Hi All,
Well finally got to Fleet Admiral not that I actually deserve it as what I am about to say could be the dumbest question ever asked! OK here goes:
I have been doing the regular assignments from the various departments but I am really having issues with finding
security! I don't get it, I have tried every security officer and no success. Just to help you with what the hell I'm on about here is a screen shot.
Damn, sorry very slow patch today, I guess a lot of people are uploading and the bandwidth is running thin at their end. OK basically I have a red icon that if i remember rightly its a cross of some sort, it's in the "Security" section of Assignments and when hover over it you may need two or three officers but the one missing is simply called "security" nothing more, nothing less. I have tried every security officer from the exchange in the security section without success.
Now I did see something somewhere that you have to actually buy these with Dilithium, however, if that is the case, I have know idea where to go. I did however goto ESD and see the Requisitions Officer for Officers lol, and still, nothing.
If you do need a screen shot I will be more than happy to provide one, once the patch has completed.
Also since I'm here I may as well throw a couple more questions your way...
2. How do I get a Shroud? (Think that's how it's spelt, I would check but it's patching... sorry)
3. In the R&D Officer Training Section, why can I only make training manuals for science?
Ohhh I might be pushing it here, but for my fourth question...
4. How do I set my ship to Auto Fire all the time?
OK, I am still new to this so please keep the flaming to a minimum

2: Don't remember if there are any devices, but I know you can get one with an automatic trigger from the Jem'Hadar ground set. Triggers under certain conditions that I can't remember off the top of my head.
3: Could be you are either looking at only science ones or that's just how your specced out. Can't really help without knowing more.
4: While in system space, right click on the weapons you want to autofire in your HUD. Should see a green box added to the button for the corrispoonding weapon.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
2) Not sure. Although the Jem'Hadar ground set from the DS9 missions might be what you're looking for. There's possibly a kit module but I suspect it's tactical and I believe form what you've said you're a Sci.
3) You can only make training manuals in your own skill. Tac captains can only make tac manuals, etc. This changes a little when you specialise in Intelligence, Command and Pilot skills.
4) In sector space right click each weapon on your ship's weapons display (by default the one in the middle of the screen which shows cooldowns and firing cycles) and a green highlight will appear around each box. Hovering the mouse over the boxes will display an info pop-up about each weapon and you'll see 'autofiring!' appear at the very top of the box. Your weapons will fire automatically when you spam spacebar although you'll need to hit spacebar for each new target.
Hope this helps.
2. Are you referring to the Jem'Hadar Armored Shroud?
3. Because you are a science captain perhaps? You cannot craft career specific manuals outside of your career.
4. In the power tray right clicking the icon associated with the weapon will switch the weapon between auto and manual fire. If you use both energy weapons and torpedoes, then you may want to set your energy weapons to auto fire and keep your torpedoes on manual fire. That way you can wait for shields to go down before firing torpedoes. Shields absorbs up to 90% of the kinetic damage done by torpedoes. Resilient shields absorbs up to 95% of the damage. If shield strength is extremely low, then whatever kinetic damage they cannot absorb will go directly to the hull.
The exception are Transphasic Torpedoes which bypasses 40% of the shield resistance; which means 60% is absorbed. So... kinetic damage done by transphasic torpedoes is as follows:
"Bleed Through" Damage - Resilient Shields
100% - 95%*60% = 100% - 57% = 43%
"Bleed Through" Damage - All other Shields
100% - 90%*60% = 100% - 54% = 46%
The shroud is a trait the jem'hadar doffs get. you get 2 for free after the prison mission. I don't remember the exact name but it is near the end of the cardassian arc.
You can only train science because you are a science captain. Engies can only make engineering manual, etc. If you need a specific skill that only a tac or engie can make, check the exchange, they are mostly cheap. You can also buy some PADDs (crafting or exchange) and give them to a friend and have them make the appropriate skill for you.
