Tulwar/Flambard because I enjoy the challenge it provides with 3-pc T5 console set & 2-pc T6 set using cannons. Otherwise, I need to cycle ships, gear, layouts, even characters and factions or it gets repetitive fast, much more so nowadays since the skill revamp seemingly boosting everyone's DPS to ridiculous levels.
Just to clarify my question. All stats aside, what is the #1 coolest, most desireable, most awe inspiring ship that exists in the game? I am not saying the best ship or the highest DPS or whatever I am saying the one ship that that you want in your garage more than any other.
A follow up question. Same as above but with the qualifier that the ship must still be available somehow in the game.
I am just asking because I like ships, like talking about ships etc and I like hearing the opinions of other players (I already know my own opinion after all).
First part, T6 Connie / D7 / T'Liss set, configured as full on science vessels (3/3, sensor analysis, integrated SST, Cmdr & Lt Cmdr Sci BOff seats, etc...)
Second Part - Tossup between Vesta, Hestia, Galaxy-X, Pathfinder, Recluse, DSD, T'Varo (in torp boat/Sci to abuse EBC configuration)...
And there's not really anything left in the C-store that appeals to me so much that I think I need to purchase. Could use a few ships (The Yamato, Promethius for set pieces) but they're not burning holes in my pocket...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
My favorite is easily the Guardian class. She's tough, versatile and an overall awesome design. She looks the part of an advanced Federation cruiser, without all the annoying trapezoidal saucers, gigantic nacelles, and aggressive lines.
Not that I don't like the more aggressive designs, but the Guardian has my heart. Though I admit the Yamato is a close second.
We have a Galaxy-X and what is essentially an Andromeda-X. We need a Guardian-X to round it out. :P
"So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again."
-Dedication plaque of the Federation Starship U.S.S. Merkava
Fed: I would go with the Ambassador. I just love the design. As its the last of the more iconic Fed design. After that they just went way with that basic shapes.
KDF: I would go with the K'Tinga. I spent months farming Dil to get it from the Fleet store. To me that ship is just of Legends of the KDF. Even today you will see me flying it around. Way I have it set up, it just chews up the enemy. Very nasty ship of a smaller size.
Romulan: D'Deridex with full Romulan Rep set. This ship can really pound the heck out of the enemy. Their worst mistake is getting caught in my trap and I let loose full punishment. Most ships rarely survives the 1st round of attack. If they do, they are almost scrap.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
#1 ship in terms of the ship I would never ditch out of the dozens and dozens of ships I have/flown...
Jem'Hadar Dreadnought
With the Attack Ship pets of course. Its the ship I wish I could always use because of how awesome it is and has been since it was introduced both in DS9 and in the game. Its T5U sadly and needs a new variant, but it still works pretty damn well at least. Its just fun to fly!
The ships that sold me on getting a lifetime sub when I started playing 5-6 yrs ago was the deep space science vessel, then the vo'quv.
Not so sold on science nowadays besides gravity well after the numerous changes in science over time but vo'quv is something I try to get on most of my kdf. Good memories, awesome looks, frigate hangars... And I need sci admiralty cards kdf side, lol.
My current personal favourite is the Yorktown Class Science Star Cruiser. Its BOFF and Console layout leaves enough room for a versatile type of playstyle (and can still hit hard enough when needed) and it comes with enough customization choices to create a look i like.
Saucer: Sojourner (just love the wide looks of it)
Hull: Yorktown (i wish there was a more streamlined/less prominent one)
Pylons: Endeavour (facing forward and sturdy looking, nice!)
Nacelles: Odyssey or Sojourner (depending on my mood)
Overall, i really like the variety of choices the designer created for these ships.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
Regent and Wells are by far my favorite ships. I really appreciated the remodels for Galaxy, Prometheus, Defiant, ect. I hope to see the same treatment for T6 Sovereign.
In terms of "the one ship that you want in your garage more than any other" that I don't own, then it would be Paradox. That ship is just eye candy for me. I really love the sliced off section in the aft with all the windows. I also love the silhouette of the ship on just about every angle.
Bellerophon for the Feds (Intrepid refit), best home-grown design Cryptic ever made IMO.
Orion Corsair for the KDF, beautiful ship, wish the new T6 Flight Deck Cruisers could use the skin.
