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Fluid Dynamics - bug

morden613morden613 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
edited May 2016 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
After picking up the escape pods from the USS Venture, Voyager and the other ships mysteriously disappear leaving me to go after every Borg ship, and the Command Diamond all on my own.

It's a fight I can't solo at level 51.

They're supposed to be helping me, aren't they?

[11:17] [System] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID # 3,991,018.​​


  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    So I looked into your issue, and the NPC support fleet is still present and as indicated from the included screen shots, do engage the Borg fleet.

    The only issue related to the one you reported is that the allied fleet doesn't keep up if you use full impulse. Which I'll raise with the OST. As for soloing the Borg fleet, the only thing I can suggest is looking at your ship build and skill tree selections.​​
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • jbhughesjbhughes Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I just encountered this issue, I will try it without full impulse.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    jbhughes wrote: »
    I just encountered this issue, I will try it without full impulse.

    I've gone through it personally twice earlier today, first time using full impulse in which case it seems the allied fleet has a predetermined patrol route linking all the points, so it has little choice but to navigate to them in order, which means you can constantly pull ahead of the fleet. The second time I went through it, I used full impulse up till the part where you rescue the escape pods, after that I kept with the fleet until it engaged the Borg fleet.​​
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    My build is fine. Mk XIV tactical consoles and some XIV beams so far, nothing gold or fancy at level 51. I know what I'm doing in the build department. Skill tree is fine. Ship's just a little squishy but I do know what I'm doing.

    I won't go full impulse then. Simple enough. Thanks for the help.​​
  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    This happened but that's neither here nor there...

    I don't know how that happened but there are two of some ships. Hey, i'm not complaining. That's more to fight the Borg with.

  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    Bugged for all my toons since the last patch as well. Off course you can go through this without full impulse
    in which case you have time to go through school, find a girlfriend, get married, have kids, watch them go of
    to college etc...before you get to the Borg.
    Up to the point where you find the fake ships and get the cutscene it's ok to use full impulse, I suspect the
    cutscene simply places the fleet right next to you as it is always right there when you finish watching.
    But if you go all out full impulse from here on you will loose the fleet between the escape pod and the 4th
    pylon, they will just park in space and no amount of circling them and nudging the ships is getting them moving again.

    After the cutscene you can only use full impulse in short burts, the fleet moves faster than you and will catch up once
    you disengage full impulse. Then once you get past the final pylon Tuvok talks to you once you hit the next quest marker
    and the fleet shifts into 2nd gear engaging the borg.
    Here is where the next bug strikes cause most of the fleet wont advance past the Borg reinforcements and ships
    that enter repair mode never make any progress on repairs and are out of the fight permanently.
    At this point you will have to engage the diamond and try to kite it to the fleet, but beware the diamond
    loves to get stuck on structures. Once the diamond gets in striking range the fleet attacks but does not move,
    so eventually it moves out of range and the ships just hang out where they are...i guess they ran out of anti-matter.

  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    Here is where the next bug strikes cause most of the fleet wont advance past the Borg reinforcements and ships that enter repair mode never make any progress on repairs and are out of the fight permanently.
    At this point you will have to engage the diamond and try to kite it to the fleet, but beware the diamond loves to get stuck on structures. Once the diamond gets in striking range the fleet attacks but does not move, so eventually it moves out of range and the ships just hang out where they are...i guess they ran out of anti-matter.

    Oh, great, (so to speak) so it's not just me.
    I encountered this one myself tonight - just got out of the mission (finally), in fact. After the Borg reinforcements showed up and were defeated, I had Voyager and the Romulan ship lock up in repairs and the Stardancer and Klinzhai just hang there in space able to shoot but not move, leaving me to face the Diamond effectively on my own. (Not an experience I recommend or one I'd care to repeat...)

