i wish i could give resignation from command chair in that case, as i must fullfill orders i don't think are right,
Same is with that Ferengi Qwen who trys to kill us in the Delta quadrant and yet he is there on Risa and buying Temporal lost items, and to no one nothing, he tryed to destroy Starfleet/Klingon/Romulan ship but there is no penalty for him, he is allowed to settle on Risa and buying a temporal artifacts, which he can use to commit a crimes in other timelines.
So yes it would be nice to say No and get some other objectives and maybe that romulan and KDF captain have options kill like in Gamma quadrant, while in Kobali that they can go with honor, thats unhored to do that and decline, and starfleet can't do nothing.
But game engine doesn't work like that and if it does, it would need lot of work to add other objectives to current missions, so we need simply accept our orders as we are officers obligated by duty and commanding, tho Admiral Quinn is Admiral while we are Fleet Admiral who is higher rank? as there isn't Grand Fleet Admiral :P
It's been ages since I played Delta Rising but what I remember most clearly about it is that the reasons why we helped the Kobali were two-fold. First, they were a valuable ally in the war against the Vaadwaur, who--as @azrael605 pointed out--were on a campaign hell-bent on subjugating or destroying everyone in the Delta Quadrant. Secondly, the Vaadwaur had created something that was going to exterminate the Kobali for good. So these factors far outweighed whatever moral qualms there were to be had in enabling the Kobali in their grave robbing.
Yeah, and one thing that caught my attention is that despite hundreds of new Kobali created from Vaadwaur, none of these new Kobali objected to fighting their "own kind".... But Keten.... Keten immediately tried to escape.
Again, how do you know that? Given the Kobali's MO, do you seriously expect any conscientious objectors to be allowed to go free, milling about talking to you about it?
How do you know there's not a prison somewhere, full of half-assimilated Vaadwaur waiting for the brainwashing to set in?
Although, given the Vaadwaurs' xenophobic culture, assimilated Vaadwaur would likely know they could never go home even if they did get away from the Kobali. They are therefore less likely to escape, knowing they'd have nowhere to go. They would be more likely to attempt violent revenge instead.
Again, how do you know that? Given the Kobali's MO, do you seriously expect any conscientious objectors to be allowed to go free, milling about talking to you about it?
How do you know there's not a prison somewhere, full of half-assimilated Vaadwaur waiting for the brainwashing to set in?
Because that's not how it's written. You discovered the crimes they committed with the Stasis pods and you (and Kim et al.) ended it. Now everything is good, Kobali ask people for their dead. That sounds simple, but that's the way it's written. Inventing random eventualities doesn't help the discussion at hoof.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Again, how do you know that? Given the Kobali's MO, do you seriously expect any conscientious objectors to be allowed to go free, milling about talking to you about it?
How do you know there's not a prison somewhere, full of half-assimilated Vaadwaur waiting for the brainwashing to set in?
Because that's not how it's written. You discovered the crimes they committed with the Stasis pods and you (and Kim et al.) ended it. Now everything is good, Kobali ask people for their dead. That sounds simple, but that's the way it's written. Inventing random eventualities doesn't help the discussion at hoof.
It's not written any other way, either. It's not written at all. We discovered the crimes they committed with the stasis pods, but that's not the topic.
If the question is why don't we see other half-assimilated people object to being assimilated, the answer is we never see any other half-assimilated people. And suggesting those people are being held against their will is not a "random eventuality," but an observed behavior of the Kobali.
The Kobali may ask people for their dead now, but nowhere is it written they're asking the people they're actually brainwashing. Nowhere is it written that they explain to the families of the "corpses" how their loved ones will wake up as themselves and then slowly lose their minds as they mutate into an alien, potentially spending years in captivity before finally being subverted. Or escape and be hunted down.
How do we know the surface of Earth isn't a lifeless hellhole outside of the Academy? How do we know the Federation isn't really run by a secret cabal of Satan-worshiping baby-eaters who exist primarily to keep the Illuminati under control? How do we know Jm'pok isn't really a woman?
