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Bridge interior big needs and proplems



  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    To make ship interiors viable, it is necessary to add functionality. Adding just the ability to add Bank, Exchange, Dabo Table, Tailor, and Mailbox to ship interiors would make more players use their ship interiors instead of going to ESD, their Fleet Starbase, or some other social zone. After all, it is far easier to go to your Bridge compared to Transwarping to ESD, docking with ESD, and then traveling back to your previous location.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    To make ship interiors viable, it is necessary to add functionality. Adding just the ability to add Bank, Exchange, Dabo Table, Tailor, and Mailbox to ship interiors would make more players use their ship interiors instead of going to ESD, their Fleet Starbase, or some other social zone. After all, it is far easier to go to your Bridge compared to Transwarping to ESD, docking with ESD, and then traveling back to your previous location.

    Except, of course, Cryptic wants you to use social zones, so they won't go for that.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    Cryptic wanting us to use social zones may be true, but it raises a question in my mind: Why doesn't Risia and QWW have a Ship Selector? The two most (seasonally) popular cross faction social zones in game? Both of which have a prize ship associated with it? Seems only natural...
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    bergins wrote: »
    Cryptic wanting us to use social zones may be true, but it raises a question in my mind: Why doesn't Risia and QWW have a Ship Selector? The two most (seasonally) popular cross faction social zones in game? Both of which have a prize ship associated with it? Seems only natural...

    You meant Risa? Good question. :) They do have an Exchange and a Bank, I think (way in the back).

    Mind you, I'd love to be able to do everything from my bridge! And social zones?! Has anyone at Cryptic ever *seen* ESD Zone chat!? :P

    What would be wickedly cool, IMHO, if you could go to your bridge and do battle via the large view screen. I know, I know, that can't be done using a ship-perspective, as it were (as, in space, we're essentially the ship), but I mean just the same view you're getting now, but only projected on the big viewing screen on your bridge. :)
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    The TOS Bridge that I rock on my T6 Temporal Light Cruiser is absolutely perfect! Along with the interiors. When I beam up from K-13, to my Tier 6 Connie, I then go onto my bridge and sit in my chair and patiently wait for a yeoman to bring me a tablet to sign! This is Star Trek the way it was meant to be!

  • lexx#3142 lexx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I Agree we need more ships bridges and more things to do on them like the fish tank in the captains ready room we can buy fish for it too
  • theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    That dead gorse again? There won't ever and will never be a T6 TOS anything, much less the Constitution in the game. Ever!

    ... ops, wrong thread & year.
    soulxsino wrote: »
    Was it not mentioned that when bridges were made back then, that they didn't make enough to justify continuing making additional bridges. At least ships now get custom bridges. So it isn't like the dropped the idea completely.

    They said that but since the intentional messing up of the TNG interior it should be pretty clear they just don't care. Instead of making the bridge, like they have game-canonized it even before STO release, modular so Intrepid and every other TNG ship fan could use the interior with their bridge of choice that made most sense with whatever ship they are flying. Instead of that they; regardless of having been told multiple time before, during and after the Intr.Int. release; in their infinite wisdom decided to tie the distinctive Intrepid bridge to that TNG interior AND then even have the nerves to pout for not enough sales? Its pretty much known that the interiors already only attract a fraction of the player base; and then release it only for a tiny fraction of that small fraction? Do they really need their holy metrics to calculate that? "Only listen, never act" must have been never paid out more.

    From the missions I know its a great looking interior. I would have loved to add it to a lot of ships I have; with each their bridge. The Oddys Aquarius bridge with that interior? Awesome thought; would have been a day one purchase for that alone. But since that does not work and I do not even have an Intrepid for any of my chars in use: no deal.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,737 Community Moderator
    There are several missions in game already that take place on board a ship, and I'm sure there will be others in the future.

    Cryptic could make a standard ship interior layout, and if possible, re-skin the walls, etc for the appropriate type ship.

    Then replace the mission maps on older episodes with the new layout, and use it for future missions as well. This could give the initial incentive to revamp interiors.

    Once done, the map could then be made available to players for their ship's interior. The ability to re-skin the walls, etc could also be made available to players allowing for customization.

    Additionally or separately, they could implement something similar to Fleet Starbases and Holdings, except on a smaller scale for the individual, i.e. Starship Interiors. Every so often, they could release a new deck of your ship with various cosmetic projects to complete as you desire. Perhaps allowing a certain amount of color/style customization through the C-Store that can be toggled off and on like the Starbase Christmas Ornaments.
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