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Galaxy Saucer, Ornash/Monbosh Pets, MVAM, All broken.

Yeah this has been broken for a while. there was a small fix but it really didn't do anything aside from adding a timer on said ships before their parts flew to neverland. Before Artifacts came out all of these were working perfectly and attack when nearby or be stationed flying around the base part. Now in a matter of 10 or 20 seconds each of these fly off of the map and have to be put on a timer before they get put out for 10 or 20 seconds again.

What is being done to fix this and what can be done to make it better?
Since these are essentially pets they should have their own kind of pet actions similar to Carriers and Dreadnoughts.
Each with their own unique function for whatever piece is sent out.

But yeah I haven't pulled out my Galaxy in a long time and I got an Ornash the other day which isn't seeing any action because of this.
Please help

Also please post ideas.

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  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    I've started thread and posted so much feedback on this, I've just given up. Yes, I'm checking in to confirm that sloted hanger craft and similar abilities are just broken to hell and back. I'd rather use my carrier, but with hanger craft the way they are, I'm just using my T6 tac cruiser until T7's come out. I'll probably take a break at that point.

    I am strictly avoiding ships that can slot a hanger craft just because it's pointless to spend money on something that's all F'd up, right?

    Will this stuff ever get fixed? This game has more breaking bugs then content.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    I'm sorry to say, but none of these have ever worked perfectly. Pet AI, especially things like Multi Vector Mode, Saucer Separation, etc. have been broken since the day they were implemented. They have never worked, but shamefully.. they keep selling items in the C-Store that use this mechanic even though it's never ever worked.

    They need to either fix this stuff, or stop selling it.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    They never worked sure, but at least we could role play with them somewhat in combat.

    Now, separation mechanic just vanishes the separated sections altogether.

    It still passes for a 'cosmetics' item since our ship looks a little different, and there's still a stats component to the altered ship, but I never paid 2,500 zen each for something like a T5 Prometheus and T5 Odyssey that says otherwise in the description, and that's been demonstrated to do a tiny bit more than vanish.

    There's been dev feedback on this issue, unlike others, so at the very least I'm hopeful they'll fix it maybe in a few months, and hopefully it doesn't bug out again.
  • captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    there has?

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  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    Pets suck. Particularly frigate pets. They don't follow or listen to commands at all. I haven't used my MVAM ship or my Galaxy's Saucer sep in a long time, but I haven't noticed any fixes in patch notes since the last time I used them so I assume they are still TRIBBLE.
  • carcosa#4225 carcosa Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    Actually my pets DID work, but now they do not since they have been broken in December. My Sheshar Assault craft does ZERO damage when parsed in combagtlog, and it used to actually attack in Combat, and it never used to disappear after launch ANYWHERE... I would say that is broken and has not always been like that. Note that it is just separation pets and the Monbosh console, not hanger pets.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    They never worked sure, but at least we could role play with them somewhat in combat.

    Now, separation mechanic just vanishes the separated sections altogether.

    It still passes for a 'cosmetics' item since our ship looks a little different, and there's still a stats component to the altered ship, but I never paid 2,500 zen each for something like a T5 Prometheus and T5 Odyssey that says otherwise in the description, and that's been demonstrated to do a tiny bit more than vanish.

    There's been dev feedback on this issue, unlike others, so at the very least I'm hopeful they'll fix it maybe in a few months, and hopefully it doesn't bug out again.

    Really? I didn't know they ever functioned.

    I bought the T5 Ha'apax years and years ago, man.. worst purchase I have ever made in STO. It did exactly what the OP described, I would separate the ship and the 'Guardian Half' would just fly off the side of the side of the screen never to be seen again. I still regret that purchase to this day.

    I really wish they would pull stuff like this from the C-Store until they can actually fix it. It doesn't sit right with me that they still sell these type of ships knowing that they don't function correctly.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    My Sheshar assault craft definitely fights. Maybe they fixed that one.

    Haven't played it a lot lately, but my Narcine's Mobulai frigates were reasonably obedient to command last time I was being clever, and the drones on my Vengeance will usually follow other people around if I tell them to.

