I was hopeful that over time it would be improved, but quite frankly I'm just out of hope. The amount of damage a single ship can deal in a 5 second time frame has gotten ridiculously out of hand not to mention the fact that all of that damage can be 100% shield penetrating. With that in mind I fail to see where even in pve content such would be necessary as pve content in the game hasn't gotten harder. Give all pve ships some 20k per tick fbp cause the ship was hitting it with a 3k beam array and throw a terran 6 charge torp launcher that can push 100k hits from that pve ship then you might be able to understand what I'm talking about.
But alas, since I've run out of hope that the game will actually improve in areas it needs to like harder pve content and more balanced pvp content it's without any regrets I uninstall this game as of tonight with no intention on looking back or reinstalling in the future. PS - I already did the same with Neverwinter when Strongholds came out and no one could log in for weeks Ablative shell (out this time last year) and sub nuc (out since the beginning) just a few weeks ago getting a fix!! Yea...no hope.
1. Add quotes from positive replies this thread on why we want PvP improved; that will put some backing behind your letter with testimony from multiple players.
2. Mention a few realistic suggestions to improve PvP. There's always an excuse a reason for why they can't do this or that, so remind them that it is possible.
3. Let them know that we are willing to help. If they reach out to us, we will help.
4. Tell them how they can make money. Cryptic's bottom line is money. PvP was abandoned because apparently PvE is more profitable. You must tell Cryptic how they make money off of this. The easiest example is that reviving PvP will bring back paying customers (ones who actually tend to spend a lot).
5. Add "and the PvP community" after your handle. As I said before, it's important that they know that there are many people collectively backing this. It would be better to get lots of specific @handles on there, but I don't think many people are willing to put theirs on it (I am though, you could put mine on it if you feel that doing so would better our chances of this getting through).
I don't know if this will do anything, but it will certainly do more than the empty moaning of the subforum. If you don't get a response to the email after a while, try a different way - maybe a PM to Trendy. If that doesn't work, keep trying. For what it's worth, you have my support.
I was hopeful that over time it would be improved, but quite frankly I'm just out of hope. The amount of damage a single ship can deal in a 5 second time frame has gotten ridiculously out of hand not to mention the fact that all of that damage can be 100% shield penetrating.
That is true, but that dsnt mean you cant survive this.Alot of people here have right, but i feel like 90% you guys dont understand that everyone can have something imba, and nothing is impossible.
I will leave here 2 my vids from solo q versus one of the best premades now. https://youtu.be/QHt2sQUF3Is?t=18m39s https://youtu.be/HrgGdYlzaNA?t=16m29s
I meet every day many pvpers that join pvp, i know thier builds, its mostly all about damage, with alot of mistakes. You can dont like me but i know what i talking about, Do You really think ppl you can just come to pvp and start to be a killer in a month, or just take a break from PvE and be a good point of your pvp team?The New Order create a whole website and in-game channel to help with thier knowledge to new players. They do help people with builds, if you ask them. Me too. http://stopvp.online/
At the end i will add that FBP is a powerfull ability, but i will repeat, there is a reason why we have fbp in game, that was burst dmg of beams, now glass cannons have think twice before they attack, and i will repeat that- NOBODY can have 100% uptime on FBP, even on global cd there is 15 sec gap.
I would, personally, like to see something like the accessibility which existed pre-LoR; allow players to have an advantage from good gear / abilities (so all of their "investment" is not wasted) but with a small enough margin that others can compete.
I wonder if it would be possible to put some kind of "normalising filter" over the range of damage and buffs - so that the margin between lowest and highest was much smaller than in PVE. That already happens with a few abilities, such as raider flanking, so presumably it's possible. Couple that with better rewards - maybe event-style multiple choice mark boxes - and PVP could be attractive again.
I rather see PvP removed. Its Community is rather hostile and constant instavape, decloaking Alpha strikes, spawn point camping and alike. I tried PvP a few times only to hear the squicky decloaking sound from behind and 1 or 2 nanoseconds later seeing my ship blow up regardless what i have or try. No chance at all to react. And the dreaded "X is OP, please nerf". I hold the PvP community responsible for the many (but not all!) nerfs across the board. Especially for Science skills. So yes, remove PvP.
I think this is a rather polarized discussion, so I won't say too much.
IMHO, the two issues plaguing PvP for the past few years have been:
PvP (and STO as a whole) keeps evolving, and that unsettles both veteran and new players alike.
PvP has lost any sort of balance whatsoever.