D'Deridex for the Romulans. Well, if anything says "Romulan", it's this big beast of a ship. A true classic.
Have to give a special mention to the Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, the "baby Narada", love the look of that ship. Hate the price.
For the Republic, it's definitely the Aelahl for me. I think that is the most beautiful combination of the D'deridex and Valdore, a clear 2410 design. The lines even remind me of the D7, going way back. I love it's in-game performance, too. But guaranteed, it's my #1 ship simply on style alone.
Fed... that's a tough one, but I'd say the ship I gravitate the most to is the Avenger (or rather, the T6 Arbiter with the Avenger design). It's a clear Starfleet design, but bulked up something fierce. I've always liked it a lot.
I am a Fed cruiser guy through and through. Looks-wise my favorite is still the original Odyssey but now I fly a Sojourner-class (T6 Operations Star Cruiser) that for a while was a kitbash with a Sojourner saucer and Endeavour hull and nacelles. I changed it to just a straight Sojourner later on even though I think the proportions on a Sojourner/Endeavour or Sojourner/Yorktown combo are better.
My DPS is TRIBBLE because even after months I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm getting better, and the Sojourner seems to be a beastly tank when kitted out.
I still have a sneaking fondness for my Excelsior T5-U refit though. I love that ship's looks.
T5-U Fleet K'tinga Retrofit. I just keep going back to it. It's a classic. Great turn rate for a battlecruiser. I'm still holding out hope that it gets the T6 treatment along with the Vor'cha.
My DPS is TRIBBLE because even after months I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm getting better, and the Sojourner seems to be a beastly tank when kitted out.
Just post up a thread asking for build/DPS help, and you will receive a veritable shower of build advice from morons, trolls, and actual top DPSers. I suggest you listen more to the third set.
Back on topic, top ships per faction:
Fed: Odyssey line.
Reason? SPACE WHALE!!! But more specifically, the Oddy line always seemed to be magnificent to me, and those ships can hit insanely hard if you build them right (I know of players who were doing 81k+ DPS in Oddys BEFORE plasma explosions existed). They can also absorb obscene levels of damage and aren't as... sluggish as people would expect. However, I usually end up staying in my Presidio because it's still better than the Oddy in most aspects.
KDF: That's a toss-up between my Fleet Tor'kaht and Fleet Mogh.
Reason? KDF BCs have been OP since release. They stayed OP into F2P. They were still OP from Season 3 all the way to Season 11.5. Why? Simply put, they do everything. They can tank like nobody's business (not as well as fed cruisers, but honestly you don't need THAT much damage soak), they can DPS hard (double LtCmdr Tac on the Mogh, lots of APB and FAW there), and they are so damn maneuverable it's not even funny. When your base turn rate is 10+, with good gear and the proper skill layout and power level settings, you can be easily sitting on 20+ turn rate with 30+ impulse speed. Those things can MOVE. And they look cool XP
Rom: Scimitar. Was there any doubt?
Reason? I highly doubt this part is necessary, but I'll do it anyways for the sake of Epeening. On release, the playable Scimitar was... interesting. Everyone was still figuring out builds and were complaining about being crippled by the rather interesting hull resistance issues the ship first had (everyone remembers the first time something had a core breach anywhere near their scimitar). But a few weeks later... Let's just say there's a reason you were seeing so damn many of the things. As damage output goes, the Scimitar is always a top choice. Even if it's not number one, it's always up there. 5/3 weapon layout, always has a Cmdr Tac, and those Romulan Drones... There's a reason they only give you one hangar on it XD. Add to that it's very very high base health and actually good shield mod, the thing can take a TON of damage, provided things even hit you, because that ship can also move very well when built properly. Yes, it's only got a base turn of 7, but with a good engine and good power levels, that ship can easily get up into the 18-20 range, with a speed of 30+. And honestly, the thing just looks like it wants to kill something. And with the Reman shield... let's just say that's not something I would want to run into out in the cosmos.
Honorable Mention: Undine Nicor Bioship.