Sometimes, warpy ol' kid, you have to take the story you're shown (again, play through "Dust to Dust", and this time read the flavor text) and work with that. Or, if you simply must have your Trek take place in a universe of dark conspiracies and hidden information, at least keep it between you and Olivia.
If the Kobali had been open about what they do with corpses and asked for permission like they agree to do at the end of the Kobali ground story arc none of this would have happened to begin with.
If the Kobali had been open about what they do with corpses and asked for permission like they agree to do at the end of the Kobali ground story arc none of this would have happened to begin with.
But now they do ask for permission to use corpses. Problem solved.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I have no problem with how the Kolabi reproduce, they have as much right to do what's needed for their race to survive.
And honestly given how many people the Vadwaar have butchered, I prefer the Kolabi turn them into Kolabi, because the Kolabi aren't genocidal maniacs, who honestly feel more spacenazi then the Nakuhl ever did, alliances and uniforms aside.
Its feel like justice that after all the murder they did, the Vadwaar are reused to give life instead of taking it.
I kinda wish we could have had two sides to the Kobali battlezone, with you actually able to side with the Vaadwaur or the kobali after a certain point o the story-arc, or based on what faction you are even with it being kinda like a momentary truce of sorts such as like with Eldex. Hell a story arc that focuses on the liberation an civil war that would most likely have erupted between the parasite infected Vaadwaur an the non-infected Vaadwaur would have been a interesting arc I would not have minded playing thru.
@themetalstickman I almost forgot about him! I remember him telling people that they made him so upset that he was throwing up!
Same is with that Ferengi Qwen who trys to kill us in the Delta quadrant and yet he is there on Risa and buying Temporal lost items, and to no one nothing, he tryed to destroy Starfleet/Klingon/Romulan ship but there is no penalty for him, he is allowed to settle on Risa and buying a temporal artifacts, which he can use to commit a crimes in other timelines.
So yes it would be nice to say No and get some other objectives and maybe that romulan and KDF captain have options kill like in Gamma quadrant, while in Kobali that they can go with honor, thats unhored to do that and decline, and starfleet can't do nothing.
But game engine doesn't work like that and if it does, it would need lot of work to add other objectives to current missions, so we need simply accept our orders
How do you know there's not a prison somewhere, full of half-assimilated Vaadwaur waiting for the brainwashing to set in?
Although, given the Vaadwaurs' xenophobic culture, assimilated Vaadwaur would likely know they could never go home even if they did get away from the Kobali. They are therefore less likely to escape, knowing they'd have nowhere to go. They would be more likely to attempt violent revenge instead.
Because that's not how it's written. You discovered the crimes they committed with the Stasis pods and you (and Kim et al.) ended it. Now everything is good, Kobali ask people for their dead. That sounds simple, but that's the way it's written. Inventing random eventualities doesn't help the discussion at hoof.
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If the question is why don't we see other half-assimilated people object to being assimilated, the answer is we never see any other half-assimilated people. And suggesting those people are being held against their will is not a "random eventuality," but an observed behavior of the Kobali.
The Kobali may ask people for their dead now, but nowhere is it written they're asking the people they're actually brainwashing. Nowhere is it written that they explain to the families of the "corpses" how their loved ones will wake up as themselves and then slowly lose their minds as they mutate into an alien, potentially spending years in captivity before finally being subverted. Or escape and be hunted down.
Sometimes, warpy ol' kid, you have to take the story you're shown (again, play through "Dust to Dust", and this time read the flavor text) and work with that. Or, if you simply must have your Trek take place in a universe of dark conspiracies and hidden information, at least keep it between you and Olivia.
But now they do ask for permission to use corpses. Problem solved.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
And honestly given how many people the Vadwaar have butchered, I prefer the Kolabi turn them into Kolabi, because the Kolabi aren't genocidal maniacs, who honestly feel more spacenazi then the Nakuhl ever did, alliances and uniforms aside.
Its feel like justice that after all the murder they did, the Vadwaar are reused to give life instead of taking it.