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Here it comes - T6 Sovereign



  • foxman00foxman00 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    foxman00 wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Did I miss something? Are people really THAT impatient that they can't wait just a little longer for the (likely superior) Intel version?
    szim wrote: »

    Well, it depends. I would rather spend my fortune in Zen which I've been saving up to buy both T6 variants. Instead I now have to spend real money in order to complete my set. And frankly, I'm just not interested in Star Trek Attack Wing, at all.
    Erm - no, sorry - you don't HAVE to.....

    Not true. If he doesnt do it, they'll go to his house and it will not go well for him.

    Fear the wrath of the Angry Attack Wing Player mob!

    What are they going to do with us, poke us with their minatures? :)

    Who knows they apparently have Jedi mind-powers and thus the ability to pursuade someone to spend money on a minature ship they don't really want.

    *Waves hand* 'This IS the ship you are looking for....'

    Pffft, LOL :D
  • gaevsmangaevsman Member Posts: 3,190 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    gaevsman wrote: »
    First response: Yay, finally a T6 sovvie!
    Second response: Cool, looks modern and sleek and--
    Fourth response: Attack wing exclusive?! No!

    I was looking forward to this, but I think I'll pass. Mostly because of that last point--I'm not going to buy a toy to get this ship after saving up zen for it.

    The command version.. yes... Wizkinds, but i found it online for 16 dollars.. the Intel, soon on the C-Store near you!!
    I think you found the one without the code. The one with the code is 59.95 at least at the only seller anywhere near me.

    No, i double checked and its the 2016 version, really. i havent found any of those outrageous prices you are talking about, with international shipping its $30.95, so make sure you are looking in the right retailer, some are... shady.. :smile:
    The forces of darkness are upon us!
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Am I correct in thinking this is PC code only and not for PS/Xbox consoles?

    Considering there's no announcement on the console sites and the overall lack of ships in the console version in general I'd guess the promo ship is also pc exclusive for now.
  • exarch1701exarch1701 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Heres my take on this:

    The difference between the Fleet T5-U and the T6 command variant? Command abilities (Which are garbage), a console (meh), and a starship trait (Which will, most likely, be garbage).

    The difference between the Fleet T5-U and the T6 intel variant? 1 less Tactical console slot than the T5-U (boo), the use of Intel abilities (Yay!), a console (meh), and a starship trait (Again. Probably garbage)

    3 piece console set: Battle cloak. The consoles themselves, arent that great and Im not wasting 3 console slots for a cloak.

    Im a Sov fanboy as much as the next guy, but I cant see myself spending cash on this. Although, kudos for bringing out a T6 variant for such an iconic ship.
  • redeyedravenredeyedraven Member Posts: 1,297 Arc User
    exarch1701 wrote: »
    3 piece console set: Battle cloak. The consoles themselves, arent that great and Im not wasting 3 console slots for a cloak.

    Im a Sov fanboy as much as the next guy, but I cant see myself spending cash on this.

    You can just directly go for the Fleet-T6-version then, as long as you have the necessary FC and enough EC to buy the ship-modules from the exchange. No cash necessary :)
  • saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    While having cloak sounds fun and nice, it's not actually that great in the game.
    1) - cloak drops shields to 0 - so be carefull for explosions and warp core breachs!
    2) - most interactions and dialogs will drop cloak automatically - and it's got a cooldown timer
    3) - i may be wrong, but i think that not only it drops shields, but it actually drain shield power...

    So, unless it's Enhaced Battle Cloak or Scimitar Battle Cloak (the one with shields up :) ) i do not actually use them that much - even on my Romulan toons...
  • redeyedravenredeyedraven Member Posts: 1,297 Arc User
    saber1973a wrote: »
    i do not actually use them that much - even on my Romulan toons...

    If you go for strong alpha-strikes and tend to smoke enemy ships very quickly, cloak is an awsome tool of picking targets. Battle-cloak after firing up Polarize Hull is also a good escape.
  • msb777msb777 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    I'm not for shere if its true or not but the wiki for the Intel Assault Cruiser T6 the console states that after useing the console, *Self: Cannot launch hangar ships for 5 seconds. but the Assault Cruisers dont have hangar bays. So dose the Assault Cruiser T6 have one, or is the wiki wrong. I know some people got the ship by acsident, but there is no official notes.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    For those freaking out about the price on Amazon, just wait until the actual release and the price will be at or below the $15 MSRP. As far as board games go, Amazon is filled with bottom sucking shops who mark up prices on pre-orders double or more what the actual cost is to take advantage of people who are out of the loop. Happens on every game, every time.

    That being said, as soon as it's released, you will want to grab the thing fast, within the first week. Game stores tend to only order a few copies of any given product (even the big ones will get maybe 50), and with games like Attack Wing often the manufacturer doesn't do more than one production run of any given expansion. So, if you don't get one in the first couple weeks, often the only people left will jack the prices up even higher on stuff if it's in demand.

    Here's an example, the out of print Boba Fett expansion pack for Imperial Assault, MSRP $10.

    Like I said, get it ASAP or it won't be worth getting.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    exarch1701 wrote: »
    Heres my take on this:

    The difference between the Fleet T5-U and the T6 command variant? Command abilities (Which are garbage), a console (meh), and a starship trait (Which will, most likely, be garbage).