Which add up to an unpleasant experience. And who would want to voluntarily do something that isn't fun on their precious free time?
To address both issues, I strongly suggest to Cryptic to create dedicated PvP areas, marked as such, where "PvP STO" works differently than "normal STO". Equipment that has been buffed/nerfed to curtail problems in PvE would not have the same restriction, or have different effects, in "PvP STO". That way, Cryptic can isolate the PvP system and work to balance that and not have to worry about upsetting the balance in PvE. Perhaps even overhaul PvP completely and bring back the sense of balance that was in the game a few years ago - a time when players could run builds of many different types and purposes and not be overly penalized for it.
Of course, this is just a napkin idea and not fully developed, so there could be finer details to work out. I'm just giving the general idea.
In regards to Ker'rat, well the idea of FED vs KDF vs Borg doesn't apply in the current meta since FEDs and KDFs are allies, same with the ROMs. I would remove Ker'rat and replace it with a different type of open brawling area. Oh and make sure players can switch teams, so we don't get 10 FED on 1 KDF.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I was hopeful that over time it would be improved, but quite frankly I'm just out of hope. The amount of damage a single ship can deal in a 5 second time frame has gotten ridiculously out of hand not to mention the fact that all of that damage can be 100% shield penetrating.
That is true, but that dsnt mean you cant survive this.Alot of people here have right, but i feel like 90% you guys dont understand that everyone can have something imba, and nothing is impossible.
I will leave here 2 my vids from solo q versus one of the best premades now. https://youtu.be/QHt2sQUF3Is?t=18m39s https://youtu.be/HrgGdYlzaNA?t=16m29s
I meet every day many pvpers that join pvp, i know thier builds, its mostly all about damage, with alot of mistakes. You can dont like me but i know what i talking about, Do You really think ppl you can just come to pvp and start to be a killer in a month, or just take a break from PvE and be a good point of your pvp team?The New Order create a whole website and in-game channel to help with thier knowledge to new players. They do help people with builds, if you ask them. Me too. http://stopvp.online/
At the end i will add that FBP is a powerfull ability, but i will repeat, there is a reason why we have fbp in game, that was burst dmg of beams, now glass cannons have think twice before they attack, and i will repeat that- NOBODY can have 100% uptime on FBP, even on global cd there is 15 sec gap.
I voted "improve" even though i don't play STO for almost 2 years now. BUT, after seeing 2 minutes of your videos i'm just disgusted at what is nowadays passing for PvP. All those dodges, immunities, comebacks from -0 HP, all that while standing still with quarter subsys power, relying on TBR and FBP.
I sometimes forgot why i left in the firs place, but this reminded me.
I was hopeful that over time it would be improved, but quite frankly I'm just out of hope. The amount of damage a single ship can deal in a 5 second time frame has gotten ridiculously out of hand not to mention the fact that all of that damage can be 100% shield penetrating.
That is true, but that dsnt mean you cant survive this.Alot of people here have right, but i feel like 90% you guys dont understand that everyone can have something imba, and nothing is impossible.
I will leave here 2 my vids from solo q versus one of the best premades now. https://youtu.be/QHt2sQUF3Is?t=18m39s https://youtu.be/HrgGdYlzaNA?t=16m29s
I meet every day many pvpers that join pvp, i know thier builds, its mostly all about damage, with alot of mistakes. You can dont like me but i know what i talking about, Do You really think ppl you can just come to pvp and start to be a killer in a month, or just take a break from PvE and be a good point of your pvp team?The New Order create a whole website and in-game channel to help with thier knowledge to new players. They do help people with builds, if you ask them. Me too. http://stopvp.online/
At the end i will add that FBP is a powerfull ability, but i will repeat, there is a reason why we have fbp in game, that was burst dmg of beams, now glass cannons have think twice before they attack, and i will repeat that- NOBODY can have 100% uptime on FBP, even on global cd there is 15 sec gap.
I voted "improve" even though i don't play STO for almost 2 years now. BUT, after seeing 2 minutes of your videos i'm just disgusted at what is nowadays passing for PvP. All those dodges, immunities, comebacks from -0 HP, all that while standing still with quarter subsys power, relying on TBR and FBP.
I sometimes forgot why i left in the firs place, but this reminded me.
I voted improve too. I agree, it is awful. The worst part is a lot of the people who play it now, myself not included, think that it's fine like it is. The problems don't end with immunities, dodges, etc. There's also going from 100% to 0% health in 1 second thanks to being able to get so much burst damage, shield and armor penetration, lots of disables, a lot of drains, a boatload of speed boosts which make teamwork and healer builds almost obsolete. So yeah, sometimes I wonder why I play PvP in STO anymore.
