I posted this earlier on the general forums, but it seams this is probably a MUCH better place for it.
Made some formatting changes to hopefully make it easier to read and follow.
This is just a running collection of things i've seen so far in the forums and in-game on the console side that folks ask in chat, fleet etc.
It is by no means an exhaustive or complete list.
It is accurate as best as I am aware at the time of posting. Hope this helps folks
I play almost exclusively KDF so this is mostly from a KDF Captain's perspective but some of this is applicable to all.
Crafting is currently NOT in the Game, hope to see it soon.
Reputation projects unlock in the 50's range depending on how quickly you go trough the story missions and are currently the only way to "craft" some components via requisitions.
You can REPLAY ANY story mission to obtain an alternative reward or a higher ranked version of the reward it offered.
To do so, open your journal, then select story missions and pick the one you wish to replay.
Now for some TipsPromotions and Free Ship Tokens:
KDF and Rom Captains need to complete a mission before their upgrade token. Depending how busy you are with missions and reading the popups, you may accept and complete the promotion without realizing you did so.
For KDF captains, the first promotion is tied behind the story mission "Test Of Mettle"
You will get one free ship upgrade via ship token for one of 3 ships each 10 ranks starting at rank 10 or roughly 11 as KDF until Rank 40.
Your new ship is available by visiting the Shipyard and speaking with the
"Ship and Shuttle Requisitions Officer"
You can pick one of 3 ships in each tier for free up to rank 40. There will be more ships in each tier but only 3 of them are available via tokens. Those are usually some sort of cruiser, escort, science or a carrier type ships.
You do not have to use the tokens, you can acquire any of the ships available to your faction and use them the moment you are high enough rank to make them active.
At ship acquisition you are given a first time rename of the ship for free.
Once you acquire your newly painted slightly used ship you have to make it active. Speak to the
"Ship Selection Officer" at the same location and make the new ship active.
By Default all currently equipped weapons, consoles, shields, engines etc. will move from your currently active ship to the new one.
Once you activate the new ship, you should visit the Crew Stations Menu to assign officers to the respective Officer slots available on your slightly used new Raptor, Warbird etc.
See Bridge Officer Training and Seating Assignments further down
Expose and Exploit
Initially in ground and later in space via certain items you can trigger a debuff on an enemy by using the secondary fire mode of a weapon with
Expose type effect.
This places a large targeting type reticle on the target who is currently
Any damage via secondary fire of a weapon with Exploit type effect will now cause Significantly Higher damage to that target.
If your normal damage is say under 100 per shot, an Exploit attach to an opponent currently under an Expose effect will bring this closer to 1000 or more damage.
An Expose effect can be triggered by your other officers to make sure to have a few with Expose and some that can Exploit targets!
Console Specific UI
See this article for the thoughts and design process behind the current UI design
and this
https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10010203-star-trek-online%3A-console-space-uiEquipping Items:
You can equip items directly from your inventory or from the slot selection on the shop, officer or captain equipment screens.
If you select Equip from the inventory screen, you will be given a list of all currently applicable slots for that item along with a comparison of the current item stats and the stats of the item that is in the slot you are selecting.
If you select the equipment slot instead, you can then select items from any other bridge officer, ship, inventory or bank storage that can fit in that slot, however you will not see a side by side stat comparison. The location of the item you have highlighted will be listed at the bottom of the description, i.e. Located in Bank, Located in Main Inventory etc.
In Space:
- Simply use a weapon or any targeted ability (tractor beam, tachyon pulse etc.). This will target the closest enemy within 10KM if there is one. If there is none, it will do nothing.
- Move the targeting reticle over the target you wish to select and click the right thumb-stick in. One click will target them and lock the camera to your target.
- With the target locked and camera locked on to them you can now move the camera controls (Left Thumbstick Left and Right to change targets. This can be very disorienting and takes some getting used to.
- With the target locked and camera locked, click the Thumbstick in a second time to leave that target locked, but release the camera so you can look around again freely instead of changing targets with the camera controls.
- This targeting works for friendly targets as well
On the ground
- Hold the Left 2 trigger while looking at a target. This will lock the camera on that target for weapons and abilities.
- This works for friendly and unfriendly targets.
- While holding the Left 2 Trigger, move the camera controls left and right to switch targets.
