Just an observation: the Morrigu is the first non-small Romulan ship I've acquired that doesn't have access to the IRW title. As a fan of the old school Romulans, and someone hoping to just "update" my old ship, kinda sad to see the Morrigu can't currently use it.
And I'll assume it's just an oversight rather than an outright bug.
The latest addition, T6 Laeosa Science Warbird, also only allows R.R.W and the faction designation you're forcibly affiliated with.
Just prior to that, the lockbox ship T'Laru allows for I.R.W., so it seems they're reserving the Imperial prefixes on the more expensive warbirds, or maybe there's no logic to it.
It is pretty disappointing after paying $25-35+ USD supporting previous I.R.W. ship and ship packs like the Scimitars and essentially rebuying them again as T6s we're forced to embrace the 'they're built by Republicans now' using their non-existent shipyards while also still colonizing their New Romulus and lacking their own fleet facilities too.
It's tough role-playing a Romulan in STO when you're constantly reminded of how you should and shouldn't indulge in your fantasy and vision of how Romulans were depicted on screen, even after throwing so much money into the game.
Because it originated from within the Republic, it only allows the R.R.W. prefix.
The T'Laru, as already mentioned, is not a Tal Shiar ship, nor cross-faction (Romulans only), yet it allows I.R.W as a real feature and not a blank space where you write in whatever designation you want. Imperials barely built it, and republicans instantly stole it as their own, yet uphold the I.R.W. flagship of their enemies? Right.
Friendly republicans have a Reman flagship (Scimitar) with Fed-outlawed banned thalaron weaponry that is made to destroy all lifeforms on an entire planet.
Inconsistencies and contradictions do not go away by simply stating "because it originated from so and so."