Whatever the reason, it being rare may be an incentive for people looking for it. Making something "common" doesn't only reduce value because the supply is going up, but also some people will like it less.
Its selling points are decent (not uber) stats and the TOS skin, hardly worth $120.
I have to say I've been laughing to myself about the same names I see buying and selling the 23c ships, because a lot of the time it's one of them who got lucky and found someone selling it cheap, then turned around and offered it for enough under the top end price to make it attractive to other people who want to do a quick flip. At this point there are hundreds of 23c ship boxes being hoarded by people wanting to make a profit off them, with a shrinking number of people who actually want them to use and are able and willing to buy them for the prices being asked.
Basically, the number of middlemen/speculators/day traders/etc. are growing and the number of actual consumers is shrinking.
Cryptic you dropped the ball on this one. There is a certian outside website selling them for 195 bucks a pop. Wow Cryptic thats a 195 bucks that YOU are losing every time someone buys one there. Should have made it a C-store charecter locked item for at least 60 bucks a pop. You would have made money hand over fist instead of an outside rip off artist getting that revenue. Way to go Cryptic ....
Everyone here has said buy from other websites is a really good way of buying a permaban and the possibility of having you credit information stollen, so it's not worth it. Now lets think of it this way, IF Cryptic sold the 23rd ship pack for 60 dollars, they would receive that would be ONE 60 dollar payment once from each account. Now you said that Cryptic/PWE would get more profit that way, however, let's do a little math. 1 cpoint = 1 dollar. Each R&D pack is 300 cpoints (or 3 dollars) and the discounted bulk R&D 4 pack is 1000 cpoints (10.00 dollars). The probability from getting the ship from one pack is very low (but possible). You could buy 25 of the the discounted 4 pack (25*10= 250 Dollars). 250 dollars>60 dollars, more profit. So your original statement of Cryptic dropping the ball is false. Also saying that Cryptic/PWE lost money from others "selling" is also false cause they already made money from the person making the original purchase of the boxes.
I will say that it would of been nice for Cryptic/PWE to release these on the Cstore but a company has to make money.
True BUT you actually missed where I said "Should have made it a C-store CHARECTER LOCKED ITEM", not an account wide unlocked item. It used to be that way for event items so why not make it for prmontional C-store items. It's charceter looked as it is with the R&D box so nothing preventing this from being the same way if it had been C-store. So if you were like me with 10 toons at 60 a pop that 600 bucks of revenue.
It will be becuase of the idiots telling everyone to not open the boxes but instead grind EC to get it no chance required. While the so called titans of the exchange priced them out of everyone but a minority of the playerbase's ability to get while using a method that requires hunting for one there by decreasing its visibility and thus the desire for it, especially when there is a cheaper and more visible alternative becuase Cryptic decided to launch chance give aways for two competing versions of something within the same time frame.
If anything seeing as the Kelvin box was a rousing success they will probably add more of that to the game, since clearly the more popular trek.
At the time of the release of the oddly proportioned KTprise (sorry it is all out of proportion, I will say this the "New" 1701a at the end of Beyond looks far better it looks balanced in proportions.) it had been stated over and over by Cryptic that there would never be a T-6 Matt Jefferies designed TOS Enterprise so a lot of folks bit the bullet and went with the only option Cryptic said they would have. It has little to do with which is more popular especialy in light of how badly Beyond has done at the box office if the KT universe was so popular Beyond would have been the top box office film of the year and well lets be blunt the pew pew fest called Suicide Squad demolished it easily as has nearly every film released this year.
Cryptic you dropped the ball on this one. There is a certian outside website selling them for 195 bucks a pop. Wow Cryptic thats a 195 bucks that YOU are losing every time someone buys one there. Should have made it a C-store charecter locked item for at least 60 bucks a pop. You would have made money hand over fist instead of an outside rip off artist getting that revenue. Way to go Cryptic ....