Configuring AutoTrigger Conditions for any Ability
A: Space:
While in Space, the console has 3 slots reserved for each type of bridge office seating, Engineering, Science, Tactical each assigned to square, circle, and triangle, on PS4 or X, B and Y on the XboxOne, plus additional two more slots for ship and captain specific abilities or equipped devices (batteries, etc.)This is done in space or on the ground respectively.
While you can only have one ability assigned to these slots however you can setup a large number of auto trigger conditions for each ability you have access to.
- Hold the respective button down until the selector wheel appears for that slot.
- Highlight the Ability you wish to set triggers for or activate
- You can now either activate that ability by hitting R2 or hit the R1 button to toggle trough auto trigger conditions.
- This will cycle trough the various context sensitive conditions for each of these powers and then back to no auto trigger.
If you have multiple projectile weapons assigned say one fore and one aft, the R1 (RB on XboxOne) will trigger the fore weapon, holding the button will trigger the aft weapon without firing the fore. I.E. laying mines for instance.
Bridge Officer Training and Seating Assignments:
Open the Main Menu, select
"Skills" then you can select
"Crew Stations"
From here you can re-range officer seating on your ship as well as selection of who to take with you on away missions or assign as a shuttle pilot if your shuttle has a slot for one.
Most importantly from this screen you can TRAIN your officers abilities.
Select the ability on the officer you have assigned to this station and click X or A respectively, then you can see a list of all of the abilities you can train in that slot.
Some abilities are currently not trainable as intended but require that someone create the manual for that ability by declining an officer assignment since the Captain's unlock to train this ability unlocks the R&D recipe but not the actual skill.
Officers DO NOT Loose abilities, if you train an officer a new ability and select it for that slot, they will retain their previous ability and you can switch to it at any time as you see fit without the need to obtain the training manual or have the training unlocked on your captain.
This opens some interesting options for respecting out of abilities but retaining them on your officers.
All ability training requires that you have a training manual. The basic training manuals can be purchased from the officers abilities training vendor. On Qo'nos he is located in the barracks, down the ramp on the left side.
Any abilities you unlock as captain via the Captain Skill Tree can be trained without training manual EXCEPT for those that state that they grant you the R&D manual.
Note that some abilities can be trained without manuals, those are the special abilities you unlock as a captain by spending points in the various skill trees.
Q&A from the Thread:
Question#1 Am I missing something in regards to ship interiors? So far I can only access my Bridge and Ready Room is there something I am missing or will Engineering and other decks come available later.
Currently most Turbolifts are under maintenance. Yell at your chief Engineer for scheduling proper maintenance hours.
Some folks have been able to get them to glitch and work but for the most part they are currently not working.
Question#2 Is in possible to change Eliza Flores' name? I have tried many times to change her display name but the game will only change her name in the inventory screen. Bug? Or ment to be that way?
You can change the Bridge Officer's Short Name for a fee but not the full name. See the Officer Details Page for Rename button.
Question#3 Does the Lifetime Subscription on PS4 and XBOX One come with the monthly Zen allowance? Because if it dosen't I'm not getting it.
Consoles Do not get a ZEN allowence.
See here for what is included in the LifeTime Sub on consoles:
LifeTime Sub:
Question#4 Can you put a Lockbox on the exchange?
Yes, as a single or a stack. Any item that is not Bound to your account or character can be placed the exchange for sale.
Note that the Exchange is faction agnostic! As it's operated by the frengi, and serves all 3 factions. This is the only way to obtain some items that are mission rewards for one faction but not the other.
Question #6 The green item upgrade kits. How do I use them? When should I use them? And what kind of item should I use them on?
Upgrade Items are used in the Upgrade interface to increase the MK level of most items at the cost of DIL and the upgrade kits.
Some items cannot be upgraded.
To use them select the item from inventory and choose upgrade.
The interface lists what sort of upgrade items this particular item requires. If that list is blank it cannot be upgraded.
Each MK level increase requires a number of TechPoints (TP). Each Upgrade Kit provides a number of TP. Applying an upgrade kit to an item costs DIL, with increasing cost depending on the rarity of the upgrade kit.
In Most cases using anything smaller than blue upgrade kit is a waste of DIL since the superior ones cost anything less than blue as the DIL cost increases slightly with each KIT quality increase but the TP gained is significantly higher.
