I'll go back and read some of the story blogs. I usually ignore them. But could this mean we may see a voiceover role for Marina Sirtis in a future Featured Episode?
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
What we need is one of the Bolian barbers.
More likely a stand-in for Majel Barrett - advanced age, after all.
(It's just as possible that it'll be in a story blog.)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
I doubt lwaxana unless they figured out how to raise the dead....wait can protomatter do that? O.O
Anyways lwaxana was played by Majel Barret Rodenberry who passed away some time ago.
- Cause threads such as this one to spread like a wildfire.
- Make the more. ahem, 'excitable' members of this Community set themselves up for grand disappointment. Again.
- Set people up so they look foolish and silly to the entire InterWebs.
- Give the staff and Moderators at Cryptic and PWE a chuckle at someone else's expense.
I think it is time to rein this in, don't you? Unless you enjoy living your life being a living punchline.
Besides, Deanna wasn't an envoy and has far less experience in diplomatic matters than Lwaxana. So they're probably referring to Lwaxana. And since, as noted, her actress has passed away, it's unlikely that we'll see her in-game.
And here we go again...
In addition, for the Dominion Story Arc we definitely had the chance to meet "Da Sisko" but we don't. Not even Kira.
Well, while this actress is a very good stand-in for the computer voice, and could potentially be good at recreating Majel Roddenberry's style as Lwaxana, it still might be otherwise untenable to get the character in-game simply because likeness rights might still be pretty pricey.
Meaning yeah, they could get someone to do the VO for a passed actress (like with Chris Doohan RE: his dad), but Cryptic would still have to pay for the actual visual representation of the character in question, to CBS.
And the likeness right for a Trek alum of Majel's stature might be pricey.
That's not saying the devs can't pull it off. They do seem to be hiring on other Trek actors, even ones with very recognizable roles, at a decent clip these days, so who knows.