Reason? Always been a fan of the Nicor since I first saw one back in "Scorpion". Fast (like, OBSCENELY fast), one shotting cubes, running around giving no f***s about anyone or anything. And then they made it playable. I almost died of hysteria. And then I saw that it wasn't that good (more accurately, wasn't that good for my playstyle, I know for a fact that ship is an excellent ship for many players), and I figured that was probably to keep up their sales of other ships. Oh wells. Not going to lie though, if there ever was one on sale for less that 20 million ECs (which we all know will NEVER happen), I'd probably get it in a heartbeat.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
For my Fed captain I think the most fun ship was the t5-u Nihydron destroyer, it turned on a dime and was a pretty decent little ship. For my Rom captain so far I think I like the Khopesh the best though the Shamshir is a close second. Not really liking the Sci vessel out of that pack for some reason. Don't really have a favorite ship for my Klingon character since I don't play KDF very much and as such don't have the same number of ships.
Such a hard one to answer, because the answer I give you today will change every week. For now, since I lucked out on my Fed Tac toon, my favorite is the T6 Acheros BC. When that gets old, I'll probably go back to my tried and true Fleet Arbiter.
On my Fed Sci toon, my current favorite is the T6 Daemosh, but I also really love my Paradox.
Mock me for it if you wish, but on the KDF side I really love flying my Dyson Science Destroyers. They're all about fun for me.
On the Rom side, I confess I'm on the T6 Scimitar bandwagon for strictly performance reasons. I do have a customized Command Cruiser that I adore for beauty, though. Romulans really know how to make a gorgeous ship.
First part, T6 Connie / D7 / T'Liss set, configured as full on science vessels (3/3, sensor analysis, integrated SST, Cmdr & Lt Cmdr Sci BOff seats, etc...)
Second Part - Tossup between Vesta, Hestia, Galaxy-X, Pathfinder, Recluse, DSD, T'Varo (in torp boat/Sci to abuse EBC configuration)...
And there's not really anything left in the C-store that appeals to me so much that I think I need to purchase. Could use a few ships (The Yamato, Promethius for set pieces) but they're not burning holes in my pocket...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Not that I don't like the more aggressive designs, but the Guardian has my heart. Though I admit the Yamato is a close second.
-Dedication plaque of the Federation Starship U.S.S. Merkava
KDF: I would go with the K'Tinga. I spent months farming Dil to get it from the Fleet store. To me that ship is just of Legends of the KDF. Even today you will see me flying it around. Way I have it set up, it just chews up the enemy. Very nasty ship of a smaller size.
Romulan: D'Deridex with full Romulan Rep set. This ship can really pound the heck out of the enemy. Their worst mistake is getting caught in my trap and I let loose full punishment. Most ships rarely survives the 1st round of attack. If they do, they are almost scrap.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Jem'Hadar Dreadnought
With the Attack Ship pets of course. Its the ship I wish I could always use because of how awesome it is and has been since it was introduced both in DS9 and in the game. Its T5U sadly and needs a new variant, but it still works pretty damn well at least. Its just fun to fly!
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Not so sold on science nowadays besides gravity well after the numerous changes in science over time but vo'quv is something I try to get on most of my kdf. Good memories, awesome looks, frigate hangars... And I need sci admiralty cards kdf side, lol.
Saucer: Sojourner (just love the wide looks of it)
Hull: Yorktown (i wish there was a more streamlined/less prominent one)
Pylons: Endeavour (facing forward and sturdy looking, nice!)
Nacelles: Odyssey or Sojourner (depending on my mood)
Overall, i really like the variety of choices the designer created for these ships.
The rarest ship in game.
In terms of "the one ship that you want in your garage more than any other" that I don't own, then it would be Paradox. That ship is just eye candy for me. I really love the sliced off section in the aft with all the windows. I also love the silhouette of the ship on just about every angle.
Ah, the rarest of the rare!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Orion Corsair for the KDF, beautiful ship, wish the new T6 Flight Deck Cruisers could use the skin.
D'Deridex for the Romulans. Well, if anything says "Romulan", it's this big beast of a ship. A true classic.
Have to give a special mention to the Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, the "baby Narada", love the look of that ship. Hate the price.
Fed... that's a tough one, but I'd say the ship I gravitate the most to is the Avenger (or rather, the T6 Arbiter with the Avenger design). It's a clear Starfleet design, but bulked up something fierce. I've always liked it a lot.
