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Romulan Captain Skills Bug

djtxtom321djtxtom321 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
I am a lvl 51 Romulus captain and I have 1 space specialization point which is weird because I should have 2 because this problem appeared when I turned lvl 50 and thought leveling up could solve the problem but it didn't and I am unable to spend that on any of the skills available. I am also unable to pick a passive ability for space skills and ground skills. The way I am unable to select it is I am able to click on the skill and it gives that are you sure pop up and I hit accept but it does not actually accept it. I have logged out restarted the game and it didn't help. I also switched to my Federation Captains and Leveled him up to get a specialization point and I was able to apply it to him and he is 54. I also was able to pick a passive thankfully. I missed one in my early science tree. I really hope I am not missing something here and I hope its a bug that can be fixed.


  • unholy1#2773 unholy1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Same issue. On Xbox One.

    Hit 50 with a Romulan last night and can't assign my final point for my space skill or ground skill.

    I can select it and hit accept but nothing happens.
  • bishopat#9304 bishopat Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Same issue on Xbox. If you continue leveling you also will not be able to spend specialization points.

    Edit: To add more info, also romulan, this occurs when you hit level 50. Cropped up at the same time as ESD bugging out (also on Xbox), immediately after a server maintenance/crash whichever it was.
  • stonecarcass#7218 stonecarcass Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same issue here
  • cotaciacotacia Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Same as well. Ticket created etc etc
  • unholy1#2773 unholy1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Just for the record, not sure if this always works but I spent a respec token and it let me assign all my skill points, and when I hit 51 it let me assign my specialization point as well.

    So it "fixed it" for me, but I don't want to recommend it as those tokens aren't free and I'm a sample size of 1, so maybe it won't work for everyone.
  • bishopat#9304 bishopat Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I would be tempted to do so. But I see no reason to have to spend money to fix a problem with their system. That and there is no reason to believe it would work for everyone.
  • booneironshield#6324 booneironshield Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Same here. I created a topic on the STO reddit about it and going by the responses it appears it's limited to Romulan Tactical captains, at least everyone that's actually mentioned what career they were happened to be Tactical.
  • loutheloulouthelou Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Can't spend skill points, can't spend specialization points, can't select captain passives, can't unlock ship or reputation trait slots. It's like character progression is stuck at level 49. I got a response from my ticket, they asked me for my character and handle info, and asked me if I had taken any other troubleshooting steps. I responded, now I'm waiting again. Maybe they'll just send me a retrain token and I can get on with it, because this is really annoying.
  • bishopat#9304 bishopat Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I answered all their questions and was told it was an unreported bug and they would not help. Despite the fact the forums are on fire about this.
  • aeodin#8443 aeodin Member Posts: 1 New User
    Same issue... Xbox one.. Romulan Tac. Capt.
  • m7ch43lm7ch43l Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    not just Tactical, Engineer as well
  • loutheloulouthelou Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    If you find yourself unwilling or unable to wait for a fix, using a Captain Retrain token (300 ZEN) will fix your bugged characters. At least, it did for one other guy on the forums, and myself - I used a retrain token, and it fixed all my character problems (unlocking ship trait slots still takes a log in/out sometimes, but that's do-able).
  • oldnruty#8528 oldnruty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    This bug also is present with the c-store purchased Reman characters... I don't mind games with micro transactions, I don't mind spending real money on in game items... I'm new to Star trek online release of xbox one is my only experience with this game. but so far I've purchased a T5u starship with a universal console that doesn't work and now have purchased a reman character that also is broken... so being new... my question to pc players is if this company usually operates like this? (sell products that are broken with no offer to fix or replace?) Or is it just due to 'hic ups' they need to work out with the console port of this game?
  • vagabond#7635 vagabond Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    This incompetent company could easily be sued for selling products that are unusable and not offering sufficient customer support. As a third year law student, I can say that after looking over the legality of offering a product to be sold in conjunction with advertisement terms of use, I am actually considering pressing for a refund of all the real money that I have spent so far, considering the game is essentially in beta on console which was not disclosed.
    In conclusion, you shouldn't be selling a product prior to proper development and testing.
    This is entirely the opinion of myself and is merely an expression of my dissatisfaction with the product offered.
  • bishopat#9304 bishopat Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Has anyone heard anything on this. Or are they still claiming its an unreported bug?
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    Has anyone heard anything on this. Or are they still claiming its an unreported bug?

