So... a few weeks ago, I decided to get the Ranger. With no way to get the T6 Constitution, I thought it would be adequate. It was never quite satisfying, but it performed well and had the right general aesthetic.
With the T6 Constitution becoming available, and having 900 points left over, I thought I'd just give it a go and see what happened.
I got my ship. I opened TWO boxes, and there it was, a T6 ship (the Constitution, naturally...).
I'm still a bit in shock. I really didn't expect to get anything of interest, I never, EVER win anything. For once, the rng gods were WITH me!
Whoo. I need to sit down a minute.
do you often play standing up? lol
First, this, but...
Congrats, man!
I hope you enjoy yours as much as I have mine.
BTW, whether you like or not, owning such a ship makes you...ahem, officially " 'Leet" rofl
I now officially hate you! lol
As someone who has been fighting for the ship for years and writing a ton of blogs to help get it in the game the fact that I got it on the first day was a huge surprise and a huge pleasure.
Like my fanpage!
Join Date: August 29th 2010
Regardless Congrats to anyone who gets their super rare ship.
I paid 495 mil EC for my She'shar when it came out and the exchange limit was 500. So I have my Grail Ship. Anything above that is just too rich for my blood.
But as I said, Congrats to everyone who gets theirs.
Join Date: Aug 14th 2008
Otherwise, congrats OP... Tis a fun little ship.
Whats 900 points?
or if he serves on one of the faction agnostic temporal ships
My character Tsin'xing
I plan on getting a 4 pack, and only one. Based on this there is a chance it wont be a waste.
Papa needs a new pair of shoes, er um D7.
Congratuations! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say "I hate you." Two boxes and you get it. RNGesus loves you today.
At any rate, congratz on the big score!
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