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THE secret of hi dps.



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    plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    baudl wrote: »
    A2B < "Reciprocity"+"All Hands on Deck"+"Peak Efficiency" Starship Traits (+Deflector Officer &/or Gravimetric Scientist to reduce GravWell CD for instance) (+anything else that reduces CD if still needed)

    let's just ignore the price tag on some of that stuff you posted, even then A2B has better cooldown reduction...not suitable for every build, but if you want to get some firepower of an otherwise impotent cruiser, go A2B. Obviously you won't put A2B on an escort or sci vessel (seen that too), but it still works perfectly on otherwise weak cruisers.

    so, I'd say A2B on cruisers > your rather expensive list

    Of course, it's a rather expensive combination, but everything is obtainable if you work for it + purple technicans aren't cheap either. Maybe I should have said: "If people seek for variety, this is a viable alternative with simular results and personally, I prefer this combination over A2B because I can use the active doffs spots for other stuff and gain 1 or 2 more engineering abilities." I could also use A2B additionally, but this is just overkill... ;)
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    borg0borg0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    For all those who didn't agree with my points, instead of talking trashes, post urs.

    1. I have never heard of rainbow ship doing more dps than a single type energy weapon ship. The maths don't add up.
    2. Active consoles can give nice dps, but they r situation dependent. For example, using gw + special discharge with a punch of ncps. However, if you want a constant hi dps in any situation, it wont do.
    3. Off course there r other setup than A2B, but A2B still best imo. I don't know about other peeps, but attack skills, such as omega or beta, at 40% CD sound super crazily good imo. I just bought an intel tac ship, so far, it does a constant 75k dps with a2b. I can tell you this: npcs are like butter from their rear lol.
    4. This depend on ship type n personal preference. Yes Amp n eff should be mentioned... but only noobs wouldn't know ab it.
    7. Well I use either fleet antiproton or protonic, so I want hi crit. Actually, my current best dps is phaser due to the console from fe - 20% more dps.

    For those who blabla without posting any evidence to support it, I can only LOL. I'm a scientist. What scientists do is maths, trial and error, and using best method to achieve a constant result. Off course, there are many ways to achieve hi dps, but imo those I've posted are the easiest and simplest. I post them 'cause ppl usually ask how I have a good dps. Anyway, I don't really play my my tac nowadays. My current flavor is science captain with torp boat. I like seeing torpedoes flying I guess. Well still doing arnd 45-50k dps just sitting at 1 spot... probably more after tweaks.

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    theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    beameddown wrote: »

    4: borgo says get a core that sends power to the weapons, yet again, great advice, not hard to find, many vote fleet core, many vote iconian, im with the latter, I say iconican core to compete the set from the iconian rep, IF I was starting out fresh again? no cash? I still would point towards the iconian BECAUSE you can get the deflector, engine, and core to get the bonus damage WHILE then running the old TRIBBLE MACO shield to get you power..

    In current meta, you generally want 3 piece Iconian and Rom engines for the +att pattern, that's the highest dps in number crunching (if you're gonna go with 3 piece Iconian).

    Personally? I still run my old combo, Rom engie+Counter def+Counter shield and plasma infused spire core, all epic, and pretty happy with the boost to dps I get.

    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
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    scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    borg0 wrote: »
    3. Off course there r other setup than A2B, but A2B still best imo. I don't know about other peeps, but attack skills, such as omega or beta, at 40% CD sound super crazily good imo. I just bought an intel tac ship, so far, it does a constant 75k dps with a2b. I can tell you this: npcs are like butter from their rear lol.

    i could demolish your arguments like butter lol
    but i l ll rather go to bed

    just this

    you know the top record is over 200K dps and does not include A2B ?

    also my SCI does 80K dps+ (build work on progress not everyth upgraded to epic14 yet) and it does not include a2b
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    jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    beameddown wrote: »
    merry xmas jodarider :)

    I know I shouldn't swear,

    it comes out of me and I know it jeopardizes my points I try to make:)

    I loves
    merry xmas all:)

    happy pew pew through the holidays:P
    Y-y-y-y-eeeep. Be nice or we'll get you a swear-jar, mmmk? :p
    Happy holidays. :smiley:

    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

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    theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    beameddown wrote: »
    kick a bit more aft-section
    beameddown wrote:
    what can be said to give folks a direction,
    if at the very least a way to reach folks FOR A AFT-SECTION KICKING BUILD that doesn't involve the above


    Family-friendly and still funny as hell, good job.
    Post edited by theillusivenman on
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
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    theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    borg0 wrote: »
    For all those who didn't agree with my points, instead of talking trashes, post urs.