Everyone here has said buy from other websites is a really good way of buying a permaban and the possibility of having you credit information stollen, so it's not worth it. Now lets think of it this way, IF Cryptic sold the 23rd ship pack for 60 dollars, they would receive that would be ONE 60 dollar payment once from each account. Now you said that Cryptic/PWE would get more profit that way, however, let's do a little math. 1 cpoint = 1 dollar. Each R&D pack is 300 cpoints (or 3 dollars) and the discounted bulk R&D 4 pack is 1000 cpoints (10.00 dollars). The probability from getting the ship from one pack is very low (but possible). You could buy 25 of the the discounted 4 pack (25*10= 250 Dollars). 250 dollars>60 dollars, more profit. So your original statement of Cryptic dropping the ball is false. Also saying that Cryptic/PWE lost money from others "selling" is also false cause they already made money from the person making the original purchase of the boxes.
I will say that it would of been nice for Cryptic/PWE to release these on the Cstore but a company has to make money.
True BUT you actually missed where I said "Should have made it a C-store CHARECTER LOCKED ITEM", not an account wide unlocked item. It used to be that way for event items so why not make it for prmontional C-store items. It's charceter looked as it is with the R&D box so nothing preventing this from being the same way if it had been C-store. So if you were like me with 10 toons at 60 a pop that 600 bucks of revenue.
Its deeply unfair to make a ship like this locked behind a literal pay wall and removed from the game's economy.
Having it be in an RNG box gives everyone a chance to get one.
Right now with it being both a short term offering and in a R&D pack makes it exactly that a pay wall item. Making something charecter locked from the C-store is not locking it behind a paywall. As it is right this second there are MANY c-store items that are exactly this way. Ship slots, Drydock slots, BOFF slots and more all are charecter locked to the charecter that they are purchased through. By being this way they are removed from the gam economy. Hell C-store ships in and of themselves are locked away from the game economy you cant sell them period! Or did you miss that somehow?
At the time of the release of the oddly proportioned KTprise (sorry it is all out of proportion, I will say this the "New" 1701a at the end of Beyond looks far better it looks balanced in proportions.) it had been stated over and over by Cryptic that there would never be a T-6 Matt Jefferies designed TOS Enterprise so a lot of folks bit the bullet and went with the only option Cryptic said they would have. It has little to do with which is more popular especialy in light of how badly Beyond has done at the box office if the KT universe was so popular Beyond would have been the top box office film of the year and well lets be blunt the pew pew fest called Suicide Squad demolished it easily as has nearly every film released this year.
Cryptic didn't say there would never be an end-game TOS Constitution.
And if you look at the massive massive HINT that was given (they redid the TOS Connie model and showed it off for AoY) ... you could have made the very educated guess that I and a few others made ... that the ship was coming.
I don't know. I don't think I really made some kind of massive prediction out of thin air you know? I felt like I saw the clues, thought they were obvious, and just waited. Granted I was planning on waiting the whole time. The Kelvin Timeline ships are all going to end up in an infinity lockbox eventually so I was going to wait for their price to go way down. And the actual anniversary is still in 5 days. And so on and so forth.
Waiting seemed to be the best policy.
But they never said never.
And now I have this ship. This amazing ship that was supposedly never going to happen. It's kind of awesome. I almost named it the U.S.S. Askray, but my personal affections won out and I named it after my hometown, the U.S.S. New Castle. See you all in-game, blowing up tactical cubes and terran dreadnoughts with my 200 year old tiny dinosaurs!
Cryptic you dropped the ball on this one. There is a certian outside website selling them for 195 bucks a pop. Wow Cryptic thats a 195 bucks that YOU are losing every time someone buys one there. Should have made it a C-store charecter locked item for at least 60 bucks a pop. You would have made money hand over fist instead of an outside rip off artist getting that revenue. Way to go Cryptic ....
Unless of course Cryptic determines the ship was obtained from a 3rd party source in which case the account would be terminated.
If you really wanna rub it in Cryptic's face then go ahead and buy it. If you are truly ballsy, then make a thread within the forum that you were able to buy the ship for only S195 from site X and that you are currently using it in game.
yeah but heres where it all falls apart....say it is a farmer and he talks to you in game hes not taking any money just in game ec so you say yeah i have 1 bill ec ill buy it form you ...you find out later the guy you bought it form was a farmer thye have no way of knowing you KNEW it swas a farmer not to mention in the other scenario technically if you and i are friends and i dont want the ship and i say hey give me 20 bucks for it and its yours through paypal well thats a violation of the TOS as well but proving it is the sli[ppery slope and im sure they have better thing to point there resources at than that
I want to reiterate that if the crook site is charging 195$ for the ship, they are charging substantially more than the ship would cost if you just bought zen, used it to get promo packs, and sold the packs for ec.
