Even engineers can, with enough investment, reach 200,000 damage per second, which is more than enough to break any queue alone and remove the fun and excitement from the rest of the team.
And THAT is the most important issue with STO's balance right now.
Sure, one can argue other balance questions, but shouldn't the most important problem be solved first?
Sorry, but profession imbalance is right at the top of the to-do list for one very simple reason: You can't change your profession. This is one of the only 'no take backs' choices in the entire game.
2. I guess we'll just have to see how many arrow they have in the quiver to let fly. There are good business & player psychology reasons to dismantle both issues on the same pass.
You can't peg a 500k DPS Tactical down to reasonable levels without severely gimping Engineers unless you address class balance too.
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Some kind of weapons malfunction in mind? Otherwise I don’t see this happening.
My virtual farts are already at 30k dude. 30k is nothing. I'm already at 150k in ISA when firing my first volley. What I'm supposed to do then. Lie down and take a rest?
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Like what? Speed to fly in circles fast? Shields 500% stronger than anything the map throws at me?
Hard caps like the one you propose would only see to it that I reduce the efforts I put into my toons to 20% of what they are now.
We had that before Delta Rising and I even liked it! Cryptic clearly were the ones who wanted it changed. They wanted the enthusiastic players to jump higher, we did.
They got what they wanted and whatever they change in the weeks to come they will continue to sell DPS cuz DPS keeps the lights on in STO.
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And here is the real issue.
You create this thread under the guise of wanting it to be 'fun for everyone,' but really all you're concerned with is cutting off those who's idea of fun is different then yours. The only thing you REALLY care about is finding those in game that perform at the highest levels and bringing them down to you. It's all you have ever been about, and it's all you care about now. You just try and pass it off like you have some great concern for the overall balance or some benevolent interest in 'creating fun' for everyone else, but the real issue here is that you believe that others are having fun 'wrong.'
For some people, improving their performance is what makes the game fun, but of course you don't give a rats TRIBBLE about those people because you have deemed their fun to be wrong. All your posts have the same general theme, a transparent and selfish desire to alter the game in every possible facet to fit your own personal definition of what it should be.
Sometimes, I find myself being upset that the Devs don't seem to listen to player input, but then I just read one or two posts by you and I am quickly reminded why that's a good thing.
And when your fun is ruining the fun of others it is you who is being selfish and "wrong"
Yes, the dps is too damned high when I can't even get in range before everything in the que is debris. I'm sure you have experienced this before too. How is that supposed to be fun for me or even the one's creating the debris?
Wandering around vaporizing everything you see with no challenge whatsoever is NOT fun.
Actually, I never have.. no. I have been in queues with people who out DPS me, sure.. but I have never seen a scenario where I couldn't contribute at all.
Translation: I see through your bull TRIBBLE and you don't want any part of it.
Your agenda is pretty obvious.
No, you're pushing the same transparent agenda you have been since you have been on this forum. You're constantly lobbying to turn the game toward your own personal preference under the guise of creating balance for others. It's clear and it's obvious.
Balance is about more then just taking people at the top and reducing them which is all you have ever shown any interest in. All of your ideas are geared toward one specific intent and that's punishing top performers in the game because you don't think it's 'fair.' Fairness works both ways, people find fun in different ways but you have only ever approached the topic from your own narrow perspective.
Even this topic starts out as a discussion on balance between classes and then devolves into 'cap everyone who does over x.' This topic is more of the same drivel you're always posting.
Sums it up nicely. I'll just leave it at that.
I will just trust that most people are smart enough to see the inherent hypocrisy in such requests.
The only thing you do is ask for game progression to be taken away from those players who put effort into STO. That’s neither helpful nor encouraging for anybody.
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Again somebody seems to be under the impression that witnessing easy PvE runs is the same thing as making them happen yourself.
Tell you what, its not.
If others have a higher match contribution than you do and you are displeased by that, how about getting better?
I recall quite a few maps in STO where there is still plenty of stuff to shoot at.
Why do I feel that I’m having a discussion with players who only play ISA and CCA.
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Here are my current crowd control and HSE tank builds.
I.S.S. Black Hole Sun
U.S.S. Drop Dead Red
Been there, done that. Just because I manage 100k+ non tac DPS does not mean I don’t do anything else with my “blunted” imagination.
By the way, it only seems to get blunt each time I read one of your posts. When I pug HSE things get tough for me on a regular basis.
Perhaps it’s time for you to step out of your advanced scenery as well and stretch you boundaries and your efforts a bit into elite space maps.
The average STO pug guarantees you engaging encounters there. I bet you would have a great time dealing with it all with 30k DPS!
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