This is the discussion thread for
ULC 33: "What Happens on Drozana..."
As usual be courteous and polite.
EDIT: Gorram it, I had to repost it because the forum censor ate the entire thread when I went to edit it the first time.
@pwecaptainsmirk @ambassadorkael#6946, can you PLEASE have somebody from tech support fix that "post needs approval" thing?
Will need to see if I have any ideas.
Dang, you're right, I forgot all about that.
And yeah, that's basically the inspiration. I'm sure you can come up with some wacky hijinks for the Phoenix-X crew. Me, I'm going to riff on a story my dad told me from his Navy days. Even though the Masterverse is basically dead (what with sander dying and marcus getting banned), I wanna use Tyria Sark for this and it's off-topic enough I don't think it'll cause problems.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Gah. That sucks. :-/ Looking fwd to what you got. I like your Naval-type perspective in your stories.
I'm currently building my Klingon fleet, so I'll try the KDF take. Since I've got three ULC stories down for both Sigon and Deloss, I might do a crossover between them.
To bad we can't just get that one unlocked.
In-story connections (spoilers):
Lethargy by consumption of neural energy...
You gave it a name!
Now it'll just keep coming back like a lost puppy!
Interesting and sweet (and tasty-sounding).
You know you're in a utopian future when the pasta actually cooks at the listed time to correct firmness.
Something really struck me as funny with that last line in the first section, not sure I can describe why, but just the Klingon warriors mutely agreeing with the philosophy and wandering off...
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Haha. I do think that even those guys should have a certain level of shared awareness.
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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Slowly trying to catch up ... still. I've seeded ideas along the way to make effort but I'm almost a year behind
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
I've got 34 done, just need to make time to get it here and on my blog
35 is giving me some heartburn :P