So.... is this a bad time to ask for a Wells/Rmor/Korath T6 with Commander Sci/Temporal and a LT eng/Specialty seating (Up from Ensign eng)?
Or have the LTC uni/Temporal with the Commander Sci/Temporal?
Eh? Kinda wanting my 29th Century Time-ship to finally see a hybrid of the New Specializations..
Not that the 31st Century Eternal class isn't good (Its an all my alts that dont fly a 29th century vessel)...But I kinda like my Science Timeship due to the performance (unmodified) being closer to an escort (in turn, size and inertia) than a cruiser...
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I was told this was the appropriate place vs the academy..So I posted here.
Maybe..a Tholian Lock box?
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Kinda but no...Its more like a 31st Century Vesta than the Wells in Size, Inertia,Turn and the fact it has a hangar (plus the whole "Multi-Mission Science Vessel" moniker..)
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Personally, I do not believe a T6 Wells will be done now that we have 3 cross-faction temporal ships that are obviously based on the Wells.
As far as a proper SCV goes, you get the Eternal. As far as an improvised, fast, small SCV goes you can Outfit the universal BOff-slots of your Ouroboros appropriately. A fully T6 Wells would lie in-between, but again, I don't think they'll do one so quickly with all that temporal-themed stuff. May be I'm wrong and the next lock-box will be Temporal-themed again, but that's not likely.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
History is going to repeat itself, it seems. So we'll get Cardassian Lockbox II, Ferengi Lockbox II and then Temporal Lockbox II until then
I'd really love to dock my shuttle in a T6-Vesta before that happens, though... saying "Like old times..."
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
This is basically a post like the others.."Hey cryptic t6: oddy? Galaxy?defiant?
Sure there are ships like these but not these ships..A phantom is not a t6 Defiant..Just like the Paradox or Eternal are also not a wells.
..Similar in some aspect but no where near what a T6 wells will was/will be (temporal humor).
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
We're not worthy!
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
They'll expect people to settle for it, and no doubt most will open their wallets like good little whales and buy it.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Deamosh is sick..but it's not a Wells ;p
Nautilus is ugly as sin...and it's not a Wells
This is kinda the same things peeps was doing to those who wanted a T6 defiant..Many were trying to point at other ships like the Phantom as equal to...but it's not the same..
I'll wait fer it..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Why does the introduction of the Paradox mean anything in relation to the wells?
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Because it is the Tier 6 version of the Temporal Lockbox ships. Cryptic has to make Tier 6 versions of their Tier 5 Lockbox ships like the Tethys or Dahut for the Undine Lockbox, the Huntmaster for the Hirogen Lockbox, and the Narada for the Tal Shiar Lockbox.
So while there might be a Temporal C-Store ship bundle like the Advanced Dyson Science Destroyers, Andorian Escorts, Odyssey Star Cruisers, Multi-Mission Explorers, Flagship Star Cruisers, Command Battlecruisers, and Pilot Escorts where every ship is pretty much the same except different consoles and slightly different stats, there is no guarantee it will look close to the Wells or be a Science Vessel. After all, there are 6 ships that look similar to the Wells and 4 of them are Tier 6 ships.
The devs will likely say, you want a Tier 6 Wells, then use the Eternal since it is a science vessel and looks similar to the Wells. So there are 3 options, play the Eternal since it looks like the Wells, play the Nautilus since it plays like the Wells, or hope that there might be a ship similar to the Wells.
The Dauntless is more like the Wells If your using the Wells universal seats for tactical like I do (similar size,maneuverability too)..the Krenim SV has the same Universal/Boff set up and lay out as the wells...But is Twice the size with none of its "escort like" speed or maneuverability.
As far as "t6 wells won't look like a wells" is not accurate...Just look at the jem Hadar strike ship vs it's t5 variant or any number of t5 to t6 ships..
Devs will prolly say.."want a t6 wells? Wait in line while we release these other ships when it's turn is up,we'll release it" They have done it with others..And the list is getting smaller...I'm sure we'll get it before they close the Temporal episodes (Ark)...A wells is clearly pictured for that chapter...
looking at the Ouroboros...It Kinda...looks like a cross between the KDF Korath (Wings )and the FED Mobius (nose)..kinda..if I squint real hard..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
LOL. Yeah, I meant "We got enough T6 Science Timeships now already"
We just got a temporal overload of temporal ships with AoY (like Daniels gets temporal overloads from time to time).
Three of them come exclusively in T6 and are *clearly* identifiable as evolutions of the Wells-design. Yes, they are not just upgraded Wells-class ships and lack the original Wells-Skin as an option, but some of them clearly perform as more specialized variants of it (or more universal, like the Ouroboros).
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
I'd love one, just got the T5 one a month ago and it's a brilliant ship, just one extra boff seat and a chance to play with the new temporal powers would be real nice.
The Eternal, Chronos and Paradox may be similar in looks but they handle nothing like the Wells does.