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Console Controls Tips and Things I Wish I Knew Earlier



  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    dragnridr wrote: »

    Oh, and of note: If you are contemplating between Beam Fire At Will and Beam Overload - if you use many beams, use BFAW. If you use just one, use BO. BFAW buffs all your beams for its duration, beam overload just a single attack with a single beam.


    This I did not know - Many Thanks :)

    FAW and BO are both useful no matter how many beams you have. BO is more for a single TARGET ONLY while FAW hits MULTIPLE targets. Both are good to have on any ship with beams. And if you're flying a ship with one beam and rest cannons, you're doing it wrong since the power drain will kill ANY DPS you try to throw out. MIXING beams and cannons is bad....Mmmmmm Kay.

    Well..Not really..I've run 3 Beams (1 dbb)/2 Cannons and a single torp (Sunrise set and other Phaser stuff) on a Phantom and still hit 50k dps (ISA run)..Is it Optimal..well no..But it is fun.. Ive also run all cannons and a single DBB for Overload 3 (Surgical strikes 3 is just Hilarious with that loadout) ..Very fun on a single target..not so much fun in a crowd..

    I'm not saying running both beams and cannons isn't fun. I'm just saying mixing isn't the best thing to do. Unless you really know how to get your power levels to stop draining from mixing them, it's always best for NEW PLAYERS to NOT mix them.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    dragnridr wrote: »
    dragnridr wrote: »

    Oh, and of note: If you are contemplating between Beam Fire At Will and Beam Overload - if you use many beams, use BFAW. If you use just one, use BO. BFAW buffs all your beams for its duration, beam overload just a single attack with a single beam.


    This I did not know - Many Thanks :)

    FAW and BO are both useful no matter how many beams you have. BO is more for a single TARGET ONLY while FAW hits MULTIPLE targets. Both are good to have on any ship with beams. And if you're flying a ship with one beam and rest cannons, you're doing it wrong since the power drain will kill ANY DPS you try to throw out. MIXING beams and cannons is bad....Mmmmmm Kay.

    Well..Not really..I've run 3 Beams (1 dbb)/2 Cannons and a single torp (Sunrise set and other Phaser stuff) on a Phantom and still hit 50k dps (ISA run)..Is it Optimal..well no..But it is fun.. I've also run all cannons and a single DBB for Overload 3 (Surgical strikes 3 is just Hilarious with that loadout) ..Very fun on a single target..not so much fun in a crowd..

    I'm not saying running both beams and cannons isn't fun. I'm just saying mixing isn't the best thing to do. Unless you really know how to get your power levels to stop draining from mixing them, it's always best for NEW PLAYERS to NOT mix them.

    But you know they do and will..I also did mention it was not OPTIMAL...Im mean just think about how many times you've joined an ISA pug run and 4 of the 5 members combined dps is 15k or less....


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Question: When the long time players say beams. Are phasers grouped into the beam catagory or are they in another catagory?
    Post edited by aliennumber5 on
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    Question: When the long time players say beams are phasers grouped into the beam catagory or are they in another catagory?

    It's always been Beams or cannons. Phasers have always been a style of either. Just like Plasma, Disruptor, AP, Tetryon and the like.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Question: When the long time players say beams are phasers grouped into the beam catagory or are they in another catagory?

    I don't quite understand this question? But maybe I can help anyway:
    • Energy weapons come in two categories beam (variations: beam array, dual beam bank, omni-beam) orcannons (dual heavy cannons, dual cannons, cannons, turrets and - very specific - quad cannons).
    • There are also damage types, and energy weapons can have these damage types: Phaser, Disruptor, Anti-Proton, Tetryon, Polaron or Plasma.
    You can have a phaser beam array or a phaser dual heavy cannon.

    The weapon category is important particular for certain types of buffs. Cannon Rapid Fire buffs only cannons, not beams. Beam Fire At Will buffs only beams.