    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    Have you ever noticed that after the cutscene when you head towards the escape pod there'll eventually be 2
    fleet ships joining you from pretty much 90 degrees to your right while everyone else is directly behind you.
    Never could figure out where the heck those 2 ships come from...
  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    So I just noticed something really weird (no bull), those 2 ships that join you from way out of the right field
    after the cutscene while on your way to the escape pod...are duplicates...the USS Stardancer and the
    IKS Klinzhai...so now i got 2 of those in the fleet...that cant be right...
    Also yesterday Voyager was the only ship going all the way to the diamond and then it rammed it...never fired
    a single shot just circled after ramming...this mission is getting weirder and weirder...
  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    Just to be clear on this, the last patch did not fix this mission.

    Short summary of issues encountered:

    - after the cutscene you can loose the fleet if you get to far ahead (doesn;t appear to be an issue before cutscene)
    - on the way to the escape pod you will be joined by 2 duplicate ships, the Stardancer and the Klinzhai (they might
    be from the mirror universe, maybe they sabotaged this mission ;))
    - the bulk of the fleet will stop moving at the initial point of contact with the Borg
    - the number of ships actually going all the way to the diamond is between 0-2, which ships appears to be random
    - ships can get stuck in repair mode
    - sometimes the enemy or your mates don't attack, seen Voyager simply ram the Borg Diamond (it wasn't bothered
    by it), this last one isn't specific to this mission though. It goes back as far as i can remember, no need to fix this ;)
  • avenger09123#3948 avenger09123 Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited June 2016
    I ran into this today playing through, here's what I noticed - I start it with only two ships, the Stardancer and an IRW. If you get further than 20km before picking up the escape pods, the two ships I had disappeared from the map permanently. So I have to do the whole mission on 1/4 impulse so they can keep up. Best part is at the end, guess who I still have - the two ships and the two ships only YAY! a third shows up but quickly gets destroyed abd disappears. Good to see from your screenshot there was supposed to be more, as I was assuming more people were supposed to show up, since the USS Voyager was supposed to follow my lead but it's just me and the two invincible NPC ships. Then I have to go into the area drag the Diamond back out and into their range. The diamond just does a figure 8 around them and they dont move. It moves vertically to get to me when im above it at a rate of about .5km a minute. Then we can only get it down to about 80-85% unless it for some reason gets stuck and then we can maybe get it down to 30% before it starts moving again. The Undine just sit there next to Unimatrix Two of Two even when I fire at them, so I think ill just continue to pick up the sweet loot they drop until you guys fix it.

    Oh yeah, another thing, while I enjoy the sight of 14 transphasic torpedoes from my 12 swarmers and and 2 from me headed towards the Diamond (with three yield chambers on mind you), the health only going down to 97-98% is a bit ridiculous. I respect that this is supposed to be hard, but either make the boss a bit less of a chunk of iron or give me a bigger damn hammer. I'm level 53 and can handle the to waves prior with ease, but this boss is ridiculous with only 2 NPC's.
    Post edited by avenger09123#3948 on
  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    Well yeah there is a reason you get a fleet for this mission...that diamond has shield regen from hell.
    I'm actually getting better at doing this mission in it's broken state. The biggest problem I ran into
    is when the fleet splits about 50/50, cause the diamond randomlu switches targets and it's hard
    to keep it within range of 1 group if the fleet is that scattered.
    Can't figure what causes some ships to park at the initial point of the Borg encounter and others
    to advance, it seems totally random. Such a pain when the diamond gets stuck in that cube-like structure
    you have to pass on the way...it's not the only ship that does that, i frequently see a Borg Cube
    (reinforcements) burried in that structure.

    Big disappointment is that there is nothing about this mission in the patch notes this week...hoping
    it's a lazy, grumpy patch note writer ;)
  • avenger09123#3948 avenger09123 Member Posts: 2 New User
    > @quantum42#9720 said:
    > Well yeah there is a reason you get a fleet for this mission...that diamond has shield regen from hell.
    > I'm actually getting better at doing this mission in it's broken state. The biggest problem I ran into
    > is when the fleet splits about 50/50, cause the diamond randomlu switches targets and it's hard
    > to keep it within range of 1 group if the fleet is that scattered.
    > Can't figure what causes some ships to park at the initial point of the Borg encounter and others
    > to advance, it seems totally random. Such a pain when the diamond gets stuck in that cube-like structure
    > you have to pass on the way...it's not the only ship that does that, i frequently see a Borg Cube
    > (reinforcements) burried in that structure.
    > Big disappointment is that there is nothing about this mission in the patch notes this week...hoping
    > it's a lazy, grumpy patch note writer ;)

