When will "universal" Bridge Stations be changed so that they're truly universal and incorporate the new changes to the specialization systems?
I find it ridiculous that I cannot use Intel/Pilot/Command specializations in those slots- why even have universal stations anymore if you're going to block what's possible to use in them?
Pretty sure I know what the answer is here- and it has nothing to do with "game balance", otherwise all the factions would have been likewise balanced too.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
and it's ridiculous ether way.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
The concept of "Universal Stations" existed before the introduction of Tier 6 starships which introduced Boff specializations. "Universal" stations allowed players to slot Engineering / Science / Tactical Boffs; no Boff specializations since they did not exist at the time. T6 ships introduced "new technologies" that allowed ships to have specialized Boff stations.
"Universal Boff Station" is an old termed that was made obsolete by advancing technologies... a common thing in real world technology. Could Cryptic update the phrase? Sure I suppose, but it will not change the fact that it will still be limited to only Engineering / Science / Tactical Boffs.
If the term really pisses you off then stop playing STO. That will teach Cryptic a lesson to never ever use phrases again that would become obsolete.
Although this does bring up some interesting mental images. Universal slot on a Cruiser? Lets stick a Pilot in there! YAY! F-18 pilot flying a C-17!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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Oh yea... I forgot about that detail. BoPs with all three specializations...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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Not just that...but would be the only non-specialized based faction ship that has access to Cmdr level specialization abilities.
The amount of rage KDF players will unleash will burn the forums because "Yet another KDF Exclusive has been given to the Feds. We are losing our uniqueness!"
If you thought the cross faction consoles got rage, Fed and Romulan BoPs would be 10 times worse AT LEAST.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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As the saying goes- when you make an assumption... you'd be quite incorrect. I may not have posted to the forums very often but I've been around since year 2.
As far as the "logic" behind keeping old systems and building more on top of them- I disagree with it.
Out with the old, in with the new, as needed. If it ain't broke, don't fix it... but if it's indeed broke, don't half-TRIBBLE fix it.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
It wasn't broken nor did it need fixing. It was simply superseded by the introduction of Boff specialization.
It is analogous to the phrase "using the letter of the law to defeat the spirit of the law" which applies to old laws that are still relevant, but has not been fully updated to reflect changes in society, technological advances, and newer laws (amongst other things).
There is nothing really more to discuss, "Universal Boff Stations" is now an archaic terminology you simply need to accept it an move on.
no, because all the KDF would be out with thier wayyyyy op BOPs in game
I agree kinda with both of you that they would be out with their new improved bops, but would also several would be complaining about the reduction in uniqueness. Though doing it that you could only two specialty sets on a ship without a specialty seat, or that a non hybrid universal seats can only have specialty abilities slotted up to Lt level. I could also see maybe an idea that hybrid specialty seats/stations have additional functions an equipment to better utilize their specialist training they aquired, as such using specialty abilities in a non-hybrid universal seat could mean it functions at a reduced effectiveness (like you could use up to lt commander abilities, but they all function at 60-85 % of normal effect.).
The reason Universal Bridge Officer seats are not universal in respect to Specializations is obviously that Cryptic doesn't want to all those Univeral slot ships to cost sales from newly designed Tier 6 ships, nor do they want Tier 6 ships all end up identical because they slapped a Universal Slot on there somewhere.
The whole specialization system is to create a design space for ships that are mechanically actually different. Universal Slots with full Spec capability would ruin that.
They could rename "Universal" to "Generalist" Bridge Officer seat or something like that to get the limitations across, but it's ultimately irrelevant for the outcome.
Convolution of the issue doesn't change the issue at hand.
What "laws" are you referring to? Cryptic/PWE themselves introduced the new Specialization system- they simply didn't change the old system to reflect the new one they brought in.
As far as the "you simply need to accept it and move on." when did you become an authority on my life and what my needs are?
Firstly you assumed incorrectly that I'm "new to the game" based on the amount of forum posts I have, which is moronic considering I've been happily playing the game for years without a need to visit the forums- then you arrogantly assume you have some sort of control over how I post in the forums. Do me (and everyone else) a favor and quit while you're still behind, k?
