I've completed this mission twice tonight, and The Doomsday Device mission still not acknowledging that I have completed the mission, so I can't continue with new Episodes.
This will happen if you don't kill the Targ's escort before you board the Targ. Even though it will let you board the Targ without killing the escort, destroying/disabling both ships is the initial objective. If you don't do that the mission is really stuck there although every next step is able to be completed.
Really sucks when you get to the end only to have to start over due to poor mission design, but after a couple times you learn to kill the escort first.
if you manage to beam aboard the iks targ without destroying its escort you will be able to advance the mission, but you will not receive credit for completing the mission upon its conclusion.
The problem is that the mission allows you to advance even if you don't destroy the ship escorting the I.K.S. Targ, but you will not receive credit for completing the mission, because you still have an unfulfilled objective, namely, destroying the escort. When I encountered the bug, the escort was stuck in another object, and I was unable to target it.
This bug has been around since January 2010 and was confirmed by Crypticfrost in June 2014. See the links below.
I think I may know what may be the problem. I wasn't destroying the other ship, because when I did finally did do that I was able to complete the mission, and was rewarded.