Right, since the new skill system change I just stopped playing, couldn't be bothered going through over 15 characters and applying skills one by one (What moron left it like that).
Tactical - Fleet Defiant
Science - Intrepid
Engineering - Sovvy / Galaxy (Although I do love my Sovvy, beautiful ship)
These are my ships for each career path but I need some help with the skills for each,
Tactical no need for in depth explanation you wreck stuff.
Science I never really knew how to go about this so just tried to get through stuff without dying but I currently use PBA with complete Borg set.
Engineering I usually tried to get the right skills to take a beating for the team, beam boat that used to take a serious beating.
Currently all my captains have 0 skill points assigned and since they still charged you for respec (Dont care about the discount they gave, it was a crappy move not to make the respec free for a week after so people could get used to the new system) I didnt want to TRIBBLE up as it meant I would be left with it forever.
Any help would be appreciated in regards to helping with skills.
There are a few skills that are really important regardless of Captain career:
Beyond that, there is a lot of discussion as to the Tactical and Science ultimate abilities. From what I've seen, they are very comparable in the current state of the game and very strong, even with the current server performance issues at the high end.
If you're worried about survivability, take note of the new Strategist specialization, along with the new Threatening Stance power. It really is quite excellent.
I was more concerned on the abilities you get via points allocated as well, are these important ?
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/ has the unlocks up so you can get some ideas more visibly than the hovertext in game.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Also, characters carried over what other respecs they may have earned, such as from levelling with an active subscription/LTS...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Ive visited that site several times since the changes but still dont have a clue, was hard enough to learn everything the last time.
What about this for Tactical
3xHull Capacity
3xEnergy Weapon Training
Lt. Commander
Electro-Plasma System Flow + Improved EPS Flow
3xImpulse Expertise
3xTargeting Expertise
3xDefensive Maneuvering
Hull Plating + Energized + Ablative
3xWeapon Amplification
3xWeapon Specialization
Offensive Subsystem Tuning + Weapon, Engine Performance
3xLong-Range Targeting Sensors
3xHull Penetration
Warp Core Potential + Improved WCP, Warp Core Efficiency
38 points spent, 8 left.
No Shield cap??!?
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Mainly for solo stuff with Grav Well, cluster torp and beam arrays on the Science.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
I managed to get over 75 power in each system with weapons maxed out.
- The first point in any skill gives the most benefit.
- The 3rd point in any skill usually gives the least benefit.
- The higher the tier of the skill, the more specific the benefit often is.
The above is just a general guideline, not always 100 % true for each and every skill (some skills branch out after the first pick, for example. Long Range Targeting works a bit different since it's a penalty reduction skill, not a skill that boosts something).
But as a result, I would recommend: Ensure you have 1 point in every skill up to the Commander Tier or so.
Beyond that, look more closely. Buff weapons (of the type you want to use) first. Before you pick a 3rd point in any skill, definitely consider if you can't spend it on a 2nd or 1st somewhere else.
Beyond that, I probably would try to get power level boosts. Weapon Power being a priority on a Cruiser or Escort, Auxiliary on a Science Vessel and as the second priority on any ship type.
By that guideline your build is unlikely to be screwed over and missing something significant. It probably will still have optimization potential, but it might depend a lot on exact play style, ship choice, bridge officer ability choice and so on.
I used the skill planner now to generate a "generic" build that follows the above concepts:
If I was supposed to use this on a Science Vessel though, I'd shift tactical points over to science. Maybe I would even do that in general on any build I'd use, since I like to integrate a Lt.Cmdr science offensive skill where ever I can, and more Exotic Particle Generators and Control Expertise are useful there.
If you go for an Ultimate ability, you have a lot less choices in general, since most of your points will be spend on one branch.
The build you linked is something that probaby will work fine on a pure DPS Cruiser or Escort build. I would suck for a Science Vessel, obviously.