I have noticed here in the past couple of days that I have been taking more aggro and Kinetic or other Damage than is usual. I have had to outfit my ship and it's traits for more defense but to no avail. Anyone else getting this problem?
nullifier consoles from the embassy can assist with this to negate some of the threat you put out. however if you're damage is too far above the rest of the team then even with nullifiers it may not matter. what exactly are you fighting?
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
It depends on what Boff abilities you use as well.
For example, one time in ISA I decided to remove all Exotic Particle Generators and any other console that enhances exotic damage. That made my gravity well extremely weak. Despite the pitiful amount of exotic damage I was dealing, I still managed to get the full attention of all the Borg Spheres.
Damage output by the NPCs is no different with the recent, major update.
Yeah Pug's would be it. But never have I encountered anything like this before, NPC's seem to hit harder than they once did. . .
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For example, one time in ISA I decided to remove all Exotic Particle Generators and any other console that enhances exotic damage. That made my gravity well extremely weak. Despite the pitiful amount of exotic damage I was dealing, I still managed to get the full attention of all the Borg Spheres.