Some things need to be tweaked yes, but leave it alone. Good enough.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The major failing of ground combat is the clunky controls on the ground in comparison to space, and player unwillingness to rebind keys to fit their own personal preference.
Ground combat can be fun, but if you're using the default controls you're going to end up giving yourself repetitive stress injuries. Ground combat should feel as smooth and natural as space combat, but given the different ground mechanics... well, it just doesn't.
Players are unwilling to spend 15 minutes or more to rebind their ground controls to feel more natural to them, and therefore ground combat sucks because it just isn't fun. They aren't necessarily wrong. It isn't fun when you're playing Twister on your keyboard while trying not to die.
You know the ground comat in sto I must say it's not realy fun or is it ? My question to you would you change it ?
Yes! I'd put a b in comat.
Seriously, I'd change ground combat BUT I'd be even more afraid of how Cryptic would TRIBBLE it up even more then it is now. So after thinking about it, I say leave it alone (unless Cryptic hired a ground combat programming master)
Yes, I would love a change in Ground Combat, this is my idea.
Ground combat often feels clunky as you can see an opponent and have a red reticle but still hit an invisible bit of terrain. Weapon ranges seem off by quite a bit. Like being a sniper means only slightly more range than a regular rifle. Some of the cone weapons (Looking at the Elachi heavy pistol here) the charge up means you sit still and wait but every enemy suddenly knows you are there and where the cone is. Certain bits of variety in weapons like heavy weapons need to feel more well heavy. Unload with a big full power gatling weapon and you should either always be hitting a big area or chewing a level appropriate target to shreds. Instead I would rather have a split beam rifle. Feels limited for play styles. Stun settings to actually stun opponents. So you can be federation and when you say set for stun you do not get disintegration effects. Giving you the ability to take prisoners. I think this puts more of the star fleet flavour back in and gives opportunities for more story telling.
Now if we could really go hog wild I would like to see more destructible terrain like you had the choice to use in the federation tutorial. And maybe eliminate the dual pistol set and replace it with two hand slots. A rifle or heavy weapon fills both slots. But you can set what weapon you want in your right and left holster/hands. So you phaser and disruptor or have the option of greater defensive items like a handheld shield like riot police have today.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
While I’d always wished sto’s ground combat was a proper fps at this point it really can’t change that much. Something I’d love to see though that I think could help a lot in making it feel less clunky and just overall nicer would be to shorten the animation on attacks and just work towards making it more responsive often times it just feels like the game is delayed on using weapons and some kit abilities. Right now you have what feels like hit fire button…..pew rather than hit fire button pew. That’s the best way I can describe it just feels off not horrible just noticeable for primary attacks. And for secondary it can be crazy long like the sniper rifle and delta rifle secondary attacks.
Thing is, while it needs tweaks, I tend to find ground considerably more fun and entertaining than space, and have done for a long time. My only real issue with ground is that the Elite content is pathetic, I shouldn't be able to carry most of the pug teams through those missions on a whim, yet usually that's what happens.
I'd say ground content does need to be made more difficult, but the actual mechanics themselves are fine on the whole.
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
At first I like to see something fixed. Since New Dawn my F keys aren't working. With the F keys I can select my teammates/Boffs. In any game where my character has a companion, I want to have some control over it, move here, attack, stop attackking. It is all possible with the STO UI, but it should work of course.
This is not the first post about ground combat and the question, hey doesn't it suck and shouldn't it be changed, while at the same time the majority of the players do not use or do not know how the use the game mechanics.
I reported the issue a couple of days after New Dawn. Yet my post is lonelier than a rock in the whole universe. Everybody, learn to make the game, learn to play the game.
Ground combat devaluates a little because of the abillities that belong more in the fantasy genre than in a scifi setting. Like the little ground quake, makes the ground shake and all the people on it. I suppose all the males will get an erection?
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The major failing of ground combat is the clunky controls on the ground in comparison to space, and player unwillingness to rebind keys to fit their own personal preference.
Ground combat can be fun, but if you're using the default controls you're going to end up giving yourself repetitive stress injuries. Ground combat should feel as smooth and natural as space combat, but given the different ground mechanics... well, it just doesn't.
Players are unwilling to spend 15 minutes or more to rebind their ground controls to feel more natural to them, and therefore ground combat sucks because it just isn't fun. They aren't necessarily wrong. It isn't fun when you're playing Twister on your keyboard while trying not to die.
Yes! I'd put a b in comat.
Seriously, I'd change ground combat BUT I'd be even more afraid of how Cryptic would TRIBBLE it up even more then it is now. So after thinking about it, I say leave it alone (unless Cryptic hired a ground combat programming master)
Now if we could really go hog wild I would like to see more destructible terrain like you had the choice to use in the federation tutorial. And maybe eliminate the dual pistol set and replace it with two hand slots. A rifle or heavy weapon fills both slots. But you can set what weapon you want in your right and left holster/hands. So you phaser and disruptor or have the option of greater defensive items like a handheld shield like riot police have today.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
I'd say ground content does need to be made more difficult, but the actual mechanics themselves are fine on the whole.
This is not the first post about ground combat and the question, hey doesn't it suck and shouldn't it be changed, while at the same time the majority of the players do not use or do not know how the use the game mechanics.
I reported the issue a couple of days after New Dawn. Yet my post is lonelier than a rock in the whole universe. Everybody, learn to make the game, learn to play the game.
Ground combat devaluates a little because of the abillities that belong more in the fantasy genre than in a scifi setting. Like the little ground quake, makes the ground shake and all the people on it. I suppose all the males will get an erection?