If you right click on your weapons in the weapon loadout window, the border will turn green. This mean they are auto-firing and you only need to begin the attack and they will fire until that target is dead.
I was new once too. the auto-fire took some time before I even knew it existed. Keep asking questions, there is a lot of non-intuitive things to learn in this game.
Another source is cluster colonisation of Betreka nebula (in the Alpha quadrant.)
Thankyou for all your responses! OK first thing I want to say is "I can't believe I kept hitting that 'fire all weapons' button at least a million times!" - As you correctly suggested the Autofire works great. However, upon testing and looking up what you said there is a few things some of you got wrong, not that it matters, but in the spirit of sharing, this is what I found out...
Auto Fire: All you need to do is hit the space bar "Once", that's it. Once the target is destroyed the AI will search for another, or, all you need to do is hit the TAB button to quickly scroll through available targets. Just thought I would let you know what I found out.
OK, there must of been some confusion in my post regarding the "Shroud", it's part of an assignment, I'm not even sure what a shroud on the ground would be, but lets not confuse matters more lol
Before I go any further and as promised and subsequently requested, here are the much anticipated (on my part), screen shots. The first one will deal with the "Shroud" issue. Forget about the other red failure traits, it's just the character I'm focused on.
I have highlighted in Red for you to all see.
Ok moving on to Q3 about the training manuals. I really don't know why it happens but it does! You know when your working on something and it just won't work and then you call someone over to show them and then it works perfectly fine! Well that's how I feel. I think there was a precedence that because I was SCI which I am, that I could not train ENG or TAC. However, I think I went to the bridge officer on Earth Space Dock (ESD) and something happened and now I can train in all three! Have your doubts? Take a look...
Showing that I can make Sci and Eng Manuals...
Showing that I can make Sci and Tac Manuals...
So the answer is, yes you can train all three, question is, I don't quite know how I done it
Ok lets say the security issue is dealt with, I'm not going to get into a solution, because, errr, there wern't one and for the sake of dignity I'm going to leave that question as resolved
OK I think I have covered everything... your thoughts appreciated as always and thank you angrybobh for pointing out that even the dumbest questions get welcomed without prejudice. Thank you "ALL" for taking the time to jump on these forums and help people like me out...
I think I understand, however there are many more TAC & ENG Manuals I just took a screenshot of 2xSCI+ENG and 2xSCI+TAC to show you. I could of tried to zoom right out and take a snapshot but the res would have been real bad.
I will work my way through them and see if I can get my ENG and TAC guys ranked up. Most of them already have level 3, at least I would say 8-10 Level 3's each. If i can get the remaining working then maybe you can train ENG and TAC, to be honest, it would kind of be a little bizarre if you couldn't as I thought the SCI Character was more bound by his/her traits rather than that of their officers.
However, I'm still learning and there is a WHOLE lot to learn! Any luck on that Shroud that I showed in the pic?
You need a Jem'Hadar DOff with shroud. I believe you can get some initially from the 2800 Feature Series in the Cardassian arc. Don't remember which mission it is. Beyond that, you'd probably have to try your luck on the exchange for either individual DOffs or Gamma Quadrant DOff packs.
As to making the training manuals...
What this guy said. Otherwise its based on your class and what skills you put at least 6 points into. However that may change when the new skill revamp hits Holodeck eventually. So I really wouldn't worry about it right now until we get more info on what's going to change.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
You can get Jem'Hadar doffs for free from Facility 4028 and from Batereka nebula doff assignment chain.
(It would have been less confusing if it just said "Jem'Hadar," but there's no way for the game to require certain doff species, just departments, speciialtires or traits.)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
My character Tsin'xing
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
You can only make what you have learned through either your career's skill points allocations and manuals that you can pick up from missions, lock boxes etc.
You cannot learn to make a manual of a standard skill from another career such Eng's Polarize Shields or Tac's Fire At Will etc. and depending on how many points you have put into Science related skills (which is usually 3 points then 6 points). Each Skill has description and tells you what manual a specific Career can learn.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.