I discussed this in general, but I'm going to ask here in hopes of seeing if it's a mistake or an intended change that didn't hit the patch notes.
As of this patch, the autorun to nearby selected targets when using a melee sword looks to have been removed. Someone in general said it's like this on consoles already. Was this change intended to happen on PC as well? I rather liked the different feel of playing a sword vs. bat'leth or lirpa. If this is not a bug, please consider bringing the sword DPS up to match the bat'leth and lirpa if it's going to operate the same. If it's now an AoE weapon on standard hits, the info text needs to be changed to reflect this as it still says one target when you bring up detailed info on the weapon.
I'm really hoping this is a bug that can be addressed in one of the next few patches as it substantially changes the feeling of melee combat, IMO.
My guess is that they had problems making the gap closer work properly on one of the consoles (or just wanted to simplify code) and pulled it out and now it has made its way here with the update. It's a pity, because IMO, it removed an enjoyable aspect of the game. If they intentionally removed it, or just did it without much thought, I'd ask that they revisit the decision or make some adjustments to what is there now. It's always sad when PC games get dumbed down for consoles--especially an established game like this one.
At this point, I'd just appreciate if they'd let us know if it's WAI or a bug.
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