Hey folks,
So I know some people have been having issues where they are experiencing an abnormally long time loading into maps like ESD or DS9. I'm working with the team to try and get to the bottom of it. I need your help though. I need people to be on the lookout for when this happens. If this happens to you, I need some information.
- Character@Handle
- Name of the Map you're loading into
- The EXACT time of the transfer. Please include timezone
This will help my team track down the logs for the character transfer to get a better introspection into what exactly is happening. As always, thank you.
~Morrigan "LaughingTrendy"
You haven't provided a character@handle or a specific time. Time actually does matter as far as logs go, as does character references. If you're not going to post the correct information, please don't post.
2/ DS9 ground
3/ 2113 hrs GMT
2 - DS9 ground and ESD ground and sometimes New Rom Ground command.
3 - The times varies it can be bang in the middle of day ( around 13:00 to 14:00 GMT ) or late at night ( 22:00 - 00:00 GMT ) but sometimes it can be all over the place as in early morning GMT or between 17:00 - 21:00 times really do not play a major factor tbh but ive tried to add the times i noticed it the most.
There is no common time slot this happens and can effect some alts more than others, also depends on my GPU settings, what i may or may not be running in background like Google chrome etc.
Sometimes when switching between alts that are both located on DS9 ground can sometimes crash the game entirely. (( not sure this is same issue though ))
Hope this helps
Today (13 Jan, 16) 22:00 roughly GMT
Not a huge loading time but it seemed to get stuck around the 90% loaded point a for far too long. This happens every so often but I only took note of the time today after seeing your post. I also seem to have that weird effect where the load happens, my toon appears to beam in then it momentarily jumps back to the load screen for 2-3 seconds again before finally letting me in fully.
Most days it seems to be only a few seconds it takes to get in.
Include a Date if you have one.
Also format dates as..... January 13 2016.... Not as 1/13/16 or 13/1/16...
Write out the Month, as some countries doe Mon/Day/Year and other Day/Mon/Year...
PLEASE. Please Please,, Provide helpful info. Generalities don't/won't help in this instance. be as Specific as possible.....
yes the are general mainly down to the fact I play all different times and it can depend on the time I play to when or if I notice it.
also adding other factors like programmes running in background and my in game settings cause they do! Make a difference to certain map load times and on certain times for me, they may not for others but when running stuff in background at certain times of the day can make the matter worse, why I have no idea.
These to me are factors that need to maybe! be looked at as they contribute to the issues I am having with map load times.
I am sorry I can not be point blank and direct with times etc but some days are fine no matter the time other days can be load. . . load. . . load. . . or even worse, load. . . load. . . load. . crash. .
So I have been accurate with times as can be since its not a ok it's ten pm its time for map issues it's more like ok I wonder if it'll happen at 2pm today etc. It's that intermittent for me, and it is not on all my toons, My two KDF toons can take an age to load DS9 yet my main Fed can go right in.
I read a lot of combatlogs, and I read a lot of long combatlogs. They're very different at the micro level , but at the macro level I'd imagine it's rather similar. You can't tell me "my ship isn't tanky enough" and point me at 3 months of log files of you on every single character; that's impossible to figure out what information matters. However, if you say "my ship isn't tanky enough; you can see that in this combat instance this character of mine was dying a lot; here's the ship setup" and then I can read the log and see what the NPC's were doing to you, what you were doing about it, what your resistances were, and etc. Here, the concept sounds similar - they want to see how the server handled your character map moving on one specific mapmove that they knew had an issue, so that they can go to that timestamp and what it was doing with your character, instead of having one person look at the logs of everyone on holodeck. A view of several known problem transfers right next to each other sounds very potentially useful.
When I'm on later today I'll grab some times, maps, and characters for ya Trendy.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
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That right there is a problem, too. For some, all we can do is offer generalities as opposed to time specifics. It's not always relative to a specific time, but rather, happens ALL the time. One would think any information offered has potential to be helpful, specific or not.
EXACT time of attempted map transfer/login
The purpose in debugging is to check that specific log data for transfer information.
THIS. This exact post right here helped get tracking data by cross-referencing the loading data for D'Ghor@sqwishedgrape at 1:13PM PST on DS9. By backtracking this information, we were able to gain more information. For any other players, please do your best to replicate data like this as it seriously helps my team.
18:50 EST
January 13, 2016
Feeling a little better from being sick all day yesterday so I decided to offer some help. The map loaded a little over a minute after initial confirmation.
Every day, all times
New Romulus
2/ DS9 ground
3/ 0051 hrs GMT
It appears that the long delay is happening in the client instead of the server. We're looking into next steps now.
sorry, I have forgotten the hour
01 : 06 : hrs GM
Close and relaunched the game, see shard maintenance is scheduled. :-)
oh that login was last tried on my dual core laptop on
august 10th at 11:59pm EST
just loading into game at all. didn't even make it into characxter selection.
Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
1) zaq@zedbrightlander
2) ESD
3) 10:55 EDT - (give or take a minute)
2)Loading Char on Fed Academy, Beaming to Beta Quadrant, (Go to Alpha worked), Loading Foundry
3)6:44-6:55 UTC
Nearly every map change sto no longer react. After 30s I kill STO and start STO again.
7:07 UTC Map Change in Foundry (killed after 30s)
Keep in mind that Foundry maps can take longer than that to load, depending on their complexity.
Trying to get into red alert. Orion sector borg encounter instance #1
12:12 to 12:17 GMT
Rator sector #13 to tholian red alert.
12:36 to 12:40
Probably yes,
And if it can help I've noticed that too :
when beaming down to ESD or DS9 or Qonos
while watching the % loading and stuck usualy between 1 - 2.5%
if you switch from Full screen to a small window, you instantly beam down
if I dont switch I can stay stuck in loading for +10mn and sometimes end up with time out and log off.
hope it'll help solve something
the comparison between Full screen and Windowed, is something thats being looked into, by the bug bashers.
Running programs in the background certainly will affect loading times, no matter how fast your system is. So it is pointless asking Cryptic to look into this specific issue, just shut down what you don't need. I always reboot my laptop before loading up STO, and as I don't run anything else, I have no issues with loading times. ESD, DS9 and New Rom are bound to have longer loading times as they are busy social zones with lots of other thing going on in the proximity. I've yet to experience anything that would appear to be 'abnormal' or unexpected.
Deep Space 9
17:27 EST
Oh... and I am still waiting there to get in right now. It's been almost 5 mins.
Time of post,
cst ds9 ground