    I finally managed to finish this today. Not without a great deal of effort mind you. After the Shard Maintenance, it seemed to me that they dropped it's resistance or total HP down a little bit. That or I just had the perfect storm to deal with this TRIBBLE. They parked and I dragged the diamond out like I used to except the Diamond stayed in the middle of the two ships I had, so they kept constantly firing on it. Then I got in close with my carrier and just kept launching both heavy torpedoes and kept reloading my swarmers who also launched transphasic torpedos. The two 30% increased transphasic projectile consoles I had on there helped as well. I would get the ship down about 10% and then it would target me and nearly kill me so I kept using ramming speed when I could, otherwise I'd explode next to it. Then rush in and do the same thing over again. I died a helluva lot of times, but finally that TRIBBLE who never had a shield in the yellow, finally got beat. You get a pretty cool borg adapted transphasic too if you like that sort of thing.
  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    In case nobody got around to checking it out yet, still bugged as of the latest patch.
    Once again Voyager was the only ship joining me at the diamond and it didn't fire a single shot...Tuvok
    must have run out of phasers or something. Also, those 2 known issues at the bottom of the patch notes,
    are they really known issues or is it just a funny idea of a signature? Those last 2 lines have been in the patch
    notes since b efore the universe formed, you'd think some janitor got bored by now and fixed it...
  • corvushawkcorvushawk Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Ran into this bug on my KDF Engineer. We defeat the borg cubes and the fleet parks there, won't engage the diamond. Had the split fleet bug on my STF Tactical. Took me half a dozen lovely core meltdowns before I destroyed the diamond
    "Guess who's coming to dinner!"- Chekov
  • iklossis19iklossis19 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    The "help" doesnt move at full impulse with you, it takes a long time for them to arrive and once they do they dont help unless you pull the ships to where they sit. It's more than a little annoying.
  • shelevshelev Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    I hadn't played STO in years. Did this mission and the first time I tried it the ships bugged out and didn't follow me, I thought I was just really weak/my old build was now useless but then I looked up videos online and saw that you were supposed to have NPC allies.

    I then restarted the mission and tried again making sure to stay near the allies, this made the mission super slow but atleast got the NPC allies to get to the borg area.
    That said even once this happened the NPC allies all got stuck on a borg pillar outside of the Borg Diamond spawn area and they would not move AT ALL from that point. So I had to kite the Diamond back to where the allies were stuck on a pillar, doing this I was able to eventually destroy the Diamond.

    As is this mission was bugged for me (even with a restart) to the point that it would be impossible to complete as designed. I had to go VERY slowly, and kite enemies back to bugged out NPC's, without doing these things it was literally impossible for me to solo kill the Borg Diamond (it regenerated more damage than I could seemingly do it).
  • coloneltunafishcoloneltunafish Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Even after "kiting" it back to the two ship fleet it took me about half an hour and 10 lives to kill it -_-
  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    sqwished wrote: »
    So I looked into your issue, and the NPC support fleet is still present and as indicated from the included screen shots, do engage the Borg fleet.

    The only issue related to the one you reported is that the allied fleet doesn't keep up if you use full impulse. Which I'll raise with the OST. As for soloing the Borg fleet, the only thing I can suggest is looking at your ship build and skill tree selections.​​

    I don't suppose you noticed that your first screenshot clearly shows 2 duplicate ships, something you seem to
    be totally oblivious to...so the only issue is not the fleet not keeping up.
    Also please give us a screenshot showing every single ship in the fleet actually making it to the spawn area
    of the Borg diamond.

  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2016
    sqwished wrote: »
    So I looked into your issue, and the NPC support fleet is still present and as indicated from the included screen shots, do engage the Borg fleet.

    The only issue related to the one you reported is that the allied fleet doesn't keep up if you use full impulse. Which I'll raise with the OST. As for soloing the Borg fleet, the only thing I can suggest is looking at your ship build and skill tree selections.