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
I believe the introduction of the new system should have take more planning and careful consideration. I have a KDF officer but rarely ever play KDF, and I have an up and coming Romulan too, but my go-to has been and probably always will be Fed, so I'm really not putting a pony in the race with "racial" aspects in mind. That said, a lot of people have brought up points to consider there as well- although I think "universal stations" shouldn't be a special snowflake consideration for choosing a race to play in the game.
The question here is, how do we resolve it so that it's not so apparent the motivation is shoehorning people into T6 ships just for specialization seating? I think it would really benefit everyone if it was made "backward compatible" for other tiers of ships- as it would bring more value to the old ones, as well. People wouldn't think they have to use the latest and greatest tier just to make use of the new Specialization system, for example.
Let's try to keep the semantics out of the equation here and come up with a solution that makes sense- if they're hell-bent on keeping the new system the way it is, then remove Universal stations altogether and adjust all the ships accordingly, or resolve the broken system as it stands.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
When did I say I became privy to internal communications? I simply said I have a feeling I know why- and that's my opinion.
If you disagree- then that's your opinion.
Oh, but somehow yours is more "valid" than mine?
Why don't you try actually offering some solutions or suggestions instead?
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
And therein lies another problem to the current system- which is if they did make them backward-compatible for older ships, it would create imbalances. An alternative to this would be assign directly proportional universal stations like they did with some of the newer ships, such as specialization/universal stations. So in theory, you'd have a directly assigned specialization (Intel/Universal) which would allow for the Tac/Sci/Eng to be chosen freely.
Also as a consideration to ponder, some ships are designed to be Eng/Tac/Sci so having "100% Universal" stations really wouldn't alter the ship itself too much. Since consoles/equipment can already be changed freely, that doesn't really make much difference, either. In reality- making said stations 100% Universal would alleviate more problems than create new ones, IMO.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Are you saying you have nothing of value to contribute to this thread then? The solution for that is obvious.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
I am generally referring to federal / state laws that have been created decades / centuries ago but are still in place.
If you really do not like how Cryptic has handled "Universal Boff Stations", then figure out a way to at least get them to consider changing the meaning of "Universal Boff Consoles" or change the phrase. Otherwise just accept it and move on to other things that are more important to in STO... unless this is the most important to you in the game.
I assumed you were new to the game because of your low post count and the fact that this topic has already come up several times before. Of course not all "veteran" players will have high post counts because not everyone bothers to participate in the forum on a consistent basis. Since you have not made many posts, then it could be possible you have not visited the forum very often and noticed that your issue regarding "Universal Boff Stations" has already been discussed multiple times in the past.
Regarding my assumption that you were a relatively new player... everyone makes assumptions all the time especially when it comes to dealing with people they do not know. People make assumptions based on what little information they have whether it is in a work or social environment. The only information available when reading your post was you low post count and a topic that has already been discussed at length in the past.
Regarding the topic at hand, I'm just trying to come up with an alternate solution to something that clearly isn't well implemented. I'm sure I'm not the only one who isn't resolved with the way it was introduced.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Never (this is very much a dead-horse topic
It may be what the dictionary tells you "universal" means but it is irrelevant to STO gameplay design (as you'll find for most of the terms used around here. For example: science and engineering.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
All of us would quit, I think.
I am almost positive that question has been asked and answered in a Priority One Podcast back around the time T6 ships were announced / released. I do not listen to Priority One Podcast on a weekly basis (I only listened to around 16 episodes once in a while), but they do have STO developers / executive producer as guests on the show from time to time. "Universal Boff Stations" was a very hot topic at the time (about a year ago) so I am sure listeners sent in questions and was given a definitive answer by a STO developer. That leads us to the current state of "Universal Boff Stations" and it's now antiquated meaning due to Boff Specialization.
Here's a link to Priority One Podcast site. I generally listen to it in the background while playing STO.
Not the first time the answer to one of these questions is simply learning how to use a dictionary.
/end thread