    In addition, tactical consoles buff weapons either by category or by damage type. The damage type buffs consoles provide a higher buff then the category type buffs, so it's generally encouraged to use only one category and one damage type of weapon. So only variations of cannons of one damage type (for example, Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons in the front, Phasre Turrets in the back), or only variations fo beams of one damage type (for examle, Disruptor Dual Beam Bank in the front, a Omini-Disruptor Beam and a few regular Disruptor Beam Arrays in the back).

    Your choice of energy type and your choice of weapon category are independent.

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Thanks that makes more sense now. Let's see if I got this right Phasers are a weapon type not a weapon catagory. And I assume these rules apply to torpedoes as well? So basically I should stick with a weapon type like plasma and category like beams along with plasma torpedos and then use the weapon consoles the buff the hell out of all that plasma beam/torpedo weaponry?
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Thanks that makes more sense now. Let's see if I got this right Phasers are a weapon type not a weapon catagory. And I assume these rules apply to torpedoes as well? So basically I should stick with a weapon type like plasma and category like beams along with plasma torpedos and then use the weapon consoles the buff the hell out of all that plasma beam/torpedo weaponry?

    Yup..But..Consoles like these only buff Plasma energy https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Plasma_Infuser
    Tactical consoles like the one listed work for both cannons and beams if they share the same energy type.

    Plasma-based Energy Damage is separate from both Plasma-based Projectile Damage and Plasma-based Exotic Damage. The other 2 require alternate means of boosting damage.

    Plasma Projectiles use https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Ambiplasma_Envelope as a basic tactical console for boosting this type of Kinetic Damage.

    Plasma-based Exotic Damage, such as the cloud from the Crafted torpedo: https://sto.gamepedia.com/Particle_Emission_Plasma_Torpedo_Launcher
    are boosted by skill points in https://sto.gamepedia.com/Skill:_Exotic_Particle_Generator

    IF you run beams use lots of infusers and call it good..If you run a plasma torpedo here or there it'll be fine without a tac console boosting its damage (but you could slot a torpedo spread :)

    If you need a run down of all the damage types go here;https://sto.gamepedia.com/Damage_type
    Post edited by odinforever20000 on


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • lava1701#6560 lava1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    So on the pc version for the lifetime subscription it says there is an energy cap increase from 1million energy credits to 1 billion. Does this come with the console version? Or is there no 1 million energy credit limit to begin with? Also on the pic you can buy the ec cap increase separately on the C Store, but that is not available on the console version. So I'm wondering if the console version has that 1 million ec cap or not? Can someone please shed some light on this subject!
  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    As far as I know there is no cap on the console players. And it cannot be found in the C-Store. One small perk of playing on console.
  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    And thank you odinforever20000. For your conformation.
  • gedofparagongedofparagon Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    has anyone figured out how to use the Science Vessels' sub-system targeting abilities on the Console? (Specifically XB1) I have run every (free) science vessel from T1 to T5 now and cannot seem to find them. The are not on either the LB or X ability wheels.
    When playing on the PC, this was half the reason to run a Science Vessel.
  • sergentfroggzsergentfroggz Member Posts: 1 New User
    Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I plan on checking this thread out daily for new tips/tricks. Very helpful indeed. =)

    Quick question I'm hoping someone can help me out with:

    I recently unlocked the space skill Focused Frenzy in the tactical skill line. The description reads, "Mark the target foe, and devote all available resources to taking them down."

    How do I mark a target for Focused Frenzy to take effect?
  • starky#9630 starky Member Posts: 1 New User
    Console wont load. it says, error, timed out. I am a new account.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I plan on checking this thread out daily for new tips/tricks. Very helpful indeed. =)

    Quick question I'm hoping someone can help me out with:

    I recently unlocked the space skill Focused Frenzy in the tactical skill line. The description reads, "Mark the target foe, and devote all available resources to taking them down."

    How do I mark a target for Focused Frenzy to take effect?

    Just target them and activate the ability. Everything about it point and click. while targeted, the description explains what it does.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    Console wont load. it says, error, timed out. I am a new account.