    Not a peep it seems. My Romulan is closing in on 50, and I am not sure if I wan't to keep leveling it up knowing this bug is looming ahead.
  • thanatos1113thanatos1113 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Unfortunately, while not claiming it is beta they do mention it is only a 60% of full version/partial release on consoles. Such loopholes are how lawyers make the big bucks vagabond, but I'm sure you're aware ;-). not trying to troll or pick a fight, just an fyi....
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    Unfortunately, while not claiming it is beta they do mention it is only a 60% of full version/partial release on consoles. Such loopholes are how lawyers make the big bucks vagabond, but I'm sure you're aware ;-). not trying to troll or pick a fight, just an fyi....

    I believe that 60% of the full version is referring too the fact the game launched with no R&D, no AoY etc. on consoles, not broken and bugged quests and the inability to spend talent points.

    Although I could be wrong, I am no attorney.

  • oldnruty#8528 oldnruty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Just adding to this thread for no other reason than i'm grumpy because I've got a romulan faction character (purchased reman from cstore) that also just purchased the dreadnaught bundle .... and then they go and break the faction.... I read somewhere... maybe in another post in this thread? That part of the bug is that the game now recognizes romulan faction as NPC ? Anyone in the know able to confirm this? I guess it doesn't really matter... just would like A.) stuff to work as advertised or B.) refund my money spent so I can roll the dice and try something else that may or may not work lol.

    Also as someone new to the STO universe ... this game is really great and I love playing it... if not for all the 'broken' aspects, and lack of support.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    problem is there treating this like a 6 year old game.

    they should consider acting in a manner of a new game.

    more communication. more involvement on the forum.
    treat it as a new game. like a new restaurant. inviting and caring.

    because at current rates there gunnar annoy and drive more people off.
  • xclusiv11xclusiv11 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    So does the flat out lie of "this has not been reported" open the door for legitimate charge backs to be requested if a CC was used?

    Items were purchased in good faith under the assumption that the base game would work, be maintained and service rendered. Service and a working game are severely lacking/non existent so if they would like to not fix it or acknowledge it then I would like a refund of my romulan purchases as I would encourage others to ask for based on these responses.

    The glitch did not happen to their poster boy faction (federation) or you know this would have been much higher on the priority list. Speak with your wallets people, and when or if this hits the bottom line then you know they will respond as they should have already.

    - end romulan rant -
  • dbltrouble#6796 dbltrouble Member Posts: 1 New User
    Same thing here. Romulan engineer on ps4 and can't put points in anything once I got 50. Guess I'll play my klingon until they fix this mess.

    Put in a ticket and got the responses that it's an undocumented bug and to post here. Blah.
  • morgueragemorguerage Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    If purchased through CC it's a simple matter to get a refund. Product not as ordered etc. Account will get banned probably but you're free. Some people just make a new one etc.

    Can confirm bug as well. Unreported etc. In fact, support said to submit bug report in game before they could act on it. They had no clue where submit bug option is on console and I couldn't find one.

    There's a post on the subreddit asking for some transparency. Can try your luck there. Mostly you'll just get flamed for "not understanding MMOs"...
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    A friend have same type of problem, he have 30 unspent space skill point, and he cannot spend them...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • hellion#7095 hellion Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Sadly in the same boat. Xbox engineering romulan captain. Can't spend points above lvl 50 can't select rep traits either. Purchased zen to buy a t6 ship buy I don't see any point as I can't take advantage of traits. Grounds for a refund maybe? Got the same reply as everyone else. Unreported bug...... looks fairly well reported if you ask me.
  • lordscannatore#8500 lordscannatore Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Same issue. Hitting level 50 i was unable to assign skills.
    I was told to report here, but i see Romulans are really unlucky.
  • thanatos1113thanatos1113 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    That part of the bug is that the game now recognizes romulan faction as NPC ? Anyone in the know able to confirm this?

    The issue with the romulans is that you need to be aligned to one faction or the other. What I have noticed is that the game fails to recognize which faction you are aligned to. While not necessarily making the game recognize you as an NPC, it is impossible to progress on your side of the story line for the Romulan if you cannot be recognized by the NPCs as belonging to a specific faction. This unfortunate circumstance can be fixed on many missions simply by logging out and back in until it figures it out. However some missions require some intensely faction specific work, and those missions cannot be completed properly until this is fixed. Since it is possible to just skip these missions, the development team feels the issue is not a game breaker

    P.S.: I actually had no problems whatsoever using my Romulan tactical officers final skill points and slots. No respec token needed
  • vorten#1779 vorten Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Same issues, and also cannot spend last captain ground skill point. No rep skills and T5U dreadnought package bought and unable to use ship skills. UI also does not show correct ship stats when in system. Game BROKEN not 60% of game as advertised. Do the words "Class Action" mean anything to you? Also still have Federation lvling/Promotion missions showing in hails/active missions log and unable to remove. This is a ROMULAN/KDF captain.
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