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Fleets not being built for lack of dilithium



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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Fleets are a progressive thing and require patience if you are not full of people with dilithium coming out of their eyeballs. We began our starbase the day they became available a few years ago and just now hit military 5 and sci/eng soon to follow. We have maxed all the holdings as they come along as well due to the nice bonuses. But take that into perspective its been YEARS to get to this point simply because its been an ongoing thing and most of my people dont live with the gotta have it now attitude. But like Druk said theres so many already might as well join an existing one or merge or something because the effort, resources, and time required to start fresh are no joke.
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,666 Bug Hunter
    DIL is a prized commodity regardless what you intend to use it for... be it to convert to Zen, use for upgrades, to buy gear, or as an excellent way to very quickly earn Fleet Credit.

    Sometimes the best strategy can be uniting two smaller fleet's into one larger fleet and disband one of them so the user community is more active in the one that remains'.
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    "Fleet not being built due to a lack of Dil"

    Yeah, this complaint has been around since the game started. You have to have a lot of active players to complete things (anything almost) in Fleet. Most players aren't high level/ long-time toons, so they won't have the millions of dil saved up anyway. If you REALLY want your fleet to level, and you are the one setting the projects, you may find yourself spending all the dil from all of your toons on it.

    All I can say is: Welcome to STO! This is normal.
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    Most fleets 'die' due to a lack of Dil = lack of advancement for the players = players leave to join better fleets.
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,666 Bug Hunter
    It's why fleet leaders need to gauge when it's time to expand verses consolidate their community. Success is not gauged by having more fleet's in game, but having more active fleet's who are growing with everyone's participation, even if that mean's a few less active fleets are disbanded.
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    bonzodog01bonzodog01 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    Over here on Xbox, our KDF fleet has the problem of not being able to get enough Fleet Marks. No-one wants to do PvE's in our fleet, so some projects are taking 2-3 days to get enough fleet marks.
    XBox One - NFV Rylon - T6 Kolasi Siege Destroyer
    British Imperial Armada
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    On Pc, most KDF Fleets are no longer in existance. No one wants to play KDF. We all have them, but the game is biased against products for the KDF, so players favor the toons that can get stuff.
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    Romulans have already been eliminated as a viable group in the game. You won't see Romulan Fleets.
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    salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    The OP just needs to work on his motivation skills. Start by providing a good example. A good fleet leader donates a lot of dilithium. The best leaders donate the most dilithium in their fleet by a mile. When other players see that no one else is donating dilithium, they are less likely to donate their own dilithium. So it's important to have a leader that isn't stingy. A good leader also motivates his members by engaging them positively and asking them about which upgrades they are interested in unlocking. This motivates them to donate their dilithium to the common cause.
    Spending resources leveling fleets up instead of just generating provisions/credits is wasteful.

    All you need are fleet creds and provisions to get the stuff from other, finished fleets.
    You are correct. NoP Public Service has enough members to share the riches with everyone. However, there are many players, myself included, that want personal satisfaction from unlocking a max level fleet with their friends.

    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,545 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    So far, my problem hasn't been dilithium, it's been the inability to get Duty Officers to sacrifice.

    I'm trying to build up K13, but I'm stuck. I need 120 engineering DOs, and doing the Academy mission to get more DOs generally yields 1-2 of them. Of course, that's only possible every 2 DAYS. It's going to take MONTHS to get enough DOs at this rate, and that's for ONE project. God forbid I wanted to do more than one at a time, or wanted to do anything with any of the OTHER fleet stations.

    Dilithium, I'm able to get by playing the game. DOs, I'm not. That should be looked at.

    Go to your starbase, you can buy white Eng or Sci doffs there for 750 fleet credits each, already in coffins...er, boxes.

    When buying, Ctrl + click skips the "are you sure?" prompt.

    You can also grind down 1 green doff for 3 white using the guy in the Academy you get the free doffs from. The type is random but 50/50 to get a sci or eng instead of civ or tac.
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    salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    So far, my problem hasn't been dilithium, it's been the inability to get Duty Officers to sacrifice.

    I'm trying to build up K13, but I'm stuck. I need 120 engineering DOs, and doing the Academy mission to get more DOs generally yields 1-2 of them. Of course, that's only possible every 2 DAYS. It's going to take MONTHS to get enough DOs at this rate, and that's for ONE project. God forbid I wanted to do more than one at a time, or wanted to do anything with any of the OTHER fleet stations.