    I don't suppose you noticed that your first screenshot clearly shows 2 duplicate ships, something you seem to
    be totally oblivious to...so the only issue is not the fleet not keeping up.
    Also please give us a screenshot showing every single ship in the fleet actually making it to the spawn area
    of the Borg diamond.

    For your information, the original post for this thread stated and I quote
    morden613 wrote: »
    After picking up the escape pods from the USS Venture, Voyager and the other ships mysteriously disappear leaving me to go after every Borg ship, and the Command Diamond all on my own.

    The screen shots I took demonstrated that the ships didn't simply "disappear" but can in fact be left behind if a player uses full impulse. And l am aware of the duplicated ships, because I do check screen shots and video's before I include them in posts.

    Edited in the interests of diplomacy - I've gone through Fluid Dynamics again video will be uploaded first thing tomorrow. Below are a list of things I've noted from the video.

    1/ High use of Full impulse results in fleet getting left behind. (After the cut scene involving the Undine destroying to fake ships) The fleet jumps to a position relative to that of the players, but continued use of full impulse means the fleet can once again be left behind.

    2/ A portion of the fleet was duplicated ( you'll see them join the fleet from the bottom left of the screen ) namely the USS Stardancer and IKS Klinzhai both have duplicates.

    3/ During the final battle with the Borg fleet two of the ships were removed from the "Team" (as their details were displayed in Blue, where as the remaining ships details were displayed in white/grey). These being both IKS Klinzhai.

    4/ One of the IKS Klinzhai sustained enough damage resulting in the ship going off line for repairs (Once completed the ship moved to reengage the Borg fleet. Only it along with it's duplicate appear to maneuver into a firing position against the Borg Diamond, but don't actually engage. How ever the remaining ships and I noted 5 in total (Uss Stardancer x2, Uss Voyager, Uss Phinda & IRS Ar'heal) moved to intercept and subsequently engaged the Borg fleet.

    5/ At one point one of the Uss Stardancer's gets caught it part of the Unimatrix structure, but after several seconds manages to free it's self and then moves into firing position on the next target.

    As for the rest of the reports in this thread, I've not yet been able to confirm them, if any of you can capture any of your reports on video, it would be a great help.​​
    Post edited by sqwished on
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • quantum42#9720 quantum42 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    Played it on 2 toons just now:

    Effectively the mission is working again, there are a couple glitches which could have existed in the missions
    original state, I just never looked closely before it was broken.

    You can go balls to the wall again on full impulse, the fleet eventually showed up at the borg on 2 tries.
    The fleet also engaged the borg reinforcements and the command diamond, thus you can finish it like you
    used to.

    Now about the couple glitches:
    - 2 ships are duplicated after the cutscene and before you meet u p with the escape pod, the Klinzhai and
    the Stardancer, however i doubt ppl will mind having 2 extra ships.
    - some of the ships will advance to the diamond and then park there, I had 3 ships off to the right side of the diamond
    spawn point. One ship got stuck in a cubic structure on the left side which eventually caused the diamond to
    mosey on over there, getting out of range of the above mentioned 3 ships and they never bothered to follow.

    As I said the mission might have always been a bit glitchy, i just never noticed since it basically worked and does
    so once again.

    We now can move on with our lives :) ...About that SNR bug...;) Just kidding i'll leave it to someone else to bug
    cryptic about that one....I did my part...1 mission fixed :)
  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    I don't suppose you noticed that your first screenshot clearly shows 2 duplicate ships, something you seem to be totally oblivious to...so the only issue is not the fleet not keeping up.

    This seems to be a really silly thing to argue about, considering - if you scroll back a bit - I already posted a screenshot about this and explained it. Do we really need to explain this twice?​​
  • dahvyd#5897 dahvyd Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    This mission is still broken. I gave up after having all my allies get stuck in tight spaces or just fly idly by while I take on the diamond myself. The diamond only occasionally shoots at me, but my weapons can't take it down faster than its shields regenerate. Surely this isn't how the mission is supposed to be?
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