After today's Artifacts patch, even if it says it supports DX9, it doesn't work. The game crashes after ENGAGE without any error message of any type. I can't log at all. Not even using -d3d11enable 0 -d3d9, or Safe Mode.
GFX Card is Nvidia GeForce 210
Accordly with Game Support, it won't work ever again. No if you are playing on XP. But i've heard this many times. "Update this, update that". I didn't update a TRIBBLE and then after some new patch it was miraculously fixed. But I feel this is the time. They finally said "frak you, poor users, update or die. M$ paid us too much to kick off any non Win10 machine. Face it".
Seems like a strange fix, as I can't use DX11 but well, nothing lost trying....