See HERE for LaughingTrendy's write up with screenshots and what not
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Question - whats the cap on skill points? I have 3 officers(for now) and each one is specializing in their respective skill trees to reach the special abilities at the end. How much of the OTHER skill trees will I be able to fill out before hitting a level cap??? This is important to know for which skills to take but also for unlocking certain training abilities.
Question - is there a place to buy console stations?
Question - My weapons for my officers and of my ships seem to have their stats change. Like I get a new ship and I put the weapons on from my old ship and even with all the same equipment on the ship the DPS is lower. Then later on the DPS numbers go back up. Makes it very hard to pick stronger equipment. Is this just lag or is there some mechanic at work that makes stuff more powerful the more you use it. And if things get stronger is there a way to see this information anywhere??
Something I think newbs should know is that if your not a certain type of officer you should not use certain types of weapons, or if you do use certain types then you will not be able to get some of the better abilities for them.
For example one of my guys is an engineer. I decided I wanted to use crappy beams as my main weapons. However as I have leveled up and my crew and I went to get Overload and Fire at Will 3 skills for my tactical officer I found out those are things you have to learn from the skill tree. And you can only learn them as a Tactical officer. So my engineer will never be able to teach those skills to my officers??? Is it possible to get one of the manuals by converting an officer into a training manual?? Is it possible to see if an officer will give that manual out if you convert them?? I would gladly plop down some Duterium to buy an officer just to turn him into a book lol.
I would also tell newbs about the ability to replay missions. Instead of chugging along getting one thing here and another there you can spend a little bit of time and farm for equipment and money and either by some default TRIBBLE you might need or even get some more good equipment.
I believe you can have well over 100 skill points saved if you want..or Put them into another specialization once you have Primary and Secondary trees filled.
Buying Console stations...You can buy consoles for the specific stations available for that ship (Neutronium in Engineering console slots for example) but the only ships that gain a console seat are tier 5 to tier 5 (u) upgrade..But you cant really choose where they gain a seat and even then thats not available for all ships in tier 5.
Weapon stats Change based on where you look at them.Best place to look at Space weapons in outside of Earth Spacedock and ground weapons when you beam into Spacedock (If Fed). Strongest weapons are MK XIV (14) and are Epic Quality.Best Mods (right now) are Dmgx3 Pen (Tac) CrtDx3 (for everyone else) [Pen mod is generally a crafted mod so its not yet available]
Stuff that makes say Beam weapons more powerful...Look at the Modifiers in http://sto.gamepedia.com/Skill:_Energy_Weapon_Training
Specific weapon pages also show what the un-modified damage is based on the weapons rank
http://sto.gamepedia.com/Phaser_Beam_Array Also include consoles that will boost either phaser damage or modify the weapon in some other way.
If you haven't done so..Use one of the presets to send most of your subsystem power to Weapons.
BTW..Beams are not crappy, but the mods on the beams might be..In the PC world our Super DPSers (100k +) standard equipment are all beam arrays (usually Dmgx3 or crdx3 pen and Faw III (to start with).
You can find bridge officers on the exchange (look at all rareites of Tactical officer) you should be able to convert into a training manual to acquire the skill you want. If you were looking for say...Torpedo spread 3..that can be found on the Jem'Hadar Tactical Bridge Officer Candidate, as a reward from the mission Facility 4028 (Dominion Domination)
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
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You should be able to enter the other levels by going in the Turbolifts - not sure whether its locked behind a rank though
Note that it's not aways the best move to max out just a tree to unlock the ultimate abilities. You have to sacrifice a lot in other areas to get there, and some might argue it's not worth it. The Ultimates were basically created as a reason to even bother specializing in one of the trees.
No. A ship comes with the console station and bridge officer station it has. Tier 5 ships can be upgraded to gain another console station (and other benefits), but it's always the same for the respective ship type. (This upgrade makes them almost as good as Tier 6 ships.)
If you meant to ask if there is a way to buy consoles for those console stations. I believe there are none on the consoles. Once Fleet Holdings become a thing, there will be places where you can get specific consoles.
Note that your game stats are dependend on whether you are on ground or space. When in space, your character is basically turned into your ship, and all the space-relevant modifiers to everything are applied, and on ground, all the ground-relevant modififers are applied. That means looking at ship statistics on a ground map is misleading. This could be a reason for the different stats you see.