  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    I'm sorry to say, but none of these have ever worked perfectly. Pet AI, especially things like Multi Vector Mode, Saucer Separation, etc. have been broken since the day they were implemented. They have never worked, but shamefully.. they keep selling items in the C-Store that use this mechanic even though it's never ever worked.

    They need to either fix this stuff, or stop selling it.

    Pretty much.

    I won't even get started on the carrier pet's not working for years....
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    I'm sorry to say, but none of these have ever worked perfectly. Pet AI, especially things like Multi Vector Mode, Saucer Separation, etc. have been broken since the day they were implemented. They have never worked, but shamefully.. they keep selling items in the C-Store that use this mechanic even though it's never ever worked.

    They need to either fix this stuff, or stop selling it.

    Pretty much.

    I won't even get started on the carrier pet's not working for years....

    I hear ya man. I have pretty much abandoned carriers completely. Most times I don't even bother to launch my hangar pets.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    Wish I had the link but can't bother to dig up atm where it was mentioned that the issue was pushed up so they will look at the separation pet issue (not hangar pets) again and hopefully successfully resolve it.

    My Odyssey chevron did lag way behind in combat, or simply fly out of range, specifically during a mirror invasion event where I remember seeing it way out beyond 10 KM doing nothing much at all. The Prometheus separated sections were quite good, actually following me around quite closely in combat. T6 Gal-X saucer I haven't flown enough to see how it behaved but don't have any specific memory of being as bad as the Odyssey's. Antimatter spread console I believe does work as listed on separated pets.

    Wish this gets resolved sooner than later. Most my alts are done leveling event ships and many other C-Store ships and I'd like to go back to these again.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    I hear ya man. I have pretty much abandoned carriers completely. Most times I don't even bother to launch my hangar pets.

    ((looks at KT Assault drones)) Huh. I definitely launch my hangar pets on my Vengeance. And the Drone frigates on my T'laru. And the Mobulai on my Narcine. Even the little temporal fighters on my 31c ships. They all do exactly what I ask of them - kill the enemy or guard me (and kill the enemy). That I have to resummon them after relocating between fights is irksome, but its far from leaving the slot empty or ignoring the tools available to me.

    The hull-separation issue is something else entirely - the difference between not being convenient and not working at all is a rather large gulf.
  • gaevsmangaevsman Member Posts: 3,190 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    nikeix wrote: »
    I hear ya man. I have pretty much abandoned carriers completely. Most times I don't even bother to launch my hangar pets.

    ((looks at KT Assault drones)) Huh. I definitely launch my hangar pets on my Vengeance. And the Drone frigates on my T'laru. And the Mobulai on my Narcine. Even the little temporal fighters on my 31c ships. They all do exactly what I ask of them - kill the enemy or guard me (and kill the enemy). That I have to resummon them after relocating between fights is irksome, but its far from leaving the slot empty or ignoring the tools available to me.

    The hull-separation issue is something else entirely - the difference between not being convenient and not working at all is a rather large gulf.

    Same here about hangar pets, but separation pets just vanish, i dont use those ships anymore, whats the point?
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    I hear ya man. I have pretty much abandoned carriers completely. Most times I don't even bother to launch my hangar pets.

    ((looks at KT Assault drones)) Huh. I definitely launch my hangar pets on my Vengeance. And the Drone frigates on my T'laru. And the Mobulai on my Narcine. Even the little temporal fighters on my 31c ships. They all do exactly what I ask of them - kill the enemy or guard me (and kill the enemy). That I have to resummon them after relocating between fights is irksome, but its far from leaving the slot empty or ignoring the tools available to me.

    The hull-separation issue is something else entirely - the difference between not being convenient and not working at all is a rather large gulf.

    Sometimes I launch the Assault Drones on my Vengeance, but usually I kill everything before they even get out of the Hangar. :)

    The worst ones by far are the Callisto Escorts. Completely useless, I put my Jupiter in dry dock because there is just no point in flying it.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    I hear ya man. I have pretty much abandoned carriers completely. Most times I don't even bother to launch my hangar pets.

    ((looks at KT Assault drones)) Huh. I definitely launch my hangar pets on my Vengeance. And the Drone frigates on my T'laru. And the Mobulai on my Narcine. Even the little temporal fighters on my 31c ships. They all do exactly what I ask of them - kill the enemy or guard me (and kill the enemy). That I have to resummon them after relocating between fights is irksome, but its far from leaving the slot empty or ignoring the tools available to me.

