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Bridge interior big needs and proplems

OK half the time no access to crew deck or rest of ship lack of use to ship interior due to not much capabilities tailor or a wardrobe in your captains room would make since I agree what have read with other people for console and pc I know youguys are busy with a lot of stuff but all shops should have there own bridge may be classic future or modern no lacks of bugs we all hate I get that new to console thing but more interiors and add more stuff I get it takes time mapping programs writing codes to fit formats to not get to many bugs and remap. Op team this is a big deal breaker for marketing you guys please read what ppl want you gain more money yes your spread thin on things and tight on schedule and people are not easy at time I'm happy Customer on how far you guys came in these years now push to thrive on this game and it's success buto interior and missions focus and bugs please


  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Also any one ideas please post comments
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    this is a big deal breaker for marketing

    Not really. You are confusing "I want" with "All Players Want."

    Interiors do not get much attention because there is not enough money in them and they are not a big marketing feature.

    Some people want them, but only a small number of people really care. Most people only care about flying around in a ship and firing beams to blow things up, followed by dressing up their captain and crew in nice clothes.
  • soulxsinosoulxsino Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    Was it not mentioned that when bridges were made back then, that they didn't make enough to justify continuing making additional bridges. At least ships now get custom bridges. So it isn't like the dropped the idea completely.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    Op please see the following link. Answers to your questions are there.


    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    The lag the PC I'm borrowing experiences on Spacedock can be pretty chronic at times, and it can easily take five minutes to get from the transporter to the tailor, so having tailor options via the readyroom would be good... Other than that, I'm happy with the ship interiors as they are - I spend almost no time in them anyway :D

    (I know the lag is to do with ESD, because it doesn't occur in missions or other maps... I figure it's something to do with the amount of users logging the server of that location, as at some times, movement is unhindered...)
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    As a console player I have no idea if the game ever allowed your player to routinely go anywhere else on the starship other than the bridge and/or those few locations specifically dictated by the game mechanic (like the areas in the tutorial)? I do know that it is annoying to be told that trophies can be viewed on the crew deck, when you can't actually go there.
  • irm1963irm1963 Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    As a console player I have no idea if the game ever allowed your player to routinely go anywhere else on the starship ....

    The PC default bridges and the C-Store add-ons have crew and engineering decks as well, but all oversized (especially silly if you're flying a little escort and your engineering room looks bigger than your ship :)). There's three better-scaled interiors that are from special packs (Defiant/Intrepid/TOS Enterprise) in the store as well. They made a new default Federation bridge when they revamped the tutorial (probably the same one you have) which is a bit better proportioned, although crew/engineering maps are just the old ones.

    Romulan ships got a full interior but the other decks don't have any of the NPCs the older ones do. Looks lovely but not much use except for RP and screenshots sadly.

    Almost all of the custom bridges released with event\lobi\lockbox ships are Bridge only.

  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    God bless the rest of you being able to decipher the OP's run on sentence.

    Some grammar and punctuation is needed here I think.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    God bless the rest of you being able to decipher the OP's run on sentence.

    Some grammar and punctuation is needed here I think.

    Punctuation: it's not just for breakfast anymore.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    Periods and commas are your friend, OP. A brick wall needs mortar. Otherwise it's just a pile of bricks. Likewise, a sentence needs punctuation. Otherwise it's just a list of meaningless words.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • stee1maxstee1max Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    The bridges are useless and you are among 20 players that actually care. Solution? Change priorities.
  • jaywest21jaywest21 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Well, I wouldn't say *all* bridges/interiors are useless; my Nandi has bank, mail, and exchange access, and even a Dabo table.

    But yeah, most of them pretty much are, except just for decoration. And I guess that's the point. Useless tho it may be, I just like having the TOS bridge and interior on my old-school Connie.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    this is a big deal breaker for marketing

    Not really. You are confusing "I want" with "All Players Want."

    Interiors do not get much attention because there is not enough money in them and they are not a big marketing feature.

    Some people want them, but only a small number of people really care. Most people only care about flying around in a ship and firing beams to blow things up, followed by dressing up their captain and crew in nice clothes.

    I actually wonder about that. Far too many MMOs have some form of Player Housing that goes from completely cosmetic to having some functionality. Most Player Housings seem to be a fixed map with fixed placements for various cosmetic and functional items.

    Star Trek Online could go one step farther and modify the Foundry system to create customizable ship interiors. Just modify Neverwinter's Foundry system to Star Trek Online's specifications and add various prefabricated rooms and corridors. The furniture can be obtained through the C-Store (Andorian, Bajoran, Reman, Orion, Gorn, etc), the Lockbox (Borg, Undine, Herald, Xindi, etc), or the Dilithium Store. A good Lockbox Decoration might be almost as profitable as a good Lockbox ship. Or they could go with the route that everyone else has and create some apartments in San Francisco, First City, and New Romulus City.
  • comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    Bridges are not a big hit in STO therefore it's not a priority to the team... Also what are proplems?