Its MUCH CHEAPER to buy zen from cryptic and then buy the ship in-game than it is to buy it from those crooks.
then if you did it that way it make ship not exclusive therefore damaging its value and trust me im sure there are guys who have spent over 300 or more dollars in boxes with nothing and i bet they are still going ...even as we speak
Cryptic you dropped the ball on this one. There is a certian outside website selling them for 195 bucks a pop. Wow Cryptic thats a 195 bucks that YOU are losing every time someone buys one there. Should have made it a C-store charecter locked item for at least 60 bucks a pop. You would have made money hand over fist instead of an outside rip off artist getting that revenue. Way to go Cryptic ....
Everyone here has said buy from other websites is a really good way of buying a permaban and the possibility of having you credit information stollen, so it's not worth it. Now lets think of it this way, IF Cryptic sold the 23rd ship pack for 60 dollars, they would receive that would be ONE 60 dollar payment once from each account. Now you said that Cryptic/PWE would get more profit that way, however, let's do a little math. 1 cpoint = 1 dollar. Each R&D pack is 300 cpoints (or 3 dollars) and the discounted bulk R&D 4 pack is 1000 cpoints (10.00 dollars). The probability from getting the ship from one pack is very low (but possible). You could buy 25 of the the discounted 4 pack (25*10= 250 Dollars). 250 dollars>60 dollars, more profit. So your original statement of Cryptic dropping the ball is false. Also saying that Cryptic/PWE lost money from others "selling" is also false cause they already made money from the person making the original purchase of the boxes.
I will say that it would of been nice for Cryptic/PWE to release these on the Cstore but a company has to make money.
Would there be more buyers at $60 for a guaranteed purchase? Probably.
Would there be at least 4x more buyers? Maybe.
I'm not saying you are wrong, so don't take this comment as if I am. But it wasn't mentioned in your reply that there would certainly be more buyers at $60, so the $250 > $60 comment is not an accurate summary.
Maybe Cryptic wants certain ships to be uncommon - maybe its not entirely about revenue.
Oh I agree with you yeah, I was just making a point that having these ships in a gamble box like they have it right now means they're more than likely making more of a profit off it. And I was just using those specific numbers cause it's easier to multiply and Im lazy.
Cryptic you dropped the ball on this one. There is a certian outside website selling them for 195 bucks a pop. Wow Cryptic thats a 195 bucks that YOU are losing every time someone buys one there. Should have made it a C-store charecter locked item for at least 60 bucks a pop. You would have made money hand over fist instead of an outside rip off artist getting that revenue. Way to go Cryptic ....
Everyone here has said buy from other websites is a really good way of buying a permaban and the possibility of having you credit information stollen, so it's not worth it. Now lets think of it this way, IF Cryptic sold the 23rd ship pack for 60 dollars, they would receive that would be ONE 60 dollar payment once from each account. Now you said that Cryptic/PWE would get more profit that way, however, let's do a little math. 1 cpoint = 1 dollar. Each R&D pack is 300 cpoints (or 3 dollars) and the discounted bulk R&D 4 pack is 1000 cpoints (10.00 dollars). The probability from getting the ship from one pack is very low (but possible). You could buy 25 of the the discounted 4 pack (25*10= 250 Dollars). 250 dollars>60 dollars, more profit. So your original statement of Cryptic dropping the ball is false. Also saying that Cryptic/PWE lost money from others "selling" is also false cause they already made money from the person making the original purchase of the boxes.
I will say that it would of been nice for Cryptic/PWE to release these on the Cstore but a company has to make money.
True BUT you actually missed where I said "Should have made it a C-store CHARECTER LOCKED ITEM", not an account wide unlocked item. It used to be that way for event items so why not make it for prmontional C-store items. It's charceter looked as it is with the R&D box so nothing preventing this from being the same way if it had been C-store. So if you were like me with 10 toons at 60 a pop that 600 bucks of revenue.
Its deeply unfair to make a ship like this locked behind a literal pay wall and removed from the game's economy.
Having it be in an RNG box gives everyone a chance to get one.
