leech there have been 4 Impulse Capacitance Cells.
Oh, and by the way: Even if the parents did spoil the child, it doesn't entitle the child to stay spoiled.
Otherwise, it's a fact of life that any living game will go through big shifts where older stuff... changes in utility. It's by no means a phenomenon limited to STO or even MMOs. I suspect that most of those complaining are simply too young to have seen the cycle in operation before.
And yes, a few of the Elites are theoretically harder than others, but that doesn't mean anything when none of them are rewarding enough to justify even the time needed to wait for the queue to pop (assuming they ever pop at all) much less actually playing them.
Of course, none of this "balance pass" nerf is going to actually make things any more challenging either. Autowin missions are an autowin missions. The average completion time of CCA and ISA goes up a few seconds, big whooping deal.
And yet what was deemed 'too good' is what they created themselves, also very deliberately. You may believe they just create these good items haphazardly, and that's fine. Me, however, I think they do so for one reason only: power creep sells! Simple as that. No paranoia required, but simply bottom line tactics. Don't believe? Wait for next month's lock box, and watch them try and sell you the power creep all over again. It's really almost amusing ppl don't get this.
See, the rather naive thing I'm noticing here -- not from you per se, mind you -- is that ppl really buy into this whole "Gee, we have no idea what caused this mess; but look at us being responsible cleaning it up!" routine. Why, they weren't so alert when they were selling me those items, now were they!? That's what makes all of this so unpalatable for me. I spent the last few month upgrading my Tact Rom, at pretty high cost; and then Bort comes along, effectively saying "Hahaha, we're gonna cap the Leech at +6. So, good luck getting your power levels back up! And, oh yeah, your weps will now use extra power too. In your face!"
And then they go about it in a totally shoddy way. I mean, what self-respecting Dev just outright kills all DrainX equipment entirely?! Nerf a bit here and there, fine; but this is total BS. DrainX not your thang? What if next week we kill all partgens builds? Would ppl like that?! I bet they wouldn't.
Yep, entirely not happy about any of this.
What's good about this rebalance is that there is a decent line in bringing older builds and weapons back into value - it's interesting to note the attempts to make accuracy make BO more useful. I do like what seems to be the guiding principle - if something was so good it was a "must have" it's been reined in. For those crying nerf, I have to ask what it is you've lost; bragging rights? Content taking a few minutes more to complete? It's supposed to be a game you enjoy playing...
When I was still playing EvE Online (non-consensual PvP, who needs that!?), we had a saying, "Cap is life!" And it is. Unless you're running a full torp boat, 'cap' -- or simply 'power', as we call it here -- is at the very core of every build. Tact needs it for energy weps, the Science Captain needs it for aux, the Engi for shields (and everyone a bit of all). My Engi main will overcome more easily; but my Rom Tact will suffer, guaranteed.
And it's not even about the money per se (although that part is obviously annoying); but it's simply about having worked/spent to get a build that can get me adequate power levels (not as good as my Engineer, but certainly good enough). And now that it's all done, they're just yanking my entire setup from under me.
And then ppl post about spoiled children, not being able to get to their candy. Wut?! Bort didn't *give* me any candy: I had to BUY it from them. And I don't respond well to backsies.
LOL. Stop saying 'false equivalence fallacy' in every post to me and others. No one is going to take you seriously if you're too keen on showing you learned a few clever-looking terms. Oh, and the 200k thing is getting old too. Like I told you before, 200k, where do I sign up for that?! :P
I must be insane, but I will explain, one last time, why, yes, DrainX is now 'entirely useless.' See, the thing is, the DrainX properties of, say, the Terran space set, are indeed completely useless now, as they can't give me any surplus power any more, since Leech was capped: aka, their DrainX properties might as well be absent, as I could get +6 easily without ithe set.
Some there be that say they love draining NPCs. Respect for them, making that a useful activity. For me, though, I might as well toss aside all my DrainX gear.
My character Tsin'xing
Would someone kindly tell me how DPS builds ruin other peoples fun.. Please ?
10 master keys to the person who explains this to me.
The only problem I can see with current DPS builds is no appropriate venue to use them.
So sure, maybe a high DPS'er will ruin the challenge of a norm or advanced pug for some of the lowbies, or even AFK them...
...But people seriously think that won't happen after the changes ... Seriously ?
I just wish the devs would stop ruining consoles, specs and abilities and get to work on giving the players at the high end of the spectrum a place they can use their talents (elites for all queues) rather then ruining a bunch cool stuff for everyone !
The plasma explosion console is the perfect example. It WAS a really fun/cool console.
Sure, it was over performing when stacked but why the heck didn't they just limit them to 1 per ship, rather then making the whole darn console a hunk of TRIBBLE ?
This is kind of stuff infuriates me !
at least that's how the victims tell it
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Those consoles are still a valid method for managing threat (their original purpose, but often overlooked) - great for a reciprocity / FBP using build. FBP will still be useful, and very potent when combined with the Krenim trait.
Actually they aren't. The embassy Hull-Repairing and Shield-Repairing consoles would be far superior choices for threat management after this nerf.
It's not the players who designed the game content to be easy and the reward structure to disproportionately favor the easiest content, that's entirely Cryptic's fault.
The crappy useless "AFK" penalty is also entirely Cryptic's fault.
Oh, I never knew you were a fellow refugee in this english forum. The things you learn when nerds TRIBBLE about pixels.
And how is nerfing everyone to death equally going to change that? Better players will still do 17x better than others. That won't change at all.
Perhaps if they did proper design from the onset of introducing new factions it wouldn't be such a big cost to fix things this late in the game. Again arguing this is Star Trek isn't going to score points when proper game design paired with Star Trek means you get more players, more revenue, and more budget to do things.
This has happened to me too. Before I can get to a group, it disappears in seconds. Cubes which, in the show, vaped Starfleet at Wolf 359, are being vaped by min/maxers.
Now, I'm not celebrating the 'rebalancing', it won't affect me much at all. I'll just keep on with my mediocre (compared to high DPSers) build and have my own fun.
But yeah, those vape-monsters did cause me some AFK penalties. But I simply found something else to do while I was in 'time out'.