    Hahahahaha......PC has been dealing with server timeouts, Servers not responding and all that for a long time. Welcome to Star Trek Online's most hated game feature.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    has anyone figured out how to use the Science Vessels' sub-system targeting abilities on the Console? (Specifically XB1) I have run every (free) science vessel from T1 to T5 now and cannot seem to find them. The are not on either the LB or X ability wheels.
    When playing on the PC, this was half the reason to run a Science Vessel.

    And that is the disadvantage of using a controller when there are more buttons and abilities that only the keyboard and mouse can make use of. I think the devs left out A LOT of features to "streamline" (strip down) for consoles.
  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Ok guys im running a Plasma Disruptor Cannon build on my Klingon Raptor. So far pretty good. I do have a few questions. I have two tactical consoles that buff disrupter damage.

    Question #1 Do consoles stack? Because if they do im doing +18.8% damage extra.

    Question#2 Will my Disruptor buffing consoles work with my Plasma Disruptors?

    Question#3 Does Beam Fire at Will work with Disruptor Cannons and Turrets?

    Question#4 I have a Hargh'peng Torpedo Mark II. It applies Hargh'peng Radiation what does that do?

    Question#5 Can you use a Hargh'peng with Torpedo Spread? I have a Proton Torpedo Mark IV that only does 189.6 less damage and can be used in Torpedo Spread but Hargh'peng Torpedo can affect the target with Hargh'peng Radiation wich should I equip?
    Post edited by aliennumber5 on
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Ok guys im running a Plasma Disruptor build on my Klingon Raptor. So far pretty good. I do have a few questions. I have two tactical consoles that buff disrupter damage.

    Question #1 Do consoles stack? Because if they do im doing +18.8% damage extra.

    Question#2 Will my Disruptor buffing consoles work with my Plasma Disruptors?

    Question#3 Does Beam Fire at Will work with Disruptor Cannons and Turrets?

    Question#4 I have a Hargh'peng Torpedo Mark II. It applies Hargh'peng Radiation what does that do?

    Question#5 Can you use a Hargh'peng with Torpedo Spread? I have a Proton Torpedo Mark IV that only does 189.6 less damage and can be used in Torpedo Spread but Hargh'peng Torpedo can affect the target with Hargh'peng Radiation wich should I equip?

    1.) Same tac consoles (Disruptor Induction Coils) do stack.

    2.) If they are these Plasma-Disruptor_Hybrid_Beam_Array , they are boosted by disruptor consoles. Later in the game Romulan_Plasma_Beam_Array weapons will have the same procs but those are boosted by plasma..

    3.) Ability: Beam Array: Fire at Will at will only affects beams. The only ability that affect all energy weapons (beams and cannons) is Intel: Surgical Strike.

    4.) Hargh'peng Radiation.. Is radiation damage over time ("DoT") that bypasses shields. The DoT effect is stronger than that of an equivalent-level Plasma torpedo. The initial impact of the torpedo has a small area of effect ("AoE").

    5.) Hargh'peng torpedo is a special quantum torpedo with a long cooldown (Neutronic torpedo is pretty close to its cooldown time also). It (Hargh'peng) is not affected by torpedo spread or high yield (Which can be a pro or con depending on your build).

    Make your own choices on which torp to use..Hargh'peng is the fastest torpedo in the game but has a slow reload time and isnt affected by TS or HY..
    Post edited by odinforever20000 on


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Ok thank you Odenforever2000. I decided to go with the Proton Torpedos. Also I found Cannon Spread II on my Lt. Commander Bridge Officer and trained him up on it. I was using the Disruptor Induction Coils. I'm glad to know they stack. The new Commander level Raptor outfitted with the Plasma Disrupter Cannons IV along with the Proton Torpedos Mark VI are delivering a nice punch. The first time I uncloaked and attacked a trio of enemy ships blazing all that buffed up spread weaponry and Tachyon Beam II was impressive. Two of the enemy ships died screaming and the third was so crippled it it didn't survive another blast from my cannons. Thanks for the tips.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    ...Proton Torpedos...

    Um...Arent ''proton'' Torpdeos in the StarWars universe?


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Sorry was playing Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader during the Star Trek Online's period of server maintenance on tuesday when I wrote this. I ment to say Photon Torpedos. Am I off the hook or am I invited to a Klingon bachelor party?
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I've a question.
    do specialists skills work?

