I know it's a long, long way away. but, qhat would you all reckon if, for example, there were to be an ionic storm that caused a transporter malfunction (For the story's sake) and we had a F.C.D. style event on the I.S.S. Enterprise or another Terran ship? Or even Mirror versions of Romulan or Klingon designs, providing they exist?
The reward could be a Mirror NX Admiralty card (Presumably some of that pillaged Vulcan tech and the conquest minded design must have produced some differences.), Mirror Phoenix (Assuming that one might exist, depending on the very muddy and unclear point of divergence between MU and Prime) or something to that end. I'm bring intentionally a bit vague, as to leave room for suggestions.
I know it sounds, initially, like something more suited to MI event, but it might be interesting to see Mirror versions of Winters and Kirayoshi O'Brien or find out what became of Mirror Shon.
I'm merely spit balling here, of course, and by the time it's F.C.D. again, the M.U. likely won't even be relevant to the main story. Just a thought.
I like my baby Nanov though
Shafted? Feds got a space pet, Romulans got a ground pet, and Klingons got a Bat'leth. How is that shafting the Romulans?
EVERYONE got a little trinket. The Tritanium Rending Bat'leth is outclassed by the Shard Sword of Kahless anyways. It just happens to have a unique model. Granted I never tried to see if you can upgrade the TRB...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
because nothing say romulan themed like a nanov right? Not a vivver cat or rihan sailback.... a frikking calamari with a mudflap for a mouth
I didnt bother with this years mirror event due to their TRIBBLE main prize, first event in 6 and a half years i said bugger that to..
rest of your idea sounds interesting though.
And nothing wrong with the nanovs, my remans and romulan enjoy having them as their own personal pets...
Would rather have a combat pet anyways, if there had been one.
It was labeled as "Republic Day". It was mostly to celebrate the new stuff. Nanovs are native to New Romulus. I'd say it still fits.
I still hold out hope given they brought back the FE replay after what, two years?
But yeah, I'd rather have taken that sword I found on NR. Swords are cool.
this past FCD was 2 very handy admiralty cards and a nice borg DOFF all of which have seen active use for me especially the assimilated sov which pairs phenomenally with the Hegh and Stadi
the vivver cat and rihan sailback are also native to dewa III aka new romulus... as are a few other cool species