Logged in for the first time in a few weeks tonight and noticed 3 characters kits are missing entirely.
All characters had kit modules placed back in inventory but three of them the kit is gone too and isn't in inventory (no overflow bag either).
The three characters are UFP Tactical (23c) (level 60), KDF Tactical (Romulan) (level 60, and a UFP Engineer (23c) (level 36). All other characters kits are intact (with modules now reequipped).
And you can't equip any kit frames on these chars , right?
If you look at the kit slot, it's blacked out - it's as though the item is there, but blank. Right-clicking on the item will allow you to select "info" but brings up the black window saying just "this item can't be unequipped".
More strangeness, I can equip the modules!