I would love for PvP to make a return. I think at this point, balancing the skills, ships, equipment, doffs, BOFFs, rep abilities etc will be too difficult.
What they should do is move to a class based system where you have a set number of classes.
2 or 3 variants of an escort, cruiser, and sci ship. Im sure they can balance 9 classes. (they can add more later).
Then give us aesthtic options. Let us put our kelvin JJ-prise skin on "cruiser 2", or our Voyager skin on "sci-ship 1". In addition to the regular visual customization available regarding reputation set gear.
Finally, bring in some new maps/game mode and some prizes like a lockbox key or a PvP gear set like any other reputation set.
The playerbase needs to grow up some. Here is the sequence of any PvP:
* Player enters a PvP with starter gear, and the free ship Admiral Quinn gave them for level 40.
* Player gets killed by a Level 60 with a Reputation thingy.
* Player then makes a rant thread about said thingy being overpowered.
* Devs nerf thingy.
Roughly 90% of nerfs in this game have been from some starter guy with no gear getting angry when someone kills them. And us level 60 players who spent months, sometimes years, on certain characters are the ones who get punished. You don't like when someone kills you, do make a note of what they were using. Then go to the Exchange, and get one for yourself. Either that, or get your Reputation to Tier 5, and buy that thingy for yourself.
The entire reason I used to play Team Fortress 2 a great deal is because such ranting was at an absolute minimum, if it ever existed in the first place. You get killed, respawn, and get back to work. Granted, you always had that one child who would get killed over and over, and then switch to Sniper in hopes of getting revenge.
Side note:
Several people have mentioned special consoles, such as Plasmonic Leech. Thanks to the Infinite Lockbox, those are easier then ever for Starfleet to obtain. They might even be easier to obtain than the Tier 3 Vandal Destroyer, due to Infinite Lockbox driving the Dilithium Exchange to 400+.
I voted "improve" even though i don't play STO for almost 2 years now. BUT, after seeing 2 minutes of your videos i'm just disgusted at what is nowadays passing for PvP. All those dodges, immunities, comebacks from -0 HP, all that while standing still with quarter subsys power, relying on TBR and FBP.
I sometimes forgot why i left in the firs place, but this reminded me.
Hey mate o/ Think about that even I, at the end, left PvP. And that's it, that explains a lot Those who remained, hypocritically believes that everything is ok, throwing out excuses on excuses basing on the fact that everything is possible. Yeah, sure, i'm on that idea normally, but who have no time to spend on the game, unlike some hard-nerds here, and just want to play (like old times, do you remember?) some occasionally or almost-serious PvP with basic stuff and not with months-farmed things, he's literally cut out.
This is why PvP will slowly die until devs will remove it, probably. Idk. I just hope, but even the hope now shakes
But alas, since I've run out of hope that the game will actually improve in areas it needs to like harder pve content and more balanced pvp content it's without any regrets I uninstall this game as of tonight with no intention on looking back or reinstalling in the future. PS - I already did the same with Neverwinter when Strongholds came out and no one could log in for weeks
I will send this to Cryptic by Wednesday, so don't wait until the last minute to say something.
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)
2. Mention a few realistic suggestions to improve PvP. There's always an excuse a reason for why they can't do this or that, so remind them that it is possible.
3. Let them know that we are willing to help. If they reach out to us, we will help.
4. Tell them how they can make money. Cryptic's bottom line is money. PvP was abandoned because apparently PvE is more profitable. You must tell Cryptic how they make money off of this. The easiest example is that reviving PvP will bring back paying customers (ones who actually tend to spend a lot).
5. Add "and the PvP community" after your handle. As I said before, it's important that they know that there are many people collectively backing this. It would be better to get lots of specific @handles on there, but I don't think many people are willing to put theirs on it (I am though, you could put mine on it if you feel that doing so would better our chances of this getting through).
I don't know if this will do anything, but it will certainly do more than the empty moaning of the subforum. If you don't get a response to the email after a while, try a different way - maybe a PM to Trendy. If that doesn't work, keep trying. For what it's worth, you have my support.
The pace might leave a bit to be desired...
Mustrum "Understatement is a virtue" Ridcully
I will leave here 2 my vids from solo q versus one of the best premades now.
