I just picked up the Omni-Directional Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Beam Array and I found that it doesn't matter where you slot this beam, it'll fire from a hardpoint that is closest to the target. For example, I've slotted it in an aft slot but when firing at a target directly ahead of me, it'll fire from the front of the ship. Conversely, it'll pick an aft hardpoint to fire at a target that's behind me. This is absolutely wonderful!
Currently, the crafted Omni-Directional beams don't have this feature. If you slot one in an aft slot and you fire at a target ahead of you, the beam will pick an aft hardpoint and fire through the ship. Since the Omni Antichroniton Tetryon Beam clearly supports situational hardpoints, can this functionality be copied over to the crafted Omni-Beams?