been away from the game for a while, looking to come back casually, but seems like the game has been taken over by ARC, or whatever is happening here.
is their still a forums somewhere where fleets advertise for recruits? Oceanic player looking for a fun//semi active person guild to relearn some of the new game aspects, interested in all of the stuff, pve/pvp etc
i've been looking for a good SMALL RP fleet, but so far no one is geek enough. lol
the0infamous, what are you looking for in an RP fleet? My fleet (Firefly Fleet - it'll come up if you do a forum search) does RP, or does when it's more active, it seems to be having one of its quiet phases at the moment but there are plans for as soon as it comes back. Mainly forum-based, also a few members who like to interact IC in the game itself (and I suspect more who'd happily join in if you started it). New members always welcome, if we fit the bill for you.
Considering they're technically Fed... my guess is they will get rolled into the Fed forums.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Yeah someone was kind enough to direct me to those forums but all of the fleets seemed to lack the small aspect, and a few even had bots or just really robotic recruiters who refused to answer direct questions, so i gave up on those boards. but thanks wombat
However, more than likely my brother and i will just make our own fleet/story.
true true!!!