  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    As a console player I have no idea if the game ever allowed your player to routinely go anywhere else on the starship other than the bridge and/or those few locations specifically dictated by the game mechanic (like the areas in the tutorial)? I do know that it is annoying to be told that trophies can be viewed on the crew deck, when you can't actually go there.

  • nccmarknccmark Member Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    Mo' money mo' proplems
  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    some bridge interiors have access to ship parts like egineer etc..
  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    Steelmax... Make that (21) players. :p
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    There has always been a bit of circular logic going on with bridges: "We don't make em, because they don't sell. So we're not putting much effort into them... because they don't sell." Even Tacofangs acknowledged this, at some point. Still, one can readily see selling just bridges is, indeed, not economically viable: way too much time is needed for a relatively small return. So, unless they're part of a mission story line, expect no new bridges.

    Lockbox ships, however, as a rule, get their own bridges (and often very pretty ones, at that).

    While singular bridges apparently don't sell (enough), I still think player housing, as a whole, would sell like crazy.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    this is a big deal breaker for marketing

    Not really. You are confusing "I want" with "All Players Want."

    Interiors do not get much attention because there is not enough money in them and they are not a big marketing feature.

    Some people want them, but only a small number of people really care. Most people only care about flying around in a ship and firing beams to blow things up, followed by dressing up their captain and crew in nice clothes.

    aka MOAR PEW PEW PEW and space barbie :)
  • bwleon7bwleon7 Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    It's one of the most irritating things about the game for me.

    I believe one of the DEVs have stated that they don't put much effort into bridges because people don't go to them much. But the reason we don't go to them is because there is nothing to do on them.

    -Allow more customization options on the bridges. Not just swap the full bridge but let me use different types of chairs. different consoles, view screens etc.
    -Add some sort of ship event that allows you to engage boarders that are trying to take over your ship. The more of and better equipped you Boffs are the easier it will be to defend your ship from take over.
    -Basically are ship interiors could function as player housing does in other MMOs.
    Dr. Miranda Jones: I understand, Mr. Spock. The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.
    Mr. Spock: And the ways our differences combine, to create meaning and beauty.

    -Star Trek: Is There in Truth No Beauty? (1968)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    There has always been a bit of circular logic going on with bridges: "We don't make em, because they don't sell. So we're not putting much effort into them... because they don't sell." Even Tacofangs acknowledged this, at some point. Still, one can readily see selling just bridges is, indeed, not economically viable: way too much time is needed for a relatively small return. So, unless they're part of a mission story line, expect no new bridges.

    Lockbox ships, however, as a rule, get their own bridges (and often very pretty ones, at that).

    While singular bridges apparently don't sell (enough), I still think player housing, as a whole, would sell like crazy.
    It's not really circular. They made them way back when, then stopped because they weren't selling.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • dana2lovedana2love Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    jaywest21 wrote: »
    Well, I wouldn't say *all* bridges/interiors are useless; my Nandi has bank, mail, and exchange access, and even a Dabo table.

    sad thing is, you can't show off your latinum trophies on the ferengi bridge. that's just sad.
  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    ryan222322 wrote: »
    OK half the time no access to crew deck or rest of ship, lack of use to ship interior, due to not much capabilities , tailor or, a wardrobe in your captains room. I agree what have read with other people comments and stuff other places for console and pc players. I know you guys are busy with a lot of stuff but all shops should have there own bridge may be classic future or modern no lacks of bugs we all hate I get that new to console thing but more interiors and add more stuff I get it takes time mapping programs writing codes to fit formats to not get to many bugs and remap. Op team this is a big deal breaker for marketing you guys please read what ppl want you gain more money yes your spread thin on things and tight on schedule and people are not easy at time I'm happy Customer on how far you guys came in these years now push to thrive on this game and it's success buto interior and missions focus and bugs please
    starkaos wrote: »
    this is a big deal breaker for marketing

    Not really. You are confusing "I want" with "All Players Want."

    Interiors do not get much attention because there is not enough money in them and they are not a big marketing feature.

    Some people want them, but only a small number of people really care. Most people only care about flying around in a ship and firing beams to blow things up, followed by dressing up their captain and crew in nice clothes.

    I actually wonder about that. Far too many MMOs have some form of Player Housing that goes from completely cosmetic to having some functionality. Most Player Housings seem to be a fixed map with fixed placements for various cosmetic and functional items.

