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Tangled Webbs, ku'va'mah.. however its spelled.

cacalebcacaleb Member Posts: 17 Arc User
In tangled webbs in the last fight sequence to defend the queen, if there is a tholian besides her still alive they chase into the hallway to kill the entire 4th wave of nahkul, giving you no credit for it and not respawning. leaving you in limbo and forcing you to repaly for credit.

Kuvamagh: after defeating ships in space, if you dont beam to the planet the first time it asks you too anad instead gather anomalous readings or try to look for temporal beacons that aparently you have to watch for in you log to know if they are there or not, it then wants you to kill the space ships again, though they are dead, and gives no option to beam back to the planet.
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