If you want to actually see improvements in the game, then say so here:
First, I don't think there are enough walls in the game, especially with the sector revamp a while ago. I think a wall should be built around every sector block, and extra walls around the Cardassian-FED DMZ and the FED-KDF-ROM neutral zone. You can only pass thru if you use a master keys (subscribers are exception).
Next, I think there aren't enough
bad good quality episodes like in Delta Rising. Cryptic, I am demanding you to feel rushed in making episodes again so they can be better and more than ever!
Next, I think the Federation has too many species. We need to kick them out! Remove all species but those from the original Federation (human, vulcan, andorian, and tellerite i think). Ban everyone (account level) who made a character of a different species!
convert all characters that are not from the original Federation to the Romulan faction! Put them back where they belong!
Next, I think the mailing system is too insecure. Admiral Quinn's private email server is completely insecure. You want to know why the Iconians crushed us in the Iconian war? The admiral sent them emails with full alliance ships and personnel specs (yes, a blueprint of every single officer in the alliance). You have to encrypt every message to the point where it is unencryptable and unreadable.
The new lighting system is too realistic. Either remove it entirely (thats right, replace it with an awkard default lighting) or add realistic visual effects (start with blood, continue to debris in the air. Don't forget about bullet drops for all weapons.)
Not as a subscriber (I am not one), I think the dilithium exchange shouldn't be allowed. It is allowing those Romulans to take our zen, without paying for it legit! Even a Ferengi wouldn't do that!
Once, in PvP someone was so op, they were literally spawn camping. I think this should be encouraged even more, especially with subscribers. Maybe give subscribers a few more free items. Maybe a ship shield with strength infinity and regeneration/second infinity. Also maybe some rapid fire anitproton torpedoes with an auto torpedo spread mk V and damage infinity.
The tutorials are too much. Maybe make like it a normal mission, but randomize the controls, hide key binds in settings, disable the /bind command and any variant, and disable help popups?
The UI looks terrible. Maybe go for something like the 80s-looking UI in alpha, or go for something a little more futuristic, like Apple's theme with completely random and colorful colors.
In fact, this game is so terrible, you should make an STO 2.0, Cryptic! Just scrap this game (like what Hi-Rez did with Tribes Ascend) and make an entirely new game based entirely on the Kelvin timeline with custom voice actors (like what EA did with Battlefront).
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Something else to add to STO! moar memes!
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)