some things i have noticed in the game that has kept me from progressing and basically i have stopped playing for these issues
(1) Lobi Crystals and Dilitium Vouchers are stuck in Account Bank this is probably a known but however i want to use my lobi crystals and and use my vouchers even though i have thousands of vochers (when i go to remove them the game freezes and crashes) obviously this has to be a known issue
(2) some ships that say T6 actually end up being T5 with a free upgrade for instance i have the drednaught from the lockboxes mine is t5 suppose to be t6 and the cardassian ship from the lockbox as well that you get to choose is also a t5 not a t6 .. the one where you are given a choice from the drednaught and the heavy escort on the very rare box they both are suppose to be t6
(3) i cant progress in my campaigns for Iconian war and the one after im stuck at 50% complete while at level 57 in starfleet as a human... when i click the next mission from the journal it says this see the ss and video clip i am a human so i dont see why i would need to choose alliances especially in starfleet...
(4) i have literally everything needed in the game but im trying to sell things on the market.. these nerds on the xbox are literally ruining the value of ships, keys, and other items.. for what it takes to upgrade anything up to epic especially at max rank takes a lot of dilithium and upgrades kids are lowering the value of every item.. i would suggest that since you sell a rare box with a ship to a vendor for 50k that someone cant list the box for 50k on the exchange that is just stupid.. so i would think a minium cap listing for the items and maximum cap listing for certain items would be appreciated across the boards.. as i know on the PC game things cost millions to billions on items where xbox has been out not even a month and things are being listed for 50m already on t6 ships ... just a thought
2. Fixed.
3. some quests have minimum lvl requirements, the lack of duty officer and admiralty systems that would normally give you XP is making people have to grind/replay missions to make up the difference.
4. Supply and demand.
3. im level 57 it says i have to be level 10... so how does that work?
4. no one should be listing something that is valued at 150k and listing it for 50k when the vendor gives you 50k for that box... i started the listing of the ship for 50m it was bought now people have it being sold for 20m nerds are ruining the value of things.. considering the cost it took to get it to begin with and the time... which is why i set instead of the 750m max they need a minimum and maximum set for each particular item itself
It's a player driven economy, sadly, but it is what it is, and that's how it works in the real world as well. Supply and Demand.
On top of that, you have the currency sellers. They are the real reason the ingame economy, not only in this game, but in every mmorpg, gets ruined by hyper inflation.