Trying to enable/disable the display of Frames Per Second (FPS) by typing
/showfps 1 (enable) or
/showfps 0 (disable) in the console has no effect anymore.
/showfps without an argument shows the last argument used:
[System] showfps 0.000000
[System] showfps 1.000000
Haven't tried other console commands (such as
/combatlog) yet. Hopefully, this isn't a general problem with console commands.
Really sucks that with a big change to the graphics of the game such an essential tool cannot be utilized.
1. Open the Nvidia GeForce Experience application. (usually in the systray)
2. Upper right next to the gear icon is "share your greatest gaming moments", select that.
3. Click on the gear icon below Gallery.
4. Select Overlays
5. Select FPS
6. Now choose where you want the FPS to show (I chose upper right).
Holodeck ticket 3,388,989: The commands /showfps and /showCamPos are broken
They subsequently fixed /showfps, but not /showCamPos. Now, /showfps is broken again. To work around the problem, run the following command:
/hidedevui 0
This will also display the camera position and angle and a memory warning. If you don't want to see the camera info, run the command
/showCamPos 0