    The hull-separation issue is something else entirely - the difference between not being convenient and not working at all is a rather large gulf.

    The Hull-separation issue might be different, but all pets are pretty terrible. I use carrier ships pretty regularly- Quas, Vengeance, Vonph, ...etc and I can tell you that the smaller pets listen sometimes, but frigates don't listen for at all. They ignore pet commands 80% of the time. Usually, when you initially spawn them they will attack the target you are targeting at the time of release and open fire on them like they should, but after that they just wander around aimlessly.
  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 963 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    The Hull-separation issue might be different, but all pets are pretty terrible.

    This thread is not about hangar pets not being effective. It's about the separation pets not working at all. The fact that hangar pets are ineffective is completely irrelevant to the conversation at hand.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    The Hull-separation issue might be different, but all pets are pretty terrible.

    This thread is not about hangar pets not being effective. It's about the separation pets not working at all. The fact that hangar pets are ineffective is completely irrelevant to the conversation at hand.

    All the pets use similar AI programing so no it's not irrelevant.
  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 963 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    nikephorus wrote: »
    All the pets use similar AI programing so no it's not irrelevant.

    Yes it is. The bug being mentioned is to do with the pets disapearing - that is, vanishing off the game map. That has nothing to do with their AI programming.

  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    Sure it does considering it's the ai that sends the pets off into nothingness.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    The issue has been looked at several times but it can never get straightened out. The last time the problem of hangar units really came back on these boards was the release of the Feds' T6 Jupiter and their frigates which were just godd*mn awful.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    The issue has been looked at several times but it can never get straightened out. The last time the problem of hangar units really came back on these boards was the release of the Feds' T6 Jupiter and their frigates which were just godd*mn awful.

    Yeah I remember that. Still no patch that fixed them either...they still suck the proverbial donkey balls.
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    Hangar pets are every bit as useful as they ever were... under the promptings of the AI, they attack your enemies, when they're not milling around aimlessly, stopping to admire pretty flowers, or hurtling with tragic inevitability into the heart of someone's core breach.

    Separation pets would probably do the same, except that when they enter combat they disappear, tracelessly, nobody knows where, the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns, in all likelihood.

    So, yes, different behaviours. (I fly a carrier on one toon and an Ornash on another, so I can see the different things happening for myself.)
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    "•Resolved a few issues with ship separation powers."

    Just showed up on the test server notes. Lets hope the progress is real.
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    MVAM appeared fixed for me the last time they claimed to fix this, the pets would stay and attack rather than disappear on launch like they used to, they would still disappear after no enemy activity after certain amount of time but it was pretty much acting the same way as security escorts work when they beam up if no enemy activity was happening.
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  • gaevsprivsmangaevsprivsman Member Posts: 314 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    "•Resolved a few issues with ship separation powers."

    Just showed up on the test server notes. Lets hope the progress is real.

    Yup, lets hope
  • carcosa#4225 carcosa Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    My Sheshar assault craft definitely fights. Maybe they fixed that one.

    Haven't played it a lot lately, but my Narcine's Mobulai frigates were reasonably obedient to command last time I was being clever, and the drones on my Vengeance will usually follow other people around if I tell them to.

    Did you parse the damage? Last time I checked my Shshar Assault craft flew around the whole combat but didn't fire a shot...
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I did not parse the damage but I watched it firing steadily while it was out. This was playing the Gravity Kills que. I dropped it over by the Jupiter and it cheerfully sat there blasting away at the endless horde until the fight moved on.
  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 963 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Sure it does considering it's the ai that sends the pets off into nothingness.

    It really isn't. They disapear as if you had activated the ability a second time in order to recombine - but they never recombine.
  • captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    yeah this has to do with separation pets. not hanger pets.

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  • sct7772sct7772 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I have the Advanced Escort T5&T6, the Galaxy Dreadnought T5&T6, the Long range Science Vessel T5&T6, plus fleet versions. I've spent a lot of money on these things over the years and to leave them broken sucks. I've just about stopped playing the game over this issue and I'm definitely not spending another dime on this game until they fix it.
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