Rank III skills are "special". To get a Trainining Manual for them, there are these options (often they are mutally exclusive, and there is just one way to get them):
- Turn an uncommissioned bridge officer skill with a rank III skill into a training manual. (I presume he's writing the manual and then returns to Starfleet headquarters to serve another captain, and is not going through a transportor/replicator recycling process)
- Craft it yourself, if you qualify for it. This is currently not available on consoles.
- Buy/Trade it from someone else that got the manual somehow.
- Get a manual from a lockbox.
Some skills can be crafted, some only exist on other bridge officers. Some skills are lockbox only.
But just because you can't get BFAW III (easily) does not mean you shouldn't use beams.
Oh, and of note: If you are contemplating between Beam Fire At Will and Beam Overload - if you use many beams, use BFAW. If you use just one, use BO. BFAW buffs all your beams for its duration, beam overload just a single attack with a single beam.
I think you're talking about two different things - skill points and spec points.
The number of spec points you can have is the number of spec points one would need to fill out all the trees. Excess earned spec points are supposed to be turned into Dilithium (don't remember the rate of this conversion.)
That means you can max out all the spec trees, but you can't max out all the skills.
So the prices are very player-driven - the sellers can set whatever they want, but the buyers decide whether it's worth that price.
The important thing is to compare prices between the Exchange offerings. And if there aren't many alternate offers, they could very well be too high.
This I did not know - Many Thanks
No Zen with the LifeTime on consoles, personally i wount miss it as i rarely used it on the PC seeing as how there wasn't much for me to buy on KDF and romulan side, but that's a different discussion alltogether
See here for details on what's included in the LifeTime Sub. I'll add this to the top post i think
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
I'm not sure what you mean by the green item upgrade kits.. the crafting upgrade items? If so, they are used via the upgrade interface (select item, pick upgrade or select upgrade from the main menu) to upgrade items MK level. It costs DIL and gives a small chance to increase rarity. Each upgrade item adds a certain amount of TP (TechPoints) towards upgrading the item, each MK level requires more and more TP to level up.
The higher MK the item is the higher the cost to level up.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Trading with other players that post their zen/Dil for trade.
Character specific ONLY.
Depends on if you like the new BOFF's abilities or not. Most people try to get Purple quality Doffs and Boffs for their abilities. But since DOFFS, Crafting, Admiralty and more has been stripped out of the consoles, That just may make BOFFs terrible no matter the quality.
FAW and BO are both useful no matter how many beams you have. BO is more for a single TARGET OHK while FAW hits MULTIPLE targets. Both are good to have on any ship with beams. And if you're flying a ship with one beam and rest cannons, you're doing it wrong since the power drain will kill ANY DPS you try to throw out. MIXING beams and cannons is bad....Mmmmmm Kay.
Yeah some items are insane. I actually sell more to vendors than on the exchange which generally gets you about half of what the item is worth. When I do sell things on the Exchange I generally will not go over what the game says the item is worth. In fact I have posted things that are worth 15,000 for only 10,000. Sometimes I will post things much lower just to make a little off it. Between selling some things on the exchange, selling things to Vendors, and earning EC from running missions I have over 2 million and that is with buying a Danube Runabout and a few other things here and there from the Vendors. Granted I am on the PS4 and it is still early and prices for items haven't really settled but I just don't feel like ripping anyone off and would rather spread the wealth so to speak.
Generally with the Exchange I run the same model I do for other games and have set prices based on rarity, starting at whites at 5,000 and going up in increments, the highest thing I have on there atm is some purple tiers at 45,000 to 50,000 seems to be working well for me so far
We will eventually have all the content that the PC version has. I am looking forward to AOY and also getting my hands on the Kelvin Timeline Enterprise and Vengeance.
Well..Not really..I've run 3 Beams (1 dbb)/2 Cannons and a single torp (Sunrise set and other Phaser stuff) on a Phantom and still hit 50k dps (ISA run)..Is it Optimal..well no..But it is fun.. Ive also run all cannons and a single DBB for Overload 3 (Surgical strikes 3 is just Hilarious with that loadout) ..Very fun on a single target..not so much fun in a crowd..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.