Right now with it being both a short term offering and in a R&D pack makes it exactly that a pay wall item. Making something charecter locked from the C-store is not locking it behind a paywall. As it is right this second there are MANY c-store items that are exactly this way. Ship slots, Drydock slots, BOFF slots and more all are charecter locked to the charecter that they are purchased through. By ebing this way they are removed from the gam economy. Hell C-store ships in and of themselves are locked away from the game economy you cant sell them period! Or did you miss that somehow?
Actually that IS a literally pay wall, cause if you have a lot of toons that want that ship, it's impossible to grind for that you'd have to pay for it. And you can buy these things from the ship from the exchange. IF it was a Cstore only once per char unlock more than likely it would not be a thing you could sell on the exchange.
JJ Connie > TOS Connie
Lag denied your Heal
What happened to my Halon consoles
This is very true @coldnapalm, you don't actually need this ship so it's not really a paywall. The idea of making it a per character unlock, however, is ludicrous. Can you imagine grinding that on the 17 chars I have.
JJ Connie > TOS Connie
Lag denied your Heal
What happened to my Halon consoles
I dropped $50 in game for Zen, and got a Kelvin Connie at a reasonable (as opposed to gambling $100+ and maybe getting nothing) $50 value on the exchange.
Which is why I dont understand why Cryptic doesnt cut out the middleman too. Instead of making players EC rich selling on the exchange, they could cut that out by saying Lockbox ships couldbe won gambling and MAYBE spend less than $50, or pay the price of a 3 ship bundle for one Lockbox ship and buy it straight from the C store. If they took away ways to get rich on EC with insane Exchange markups, then more players have to get their riches from Box keys or something with less markup potential per item sold than a big ship. In the long run, thats more money into Cryptic wallets with less opportunity to sell things off site if Cryptic caps the gambling risk themselves and gets that revenue themselves.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Which is why I dont understand why Cryptic doesnt cut out the middleman too. Instead of making players EC rich selling on the exchange,
Especially since I doubt master keys bough some time ago and put on the exchange selling for EC helps their bottom line when they are likely worried about what sells now not days-months ago.
I have yet to see an argument on how the potential situation of a guy buys a master key from the c-store, sells it, then say 3 months later someone else buys the key for EC opens a lockbox, gets lucky enough to get the ship, and then sells it on the exchange to someone who farmed EC without buying something from the C-store to sell for it, makes Cryptic money.
A little word about 'whale economics': If the price to acquire this ship bothers you, you're not the customers they're concerned with keeping. ~$150 via player purchase or an average of $200ish direct to cryptic is NOT a lot of money to the top 10% of player spending accounts that represent 90% of the company's income.
And those whales appear to have dried up. Maybe you shouldn't have priced out of their range.
If the whales had dried up - you'd be see multiple instances TOS T6 Connie box sitting on the EC exchange at 750 million EC or less. After more than a week that hasn't happened and I still know 3 people myself looking to acquire the ship.
[I got mine the first night at around 880 million (600 million EC I got from selling the Promotion! Packs the first night at an average of 14 million a pop + 53 Master Keys. I did open 24 Promotion! Packs myself as I said I'd use the Zen Stipend I hadn't used ion the past number of months from my LTS first to see if I could get lucky (when they were 800 Zen for a 4 pack) - with no joy (IE no ship) there.]
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
If people do not want to gamble for it, I am more then willing to sell them one, for all the EC and Keys they and their fleet has.
And shaming people who try opening the boxes by saying their way is the smart way, whilst clearly not getting where they come from.
Its selling points are decent (not uber) stats and the TOS skin, hardly worth $120.
You have a way to keep count.
Basically, the number of middlemen/speculators/day traders/etc. are growing and the number of actual consumers is shrinking.
At the time of the release of the oddly proportioned KTprise (sorry it is all out of proportion, I will say this the "New" 1701a at the end of Beyond looks far better it looks balanced in proportions.) it had been stated over and over by Cryptic that there would never be a T-6 Matt Jefferies designed TOS Enterprise so a lot of folks bit the bullet and went with the only option Cryptic said they would have. It has little to do with which is more popular especialy in light of how badly Beyond has done at the box office if the KT universe was so popular Beyond would have been the top box office film of the year and well lets be blunt the pew pew fest called Suicide Squad demolished it easily as has nearly every film released this year.