    Star Trek Online could go one step farther and modify the Foundry system to create customizable ship interiors. Just modify Neverwinter's Foundry system to Star Trek Online's specifications and add various prefabricated rooms and corridors. The furniture can be obtained through the C-Store (Andorian, Bajoran, Reman, Orion, Gorn, etc), the Lockbox (Borg, Undine, Herald, Xindi, etc), or the Dilithium Store. A good Lockbox Decoration might be almost as profitable as a good Lockbox ship. Or they could go with the route that everyone else has and create some apartments in San Francisco, First City, and New Romulus City.

    That could work I like that idea
  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    this is a big deal breaker for marketing

    Not really. You are confusing "I want" with "All Players Want."

    Interiors do not get much attention because there is not enough money in them and they are not a big marketing feature.

    Some people want them, but only a small number of people really care. Most people only care about flying around in a ship and firing beams to blow things up, followed by dressing up their captain and crew in nice clothes.

    aka MOAR PEW PEW PEW and space barbie :)

    OK I'm get marketing statistics and all that but I'm like the game but I am also realistic
    Kinda player
  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    There has always been a bit of circular logic going on with bridges: "We don't make em, because they don't sell. So we're not putting much effort into them... because they don't sell." Even Tacofangs acknowledged this, at some point. Still, one can readily see selling just bridges is, indeed, not economically viable: way too much time is needed for a relatively small return. So, unless they're part of a mission story line, expect no new bridges.

    Lockbox ships, however, as a rule, get their own bridges (and often very pretty ones, at that).

    While singular bridges apparently don't sell (enough), I still think player housing, as a whole, would sell like crazy.

    Well I get what you are saying , but my opinion is the reason they don't sell there nothing really to do or reason to go to bridge and walk around ships besides looks. If (we) being certain people had a grand idea that would sell would sto and the teams hear those people out?
  • ryan222322ryan222322 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    bwleon7 wrote: »
    It's one of the most irritating things about the game for me.

    I believe one of the DEVs have stated that they don't put much effort into bridges because people don't go to them much. But the reason we don't go to them is because there is nothing to do on them.

    -Allow more customization options on the bridges. Not just swap the full bridge but let me use different types of chairs. different consoles, view screens etc.
    -Add some sort of ship event that allows you to engage boarders that are trying to take over your ship. The more of and better equipped you Boffs are the easier it will be to defend your ship from take over.
    -Basically are ship interiors could function as player housing does in other MMOs.

    I agree with you 100% of what you wrote maybe we can get to chatting and get ideas and create big thong were so can see a profit because that's what keeps them up is money but you got that right ideas :)
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    The first bridges they made, which are still in the game, are utter ****, and many of the ones you're supposed to buy aren't much better. The comparison between the art quality then and what the team is producing now is night and day, why would anyone pay for such poor work when they can look around in game and see so much better? Plus the lack of ability to customize and personalize makes for less incentive still, along with the lack of things to do.

    A combination of better art up to the current excellent standards, more ways to make it our own (model it off player housing in other games which does seem to be successful) and the possibility of missions in our own ship interiors and you could have a winner. I was disappointed when I realized I couldn't staff and customize my ship interior my own way, and if there were more and better options I would have loved to drop a few zen for them.​​

    Maybe, but "some people would pay" is not at all :"enough people would pay to make it worth Cryptic's effort."

    Developers could work on "stuff to do in your ship" or a new story episode. Which one gets more people spending money on new ships and gear?

    It's similar to supporting Mac and XP. Cryptic loses some money by dropping their support, but it clearly is not enough money to be worth the effort and costs.

    I'm in the minority that would pay to be able to do things like customize interiors, pick the bridge crew, and assign my choice of uniforms to other crew. But I'm afraid it's too small of a minority to matter.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    ryan222322 wrote: »
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    There has always been a bit of circular logic going on with bridges: "We don't make em, because they don't sell. So we're not putting much effort into them... because they don't sell." Even Tacofangs acknowledged this, at some point. Still, one can readily see selling just bridges is, indeed, not economically viable: way too much time is needed for a relatively small return. So, unless they're part of a mission story line, expect no new bridges.

    Lockbox ships, however, as a rule, get their own bridges (and often very pretty ones, at that).

    While singular bridges apparently don't sell (enough), I still think player housing, as a whole, would sell like crazy.

    Well I get what you are saying , but my opinion is the reason they don't sell there nothing really to do or reason to go to bridge and walk around ships besides looks. If (we) being certain people had a grand idea that would sell would sto and the teams hear those people out?

    For bridges to be useful, they'd have to remove the things you can do on them outside of them (like contacting your duty officers and such). Or we invent something new, like unique DOFF missions that can only be taken from inside, like you can inside your various Fleet holdigs. (But good, updated ones, and not like a 10% chance of crafting a purple Mk XII alien console that you'll never ever use or sell to begin with)
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