I noticed that weapons have a weird bug with their texture in a specific place:
When going to the Operations level in Deep Space 9, the equipped weapon goes full black for no reason. While so far, it has only done this in Ops, I suspect there may be other instances where the bug appears.
To reproduce:
1/Equip a weapon
2/Go to ops on DS9
3/Observe it going fully black no matter the angle or lightning
Here's an example with the Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon normally:

And here it is with the bug:

I tried and replicated the bug with:
-Dyson Experimental Proton Rifle
-Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon
-Advanced Herald Antiproton Projector
-Bajoran Phaser Pistol
-Kelvin Timeline Batleth
-Fluidic Antiproton Energy Stream Rifle
-Na'kuhl Temporal Operative Assault