lol....The day they mention we are disabling the throttling of the servers and removing on-demand patching will be the day I will drink blood wine and make merry in STO..
You could just turn on demand patching off. That is an option, I have had it off for years now and never get bothered by it.
I meant as a universal thing remove on demand patching from this game completely..As for me I never ever used it ever since I startd playing back in 2011-12..I prefer to have my game patched rather than suffer even more in a game that has sever server connectivity issues..Its a rubbish feature IMO because playing an MMO and patching it at the same time is just stupid because it hogs more server resources,,Its better to patch before entering the game and then play..Also by removing this feature it ensures that everyone in game will be at the same patch level rather than be at god knows what level whilst going thru the different areas of the game hogging server resources..
lol....The day they mention we are disabling the throttling of the servers and removing on-demand patching will be the day I will drink blood wine and make merry in STO..
You could just turn on demand patching off. That is an option, I have had it off for years now and never get bothered by it.
I meant as a universal thing remove on demand patching from this game completely..As for me I never ever used it ever since I startd playing back in 2011-12..I prefer to have my game patched rather than suffer even more in a game that has sever server connectivity issues..Its a rubbish feature IMO because playing an MMO and patching it at the same time is just stupid because it hogs more server resources,,Its better to patch before entering the game and then play..Also by removing this feature it ensures that everyone in game will be at the same patch level rather than be at god knows what level whilst going thru the different areas of the game hogging server resources..
Thanks for that reminder. I had to do a reinstall because of upgrading computer for other things. I had forgotten to turn that off on my new machine.
Even Crazy Eddie would be shocked by those IN-SANE prices.
Come on Cryptic, put them in the C-Store for a REASONABLE cost.
I'd pay $5 to $7 bucks each, but there is no way in HELL I'm going to dish out MILLIONS for a One Toon Outfit.
That's just Pure Unadulterated Greed and kinda rude to boot.
It's chit like this that makes me STOP buying things.
Not just the crazy Barbi vanity outfits (which are useless to me.. all my toons stay in Beachcomber" but the cost of the batteries and such ??
Mindboggling.. simply mind boggling.. Now,, If they offered a +25% Buff to RNG rolls IN FAVOR OF THE PLAYER.. that might be tempting..
However, IMHO, new outfits, Vanity Pets, and different color carpet for my bridge, are about as useful as a chocolate fire god..
It started just 57 minutes ago and they said expect 2.5 hours. So wait at least that long.
I meant as a universal thing remove on demand patching from this game completely..As for me I never ever used it ever since I startd playing back in 2011-12..I prefer to have my game patched rather than suffer even more in a game that has sever server connectivity issues..Its a rubbish feature IMO because playing an MMO and patching it at the same time is just stupid because it hogs more server resources,,Its better to patch before entering the game and then play..Also by removing this feature it ensures that everyone in game will be at the same patch level rather than be at god knows what level whilst going thru the different areas of the game hogging server resources..
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
Thanks for that reminder. I had to do a reinstall because of upgrading computer for other things. I had forgotten to turn that off on my new machine.
Not just the crazy Barbi vanity outfits (which are useless to me.. all my toons stay in Beachcomber" but the cost of the batteries and such ??
Mindboggling.. simply mind boggling.. Now,, If they offered a +25% Buff to RNG rolls IN FAVOR OF THE PLAYER.. that might be tempting..
However, IMHO, new outfits, Vanity Pets, and different color carpet for my bridge, are about as useful as a chocolate fire god..
patch one hole and twoo shall take its place !
"Those outfits were clearly designed to test our response time to bugged items"
Shard Maintenance always screws with my game time here on the east coast. I absolutely loath the timeframe.