Pawing through my recently arrived manual for the Eaglemoss USS Vengeance figurine, I found a concept sketch that suggested a neat new weapon type we could use in STO: the "Broadside Torpedo".

It would work like normal torpedoes of each class, but the firing arc would be two 90° cones extending to each side of the ship. In exchange for the larger arc -- which is still
considerably smaller than the half-sphere of wide angle torpedoes -- Broadside torpedoes would have a slightly longer cooldown (+15%?) than their front and rear facing counterparts.
Anyways, to your encouragement you can get the Wide Arc Quantum torpedo from the C-store. It has an 180 degree targeting arc and it should give you some coverage.
Broadside Torpedoes would lead to some new builds as your lack frontal coverage makes them less likely to be partnered with cannons, dual beams, or used on the many 5/3 monsters out there. Instead it meshes well with normal beam arrays. I also imagine the Science captains doing some odd new tricks with it.
2 problems. It's only a one torpedo per ship deal being a special weapon on the Sovereign, (I have not seen a standalone version of same available anywhere, even for zen) which still leaves a wide gap in the targeting arc. Another, it's Fed only and therefore not available for KDF/Roms.
A 180 degree torpedo should be craftable after level 15 in Projectiles R&D instead of the plasma bomb. I would much prefer they make that change.
I agree. But I'm not an expert. So you know a dev may hop in and shoot the idea down based on tech issues. But what you say sounds reasonable to me.
And the idea itself is intriguing and interesting to me. It'd be fun to have that wrinkle added for new build ideas and different tactics.
I'm a fan of the idea.
It's not that bizarre an idea. I'm all for it.
You forgot about the rapid fire missile launcher. It's available to everyone for lobi. (Though it is an awful weapon, and needs to have its arc increased to 360 degrees like a real missile system.)
On the topic of 180 degree torpedoes vs the plasma bomb torpedo (or whatever it's called) at R&D level 15 in projectiles, why not both?
Edit: almost forgot to use this:
(I almost never get to use that!)
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
You forgot about the rapid fire missile launcher. It's available to everyone for lobi. (Though it is an awful weapon, and needs to have its arc increased to 360 degrees like a real missile system.)[/quote]
Nonsense! It's been fixed so it triggers the same things as normal torps and it apparently loads even faster than it used to. If you run standard torpedos without any fancy procs it will be an improvement. Getting it up to UR is a pain to be fair but that's no big deal. My only complaint is that mine ended up with [Acc]x2 instead of a more useful mod.
Good idea!
You are like Humphrey Appleby from legendary tv series Yes Minister
Broadside torpedoes in STO are an insteresting idea, current torpedoes are made like submarine torpedoes with front arc, ship destroyer torpedoes should be broadsided. This torpedo would maybe even convinced me to play some on my cruiser.
I had proposed side- or center- mounted Point Defense weapons as well, but was shouted down by the PD Console crowd, (regardless of the fact that you can't mount those on a Warbird or BoP.)
Beyond making players think about new possibilities (always a good sign
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I'd say that this idea is on the right track. There's no need for new weapon slots, just weapons with different functionality. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the 360 weapons (Omni-beams and turrets) in this discussion. Broadside torpedoes could be similar, in that it doesn't matter if they are fore or aft mounted. Their firing arc would always be to the sides of the ship in a split or mirrored arc.
In fact, now that I think of it, perhaps this concept could give rise to another possibility. What if there were devices in the crafting system that allowed for the addition of a special mod on a weapon? You could craft or purchase an upgrade amplifier that granted a weapon a specific mod upon upgrade, such as a torpedo weapon being granted a Broadside mod.
T5 Akira (Armitage) actually comes with the console to use those. Torpedoes everywhere once every few minutes (I think it's two min. now.): port, starboard, fore, aft, it cares not.
Already kinda in game with the above console, and the concept has been in Star Trek games since pen and paper days IIRC, and has come up in several video games too.
other trek video games increases the problem not reduces it... Same reason we can't won't see some of the really great designs in other trek games.
The concept of shooting cannons sideways to the direction of ship travel rather predates Into Darkness. Or even all of Star Trek. By centuries
Well aware but specifically 'side firing photons' is not. And lets face it we've been denied stuff for less precedent than that many times.
I'm totally for the idea, just don't get the hopes up.
Not out of the question either, as the Obelisk Carrier has launchers on the side that angle forward when fired. Very fun to watch in the mission combined with Worf's special that has Torp Spread 3 built into it (sadly not slotable on either player version).
I wish that kind effect was used for the 180 degree torps, as it looks a bit odd coming out out at a steep angle when broadside fired, but if it went straight then changed directions it'd look a lot better. Some modern munitions do that, and the emission seeking torp in Undiscovered Country did similar.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Because it was awesome?
And that's really the goal here - making you look and feel awesome without radically increasing the power of your ship. I want them to be an equitable exchange with toys we already have. There's been a clear push to get projectile weapons back into the mix. Creating new synergies and new builds that use mixes of directed energy and projectile is high on my list of hoped for the game.
I agree a [side] tag would be a clear indication of what the weapon is doing, but I worry it' would create the expectation it's taking up a tag slot, when what I'd like to see is for the wider arc and cooldown increase to be complementary effects that cancel out so that you could have broadside version of some of the specialized/whacky torpedos in game without them having to be one color-class higher to buy that extra [side] tag. Basically, putting "Broadside" in the name makes them a lot easier to insert into existing content.
Please point them out.
I checked the blueprints and it has only forward and aft tubes.
I think he's referring to the paired nipples in the recessed area at the 3/9 o'clock positions on the saucher
Well, if so, someone in that last lifeboat position is gonna have a big surprise on their launch vector, followed by a bad day.
Ah the Airlocks. Easy mistake to make.