I meet every day many pvpers that join pvp, i know thier builds, its mostly all about damage, with alot of mistakes. You can dont like me but i know what i talking about, Do You really think ppl you can just come to pvp and start to be a killer in a month, or just take a break from PvE and be a good point of your pvp team?The New Order create a whole website and in-game channel to help with thier knowledge to new players. They do help people with builds, if you ask them. Me too.
At the end i will add that FBP is a powerfull ability, but i will repeat, there is a reason why we have fbp in game, that was burst dmg of beams, now glass cannons have think twice before they attack, and i will repeat that- NOBODY can have 100% uptime on FBP, even on global cd there is 15 sec gap.
I wonder if it would be possible to put some kind of "normalising filter" over the range of damage and buffs - so that the margin between lowest and highest was much smaller than in PVE. That already happens with a few abilities, such as raider flanking, so presumably it's possible. Couple that with better rewards - maybe event-style multiple choice mark boxes - and PVP could be attractive again.
IMHO, the two issues plaguing PvP for the past few years have been:
- PvP (and STO as a whole) keeps evolving, and that unsettles both veteran and new players alike.
- PvP has lost any sort of balance whatsoever.
Which add up to an unpleasant experience. And who would want to voluntarily do something that isn't fun on their precious free time?To address both issues, I strongly suggest to Cryptic to create dedicated PvP areas, marked as such, where "PvP STO" works differently than "normal STO". Equipment that has been buffed/nerfed to curtail problems in PvE would not have the same restriction, or have different effects, in "PvP STO". That way, Cryptic can isolate the PvP system and work to balance that and not have to worry about upsetting the balance in PvE. Perhaps even overhaul PvP completely and bring back the sense of balance that was in the game a few years ago - a time when players could run builds of many different types and purposes and not be overly penalized for it.
Of course, this is just a napkin idea and not fully developed, so there could be finer details to work out. I'm just giving the general idea.
In regards to Ker'rat, well the idea of FED vs KDF vs Borg doesn't apply in the current meta since FEDs and KDFs are allies, same with the ROMs. I would remove Ker'rat and replace it with a different type of open brawling area. Oh and make sure players can switch teams, so we don't get 10 FED on 1 KDF.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I sometimes forgot why i left in the firs place, but this reminded me.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
I voted improve too. I agree, it is awful. The worst part is a lot of the people who play it now, myself not included, think that it's fine like it is. The problems don't end with immunities, dodges, etc. There's also going from 100% to 0% health in 1 second thanks to being able to get so much burst damage, shield and armor penetration, lots of disables, a lot of drains, a boatload of speed boosts which make teamwork and healer builds almost obsolete. So yeah, sometimes I wonder why I play PvP in STO anymore.
What they should do is move to a class based system where you have a set number of classes.
2 or 3 variants of an escort, cruiser, and sci ship. Im sure they can balance 9 classes. (they can add more later).
Then give us aesthtic options. Let us put our kelvin JJ-prise skin on "cruiser 2", or our Voyager skin on "sci-ship 1". In addition to the regular visual customization available regarding reputation set gear.
Finally, bring in some new maps/game mode and some prizes like a lockbox key or a PvP gear set like any other reputation set.
* Player enters a PvP with starter gear, and the free ship Admiral Quinn gave them for level 40.
* Player gets killed by a Level 60 with a Reputation thingy.
* Player then makes a rant thread about said thingy being overpowered.
* Devs nerf thingy.
Roughly 90% of nerfs in this game have been from some starter guy with no gear getting angry when someone kills them. And us level 60 players who spent months, sometimes years, on certain characters are the ones who get punished. You don't like when someone kills you, do make a note of what they were using. Then go to the Exchange, and get one for yourself. Either that, or get your Reputation to Tier 5, and buy that thingy for yourself.
The entire reason I used to play Team Fortress 2 a great deal is because such ranting was at an absolute minimum, if it ever existed in the first place. You get killed, respawn, and get back to work. Granted, you always had that one child who would get killed over and over, and then switch to Sniper in hopes of getting revenge.
Side note:
Several people have mentioned special consoles, such as Plasmonic Leech. Thanks to the Infinite Lockbox, those are easier then ever for Starfleet to obtain. They might even be easier to obtain than the Tier 3 Vandal Destroyer, due to Infinite Lockbox driving the Dilithium Exchange to 400+.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Hey mate o/ Think about that even I, at the end, left PvP. And that's it, that explains a lot
This is why PvP will slowly die until devs will remove it, probably. Idk. I just hope, but even the hope now shakes