KDF: Tor'kaht (whole Vor'cha line)
Rom: Morrigu (whole Mogai line)
My DPS is TRIBBLE because even after months I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm getting better, and the Sojourner seems to be a beastly tank when kitted out.
I still have a sneaking fondness for my Excelsior T5-U refit though. I love that ship's looks.
KDF: Not sure right now, not really a fan to Klingon's aesthetics.
Rom: The Ha'apax. I just love the design of the Ha'apax warbird, even more so than the scimitar.
Fed Science: Dyson Destroyer
Fed Tactical: Phantom Intel
Fed Engineer: Tried and True Odyssey
Rommies: T'Varo retrofit/Scimitar (Hey, they still are very useful)
KDF Tactical: Qib
KDF Engineer: Qib/Kobali Samsar
KDF Science: Dyson Science Destroyer
Those are my staples in my garage. I fly others, but those are my go to ships that are tried and true for me.
Just post up a thread asking for build/DPS help, and you will receive a veritable shower of build advice from morons, trolls, and actual top DPSers. I suggest you listen more to the third set.
Back on topic, top ships per faction:
Fed: Odyssey line.
Reason? SPACE WHALE!!! But more specifically, the Oddy line always seemed to be magnificent to me, and those ships can hit insanely hard if you build them right (I know of players who were doing 81k+ DPS in Oddys BEFORE plasma explosions existed). They can also absorb obscene levels of damage and aren't as... sluggish as people would expect. However, I usually end up staying in my Presidio because it's still better than the Oddy in most aspects.
KDF: That's a toss-up between my Fleet Tor'kaht and Fleet Mogh.
Reason? KDF BCs have been OP since release. They stayed OP into F2P. They were still OP from Season 3 all the way to Season 11.5. Why? Simply put, they do everything. They can tank like nobody's business (not as well as fed cruisers, but honestly you don't need THAT much damage soak), they can DPS hard (double LtCmdr Tac on the Mogh, lots of APB and FAW there), and they are so damn maneuverable it's not even funny. When your base turn rate is 10+, with good gear and the proper skill layout and power level settings, you can be easily sitting on 20+ turn rate with 30+ impulse speed. Those things can MOVE. And they look cool XP
Rom: Scimitar. Was there any doubt?
Reason? I highly doubt this part is necessary, but I'll do it anyways for the sake of Epeening. On release, the playable Scimitar was... interesting. Everyone was still figuring out builds and were complaining about being crippled by the rather interesting hull resistance issues the ship first had (everyone remembers the first time something had a core breach anywhere near their scimitar). But a few weeks later... Let's just say there's a reason you were seeing so damn many of the things. As damage output goes, the Scimitar is always a top choice. Even if it's not number one, it's always up there. 5/3 weapon layout, always has a Cmdr Tac, and those Romulan Drones... There's a reason they only give you one hangar on it XD. Add to that it's very very high base health and actually good shield mod, the thing can take a TON of damage, provided things even hit you, because that ship can also move very well when built properly. Yes, it's only got a base turn of 7, but with a good engine and good power levels, that ship can easily get up into the 18-20 range, with a speed of 30+. And honestly, the thing just looks like it wants to kill something. And with the Reman shield... let's just say that's not something I would want to run into out in the cosmos.
Honorable Mention: Undine Nicor Bioship.
Reason? Always been a fan of the Nicor since I first saw one back in "Scorpion". Fast (like, OBSCENELY fast), one shotting cubes, running around giving no f***s about anyone or anything. And then they made it playable. I almost died of hysteria. And then I saw that it wasn't that good (more accurately, wasn't that good for my playstyle, I know for a fact that ship is an excellent ship for many players), and I figured that was probably to keep up their sales of other ships. Oh wells. Not going to lie though, if there ever was one on sale for less that 20 million ECs (which we all know will NEVER happen), I'd probably get it in a heartbeat.
U.S.S Liberty Flag Ship
On my Fed Sci toon, my current favorite is the T6 Daemosh, but I also really love my Paradox.
Mock me for it if you wish, but on the KDF side I really love flying my Dyson Science Destroyers. They're all about fun for me.
On the Rom side, I confess I'm on the T6 Scimitar bandwagon for strictly performance reasons. I do have a customized Command Cruiser that I adore for beauty, though. Romulans really know how to make a gorgeous ship.