    Dilithium, I'm able to get by playing the game. DOs, I'm not. That should be looked at.
    You shouldn't have much of a problem after this. I generate a TON of dilithium which I use to generate fleet credits which I use to generate doffs. People always complain about dilithium donating here and in the game but the true grind is duty officers unless you follow the formula for bypassing the grind.

    Dilithium->Fleet Credits->Doffs->Get some fleet credits back

    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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    salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    My starbase doesn't produce anything, it's not even tier 1.
    No problem then. Simply visit NoP Public Service for a starbase invite and you can have all the doffs you need.

    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    So far, my problem hasn't been dilithium, it's been the inability to get Duty Officers to sacrifice.

    I'm trying to build up K13, but I'm stuck. I need 120 engineering DOs, and doing the Academy mission to get more DOs generally yields 1-2 of them. Of course, that's only possible every 2 DAYS. It's going to take MONTHS to get enough DOs at this rate, and that's for ONE project. God forbid I wanted to do more than one at a time, or wanted to do anything with any of the OTHER fleet stations.

    Dilithium, I'm able to get by playing the game. DOs, I'm not. That should be looked at.

    YOu can get all kinds of Doffs from the personnel person in the starbase, if you're starbase is high enough to have that person. If not and you are Fed/Rom, go to the academy and do Doff acquisition missions. KDF/Rom same but on the KDF planet. Pre-division Roms can get some off the Rom station. you get Doffs via doff awarding missions.
    or you buy them from the zen store.
    or you buy them on the exchange.
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    I guess you could try begging, too, but you'd likely get shot (banned) so don't recommend it.
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    tbh my fleet has become well inactive for the most part since we hit tier 5 everything, few log in fewer stay , even our leaders are on once in a while , so when it comes to projects these days especially the ones concerning dil it can wind up satying slotted for months on in, or until someone gets tired of seeing it there and fills it.

    so for the topic the changes havent really been the back breaker, its the inactivity due to people getting bored of the same old same ole.
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    protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,033 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Over here on Xbox, our KDF fleet has the problem of not being able to get enough Fleet Marks. No-one wants to do PvE's in our fleet, so some projects are taking 2-3 days to get enough fleet marks.
    On PC, we have a channel called KDFdefera (as well as FEDdefera) used for getting teams together to do the 4 defera hard missions or anything else KDF. That's 240 fleet marks per daily run, as well as dilithium, xp, borg BNC's and omega reputation marks. One run takes about 20 minutes. Best deal in town. Defera builds fleets.

    Get your your ground on. Kill borg have fun (and fill those projects). Use the BNP's and borg marks to get gear to kill borg even faster whether ground or space.
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    staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    On Pc, most KDF Fleets are no longer in existance. No one wants to play KDF. We all have them, but the game is biased against products for the KDF, so players favor the toons that can get stuff.

    Sorry, just not true. I'm a member of two very active KDF armadas. You just need to ask.
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,414 Arc User
    So far, my problem hasn't been dilithium, it's been the inability to get Duty Officers to sacrifice.

    I'm trying to build up K13, but I'm stuck. I need 120 engineering DOs, and doing the Academy mission to get more DOs generally yields 1-2 of them. Of course, that's only possible every 2 DAYS. It's going to take MONTHS to get enough DOs at this rate, and that's for ONE project. God forbid I wanted to do more than one at a time, or wanted to do anything with any of the OTHER fleet stations.

    Dilithium, I'm able to get by playing the game. DOs, I'm not. That should be looked at.

    Go to your starbase, you can buy white Eng or Sci doffs there for 750 fleet credits each, already in coffins...er, boxes.

    When buying, Ctrl + click skips the "are you sure?" prompt.

    You can also grind down 1 green doff for 3 white using the guy in the Academy you get the free doffs from. The type is random but 50/50 to get a sci or eng instead of civ or tac.

    Adding them to projects gives less FC than the purchase cost so that is something to keep in mind. It's usually better to queue the various missions at the personnel officer or to grab them off the exchange.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    eugenesyseugenesys Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    So far, my problem hasn't been dilithium, it's been the inability to get Duty Officers to sacrifice.

    I'm trying to build up K13, but I'm stuck. I need 120 engineering DOs, and doing the Academy mission to get more DOs generally yields 1-2 of them. Of course, that's only possible every 2 DAYS. It's going to take MONTHS to get enough DOs at this rate, and that's for ONE project. God forbid I wanted to do more than one at a time, or wanted to do anything with any of the OTHER fleet stations.

