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CSTORE BOFF 0718 Star Fleet (dev/gm help)

winteranestiwinteranesti Member Posts: 11 Arc User
I am hoping a dev can help with this one. I was claiming the 0718 Bridge Officer from the temporal pack I purchased. As I was claiming him, server disconnected me and he wasn't normal since. His name cut off and I could not train him in any abilities or specialties like intel, command, ect. using the train specialization qualification manuals. So I decided to get rid of him in hope I can claim him again through the store since this has happened with broken ships as well. Apparently I cannot reclaim him and I am coming here for help in hopes it can be restored to my account in 100% working function. Please if anyone can help me, I would be greatful. Thank you.


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    bhakti76bhakti76 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I'm actually in the same position except i'm stupid i guess ; i claimed 0718, unpacked him just to see and dismissed him for later purpose and save a boff room, i did not pay attention to the warning message if any and... can't claim it again.
    I actually buyed the starter pack for him so... Why does it not reclaimable ? Any sort of recover possible ?
    Note : he is not sendable from another character (bound to character)
    Other question : if i buy the "big" pack, can i claim it again ?
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I claimed the pack, found my torn uniform but have yet to see this boff. I went to the officer at ESD figuring I'd claim it there or via the cstore personnel but still haven't found it. There is nothing in my inventory to indicate I have a package. All of my active boff slots were full when I purchased the pack but shouldn't it be in my officer pool in stations if it got sent to me on purchase?


    Is the drop supposed to be initiated by picking up a ship? The promo in the C-store instructs you to go to the shipyard. I already have an account unlock on the 23c classic bundle and picked up the TOS Enterprise before I purchased the temporal bundle. My AoY captain still hasn't reached a level that will allow me to pick up the T6 Paladin that is the other ship in the package. Will I get my android when I requisition the other ship?

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    texarion#1034 texarion Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    The Android is found by going into the "items" section of the C-store. Which is fitting I guess as being an Android he is an item and not a person ?
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    Thanks! I never would have thought to look there. The Doctor would be aghast but I was happy to find "it" there :) .

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    winteranestiwinteranesti Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I just wanted to post an update. I sent in a ticket on this issue and my boff was restored. Thank you for such a speedy and amazing job restoring a broken missing boff!
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    jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    I jut saw this forum and hope the my 0718 can be restored as well, I deleted him to do some BOff juggling and then discovered that he was not reclaimable. [4:44] [System] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,075,936.

    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
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