Right now with it being both a short term offering and in a R&D pack makes it exactly that a pay wall item. Making something charecter locked from the C-store is not locking it behind a paywall. As it is right this second there are MANY c-store items that are exactly this way. Ship slots, Drydock slots, BOFF slots and more all are charecter locked to the charecter that they are purchased through. By being this way they are removed from the gam economy. Hell C-store ships in and of themselves are locked away from the game economy you cant sell them period! Or did you miss that somehow?
Cryptic didn't say there would never be an end-game TOS Constitution.
And if you look at the massive massive HINT that was given (they redid the TOS Connie model and showed it off for AoY) ... you could have made the very educated guess that I and a few others made ... that the ship was coming.
I don't know. I don't think I really made some kind of massive prediction out of thin air you know? I felt like I saw the clues, thought they were obvious, and just waited. Granted I was planning on waiting the whole time. The Kelvin Timeline ships are all going to end up in an infinity lockbox eventually so I was going to wait for their price to go way down. And the actual anniversary is still in 5 days. And so on and so forth.
Waiting seemed to be the best policy.
But they never said never.
And now I have this ship. This amazing ship that was supposedly never going to happen. It's kind of awesome. I almost named it the U.S.S. Askray, but my personal affections won out and I named it after my hometown, the U.S.S. New Castle. See you all in-game, blowing up tactical cubes and terran dreadnoughts with my 200 year old tiny dinosaurs!
yeah but heres where it all falls apart....say it is a farmer and he talks to you in game hes not taking any money just in game ec so you say yeah i have 1 bill ec ill buy it form you ...you find out later the guy you bought it form was a farmer thye have no way of knowing you KNEW it swas a farmer not to mention in the other scenario technically if you and i are friends and i dont want the ship and i say hey give me 20 bucks for it and its yours through paypal well thats a violation of the TOS as well but proving it is the sli[ppery slope and im sure they have better thing to point there resources at than that
then if you did it that way it make ship not exclusive therefore damaging its value and trust me im sure there are guys who have spent over 300 or more dollars in boxes with nothing and i bet they are still going ...even as we speak
Oh I agree with you yeah, I was just making a point that having these ships in a gamble box like they have it right now means they're more than likely making more of a profit off it. And I was just using those specific numbers cause it's easier to multiply and Im lazy.
Actually that IS a literally pay wall, cause if you have a lot of toons that want that ship, it's impossible to grind for that you'd have to pay for it. And you can buy these things from the ship from the exchange. IF it was a Cstore only once per char unlock more than likely it would not be a thing you could sell on the exchange.
Lag denied your Heal
What happened to my Halon consoles
Lag denied your Heal
What happened to my Halon consoles
I dropped $50 in game for Zen, and got a Kelvin Connie at a reasonable (as opposed to gambling $100+ and maybe getting nothing) $50 value on the exchange.
Which is why I dont understand why Cryptic doesnt cut out the middleman too. Instead of making players EC rich selling on the exchange, they could cut that out by saying Lockbox ships couldbe won gambling and MAYBE spend less than $50, or pay the price of a 3 ship bundle for one Lockbox ship and buy it straight from the C store. If they took away ways to get rich on EC with insane Exchange markups, then more players have to get their riches from Box keys or something with less markup potential per item sold than a big ship. In the long run, thats more money into Cryptic wallets with less opportunity to sell things off site if Cryptic caps the gambling risk themselves and gets that revenue themselves.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Especially since I doubt master keys bough some time ago and put on the exchange selling for EC helps their bottom line when they are likely worried about what sells now not days-months ago.
I have yet to see an argument on how the potential situation of a guy buys a master key from the c-store, sells it, then say 3 months later someone else buys the key for EC opens a lockbox, gets lucky enough to get the ship, and then sells it on the exchange to someone who farmed EC without buying something from the C-store to sell for it, makes Cryptic money.
[I got mine the first night at around 880 million (600 million EC I got from selling the Promotion! Packs the first night at an average of 14 million a pop + 53 Master Keys. I did open 24 Promotion! Packs myself as I said I'd use the Zen Stipend I hadn't used ion the past number of months from my LTS first to see if I could get lucky (when they were 800 Zen for a 4 pack) - with no joy (IE no ship) there.]
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."