    Dilithium, I'm able to get by playing the game. DOs, I'm not. That should be looked at.

    Mine's the weird one


    I have no issues filling up DOFFs for my armada myself if they are all distributed evenly.
    Dilithium, most of my fleet members are waiting for the zen-dill to hit 400 before we make an effort converting zen to dil

    If you have issues with DOFF and your fleet is NOT in an armada yet, look me up online ( same @ handle ). We always have open slots in the armada waiting to be filled up. :)
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    fluffymooffluffymoof Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    Do you have a Temporal and Delta alt? If so, gaining the Dil/Marks is stupidly easy if you have space for an additional alt you can level to 20, dump all the rewards into Fleet, delete and repeat.
    One of the many Tellarite Goddesses of Beauty!

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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    On PC, most KDF Fleets are no longer in existence. No one wants to play KDF. We all have them, but the game is biased against products for the KDF, so players favor the toons that can get stuff.

    The KDF Fleet I am in has around 200+ members. The Armada we are in is level 742. At any moment of the day or night at least fifteen or so are logged in. Never have any problems rounding up enough KDF players in the Fleet to play any of the STFs.
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    Romulans have already been eliminated as a viable group in the game. You won't see Romulan Fleets.

    Romulans are not a full faction. Never have been. People playing as Romulan have to "align" themselves with either the Federation or the KDF. So their chars are part of either a KDF Fleet like mine or part of a Federation Fleet. Nevertheless, a casual search of the game or these forums will find Fleets made up entirely or primarily of Romulan characters.

    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    very odd that you have an active KDF fleet.
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    aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    I never understood why the conversion rate of dil: fleet credits is just 1:1. And to be honest, after the Phoenix box event I regret I didn't hoard my surplus dil instead of dumping it on fleet projects. People manage to drop their fleet marks seconds after a new project goes active. But donating dil ? Heck no !
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    wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    aurigas7 wrote: »
    I never understood why the conversion rate of dil: fleet credits is just 1:1. And to be honest, after the Phoenix box event I regret I didn't hoard my surplus dil instead of dumping it on fleet projects. People manage to drop their fleet marks seconds after a new project goes active. But donating dil ? Heck no !

    you did exactly like I did. And wishing the same thing. After I blew all my spendable Dil, I wished I'd held on to a mil or so - just in case.
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    very odd that you have an active KDF fleet.
    Nope. Not odd at all to regular people. And I do not "have" an active KDF Fleet. I am part of one.

    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    aurigas7 wrote: »
    I never understood why the conversion rate of dil: fleet credits is just 1:1. And to be honest, after the Phoenix box event I regret I didn't hoard my surplus dil instead of dumping it on fleet projects. People manage to drop their fleet marks seconds after a new project goes active. But donating dil ? Heck no !

    you did exactly like I did. And wishing the same thing. After I blew all my spendable Dil, I wished I'd held on to a mil or so - just in case.

    you did exactly like I did. And wishing the same thing. After I blew all my spendable Dil, I wished I'd held on to a mil or so - just in case.

    Oh wait, that's what you just said. :P Same, though. Phoenix event, after a fashion, really punished the Dilithium donators.
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    xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,116 Arc User
    First of all, I think the importance of the dil/zen exchange ratio is overstated in this respect. After all, trading dil for zen doesn't sink dil, it puts it into other players' hands. Granted, they may use it for different stuff than fleet projects, but there are also players who wil use dil almost exlusively to buy zen, thus freeing their dil for projects once traded to another player.
    My AOY toon is also sitting on a good chunk of unrefined dil. The cap seriously needs to be raised. As it is now, it will take months to refine it all.

    It has already been elaborated a lot how raising the refinement cap (significantly) would completely alter the game's economy. With the dil/zen ratio trending towards the limit (excluding the phoenix dent), it may even break down since zen rich players don't need to buy dil anymore, at least not as much. Not a good idea in my book.
    bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Over here on Xbox, our KDF fleet has the problem of not being able to get enough Fleet Marks. No-one wants to do PvE's in our fleet, so some projects are taking 2-3 days to get enough fleet marks.

    There's an alternative for getting flarks in doffing. Sure, it may take a while, but once you're running, there's quite a few regularily streaming marks. Not as many as actually playing, but enough to fill fleet projects usually.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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