    I got the one that reflects damage back at attackers. but I see no way to activate it.

    is it automatically done?
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I've a question.
    do specialists skills work?

    I got the one that reflects damage back at attackers. but I see no way to activate it.

    is it automatically done?
    Specialist skills? Like Intel, Temporal, Command or Pilot Bridge officer abilities or Specializations?

    Or do you mean "specialist skills" like Control expertise and Drain expertise? If those are what you refer to..yes they do and they are per activation of there respective abilities they influence.
    or do you mean..

    Ability: Feedback Pulse <- This one? Tiz not a specialty ability..but it is a Science ability..


    Skill: Shield Reflection <- This one? Passive. Activates on its own every few sec if you have a Shield mastery stack to consume.

    Counter- Offensive<- This one? Passive. Trigger once every 15 seconds

    So..Any of these last 3 use the same animation..A whitish blue beam. Blink and youll miss it.
    Sorry was playing Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader during the Star Trek Online's period of server maintenance on tuesday when I wrote this. I ment to say Photon Torpedos. Am I off the hook or am I invited to a Klingon bachelor party?

    Off to the Klingon bachelor party with you. :D


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    ah thanks
  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Question: If you equip two 360 degree turrets will they both attack targets at 360 degrees or will each turret cover 180? I didn't have time to test it before work so any imput would be helpful.
  • aliennumber5aliennumber5 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Are Tech Upgrades and Crafting the same thing? I'm getting plenty of tech upgrades but having and issue with using them. Give me knowledge!
  • Question: If you equip two 360 degree turrets will they both attack targets at 360 degrees or will each turret cover 180? I didn't have time to test it before work so any imput would be helpful.

    If you mean two separate turrets on separate weapon slots then they both have their own 360 arc
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Are Tech Upgrades and Crafting the same thing? I'm getting plenty of tech upgrades but having and issue with using them. Give me knowledge!

    Not exactly..Basic tech upgrades are at certain vendors..Higher level ones are loot rewards or ayo/admiralty rewards. These can be crafted once you have that on console :D


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • superman29superman29 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    So I understand the Beam or Cannon part, but what is a good build? IE 45, 90, 180, 360 weapons. I understand that the smaller the arc the more damage they do but is there a ....golden rule for number of each? Can I do a decent job putting all 360 arc weapons on all slots or would that be stupid....the same going for all 45 arc weapons. Is there some kind of balance that one should have for the ship, or is any type viable? I hope that was clear on what I was asking and thanks for any help.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    superman29 wrote: »
    So I understand the Beam or Cannon part, but what is a good build? IE 45, 90, 180, 360 weapons. I understand that the smaller the arc the more damage they do but is there a ....golden rule for number of each? Can I do a decent job putting all 360 arc weapons on all slots or would that be stupid....the same going for all 45 arc weapons. Is there some kind of balance that one should have for the ship, or is any type viable? I hope that was clear on what I was asking and thanks for any help.

    Beam Arrays (250 degree fire arc).The golden rule for most ships is slap on the same type energy weapon (Say Phasers Beam arrays for example) that is boosted by tac consoles (Phaser relays) for that specific energy type. Beam arrays are the easiest to master (especially with FireAtWill), Dual Heavy cannons are the most difficult...

    Out side of that. There are preferred modifiers [Pen] [Dmg] [Crtd] (I know people who still do wicked damage with Mk 12 white weapons)

    Forward facing builds (DBB and omnis in the rear or DHC's and turrets in the rear) are best on ships with high maneuverability (Re: Escorts and 1 or 2 science ships)

    I myself run a Tholian Turantula with *gasp* single cannons up front and omnis in the rear... I can very lazily net 50k on an ISA run with this build..

    While an all turret build is not recommended for beginners, there are players who can make an all turret build work. protonic-kool-aid-down-the-drain-cruiser <- Like these guys.

    So in short...follow the golden rule with regards to matching same energy Weapons type with appropriate energy boosting Tac console and have fun.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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