    The difference between the Fleet T5-U and the T6 intel variant? 1 less Tactical console slot than the T5-U (boo), the use of Intel abilities (Yay!), a console (meh), and a starship trait (Again. Probably garbage)

    3 piece console set: Battle cloak. The consoles themselves, arent that great and Im not wasting 3 console slots for a cloak.

    Im a Sov fanboy as much as the next guy, but I cant see myself spending cash on this. Although, kudos for bringing out a T6 variant for such an iconic ship.

    T6 ships have +1 BOFF ability slot, something you guys lingering in the ghetto have never understood.
  • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    So this is something that is coming to the PC then
  • sovereign010sovereign010 Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    It's about time, when I get this I'm sticking the Imperial skin on it- I've always thought it looks really badass :smiley:
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    I had a feeling that they would make the ship set require items from both versions of the ship. I do wish they added the special seating to the commander seat rather than a ltcom seat as I don't care a lot about engineering abilities.
    Post edited by avoozuul on
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    exarch1701 wrote: »
    Heres my take on this:

    The difference between the Fleet T5-U and the T6 command variant? Command abilities (Which are garbage), a console (meh), and a starship trait (Which will, most likely, be garbage).

    The difference between the Fleet T5-U and the T6 intel variant? 1 less Tactical console slot than the T5-U (boo), the use of Intel abilities (Yay!), a console (meh), and a starship trait (Again. Probably garbage)

    3 piece console set: Battle cloak. The consoles themselves, arent that great and Im not wasting 3 console slots for a cloak.

    Im a Sov fanboy as much as the next guy, but I cant see myself spending cash on this. Although, kudos for bringing out a T6 variant for such an iconic ship.

    T6 ships have +1 BOFF ability slot, something you guys lingering in the ghetto have never understood.

    It might be hard to understand for them, since they might be used to running into shared cooldowns everywhere and not realize that +1 BOFF slot and a hybrid seat means all these problems go away.

    Not that there are many shared cooldowns left anyway.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    I had a few hours of snooping around and searching where I can buy it. So far I only found one site in the UK, although it's awfully vague with the details and no clear packaging (I think they forgot to add the second image in their pre-order). 20 days to wait for it though. Does anyone know if Amazon will have it also?


    I.K.S Gr'oth looks really nice. Kind of wish did a promotion for that *slap myself* "Don't give them ideas! Fool!" I mean they should sell it in the store. I really like a Vor'cha or K'tinga T6.

    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
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  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    There is a T6 D-7 / K'T'Inga. Unfortunately it's part of that crazy TOS ship release with the T6 Connie where the pricing is out of reach for most that wanted it.
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    There is a T6 D-7 / K'T'Inga. Unfortunately it's part of that crazy TOS ship release with the T6 Connie where the pricing is out of reach for most that wanted it.


    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    Oh, I got my TOS T6, don't worry about me B)
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    I assure you, nobody here is worried about anyone else here.
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    I am still disappointed though <sobs>
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
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  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    I assure you, nobody here is worried about anyone else here.


    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    I had a few hours of snooping around and searching where I can buy it. So far I only found one site in the UK, although it's awfully vague with the details and no clear packaging (I think they forgot to add the second image in their pre-order). 20 days to wait for it though. Does anyone know if Amazon will have it also?


    I.K.S Gr'oth looks really nice. Kind of wish did a promotion for that *slap myself* "Don't give them ideas! Fool!" I mean they should sell it in the store. I really like a Vor'cha or K'tinga T6.

    That is a truly awful model of a D7. The IKS Gr'oth is not a refitted D7 from TMP onwards, it's a TOS era D7 with a ever so slight feathered pattern on the top of the wings. It's also a single shade of green all across with the exception of the grills on the blocky things on the top of the hull.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


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  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    I thought for a moment about doing the grind but just for a moment till the client would crash on loading screen which to me reminded me of why I shouldn't bother with STO because they can never keep it operational.
  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    Oh I wish I could find the miniture online... I really hate that they lumped it in with something I wouldnt normally buy...

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  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    No need to beat that horse - flying the archon is a punishment detail. I'm finding it fiercely underwhelming. I don't see the battle cloak (at the cost of several intensely lack-luster consoles) changing that.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    No need to beat that horse - flying the archon is a punishment detail. I'm finding it fiercely underwhelming. I don't see the battle cloak (at the cost of several intensely lack-luster consoles) changing that.

    Yeah, as nice as the model looks, the underwhelming stats will keep me away. Just no real reason to get this ship when I already own the Odyssey which has a similar model and is otherwise superior in every way.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Well just a heads up. Yesterday was the official Launch date according to the Game store here I contacted. Looks like the Run for these was under run by a lot. Other sources say the same thing. As out of the ones they ordered, they received ONE. I happened to call right as they were opening their shipment so was able to grab it before anyone else. So the Philadelphia area is pretty much sold out as I contacted every store in the City limits. They said they wont have more for about a month. I doubt they will have the code tho. So if you do grab one MAKE SURE IT HAS THE STO sticker on the box front. No sticker no code. Price was $14.95

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  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    Darn, looks like as an Australian I will likely miss out on it. : (
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
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