I play this game for several years and never experianced such catastrophic gameplay experiance before. Lag, broken privacity settings, cant even open in game tickets because of errors, all this apparently started at the same time about 2 days ago.
First the lag, its massive, something I never had in years of experiance. Character screen takes forever to load, when you enter the game it takes like 40 seconds to be able to move, like it cant stabilish a proper connection. Then suddenly everything appears to go back to normal, but I still have lag, something I never had in years of experience, and if I change characters it starts all over again, really!?
Privacy settings, out of blue my zone chat went mute and Im unable to receive messages from players outside a group or fleet. Everytime I log in, my setting somehow disable these features and even if I manually turn then back on they wont work. Im not interested playing a "Solo" MMO, just to let you know.
Lastly, cant even open in game tickets!! Its a outrage, you write a ticket and get a nice "[TicketError] Could not connect. Please try again later." How can a MMO have a broken "Report Bug" feature?! This only shows the state of the game we play, its a DISASTER! If you are expecting to release this to console players... give it up, they are not used to Bugs like computer MMO players are!