    1. I have never heard of rainbow ship doing more dps than a single type energy weapon ship. The maths don't add up.
    2. Active consoles can give nice dps, but they r situation dependent. For example, using gw + special discharge with a punch of ncps. However, if you want a constant hi dps in any situation, it wont do.
    3. Off course there r other setup than A2B, but A2B still best imo. I don't know about other peeps, but attack skills, such as omega or beta, at 40% CD sound super crazily good imo. I just bought an intel tac ship, so far, it does a constant 75k dps with a2b. I can tell you this: npcs are like butter from their rear lol.
    4. This depend on ship type n personal preference. Yes Amp n eff should be mentioned... but only noobs wouldn't know ab it.
    7. Well I use either fleet antiproton or protonic, so I want hi crit. Actually, my current best dps is phaser due to the console from fe - 20% more dps.

    For those who blabla without posting any evidence to support it, I can only LOL. I'm a scientist. What scientists do is maths, trial and error, and using best method to achieve a constant result. Off course, there are many ways to achieve hi dps, but imo those I've posted are the easiest and simplest. I post them 'cause ppl usually ask how I have a good dps. Anyway, I don't really play my my tac nowadays. My current flavor is science captain with torp boat. I like seeing torpedoes flying I guess. Well still doing arnd 45-50k dps just sitting at 1 spot... probably more after tweaks.

    3. Alot of top DPS builds don't run A2B, though, you can't even run it properly on some high DPS ships. It's not an necessity, just a flavour. Check the reddit sto, most top end builds have parses, most of them don't use aux-to-bat.
    7. If you've got a high crit (20+, 22-23 perfect), it's more beneficial running CrtD/Dmg, and if you don't have high crit, then Dmg is the most beneficial, for a tactical captain anyway. Stacking CritH gives you more predictable damage output, but lacks the top end sting of the CrtD when in already high crit build. Some people do prefer the playstyle and feel of more predictable damage of the CritH, I suppose, but I'd hardly call it the best, or the easiest way.

    The mods aren't gonna hurt or boost the overall DPS that much to be a deal breaker, and I still think the easiest (that's what we're going with here, aren't we?) is still by far getting all locators + unis to achieve 20+ crit and then stacking CrtD on weapons, running two attack patterns, attack pattern cooldown doff, two bfaws, two TT and dragon eptwx2 spam, you can literally macro it to spacebar, it's that easy.

    I do use Acc in PvP (but use DHCs there), and that's only where I'm using it. You generally don't ever need Acc on weapons for PvE content, it's better to go either the CrtD/Dmg or CrtH... the values of Acc into crit and crit damage is low and the overflow mechanic doesn't work fully for bfaw afaik.

    I've got a high DPS Science officer (80ishk not in full epic, last time I checked... that chars not getting enough love), so not sure I'd agree it's only tacts. Sure it's easiest, that much we can agree on.

    Something you haven't touched (and imho matters a lot in the current meta) are traits/skills. They, alongside with doffs, can be a pretty nice source of DPS increase, and not all cost a kidney to get.

    But I digress. You're welcome to disagree with the points (of which you probably will).

    Good luck and see you out there.

    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    beameddown wrote: »

    2. Borgo says avoid the wacky universal consoles and focus one +dmg consoles, I agree 100%, there are so many "cool" consoles that come with ships NOT to mention the cool universal consoles off the exchange, BUT hes right,

    'Always-on' consoles are always better than 'clickety' ones. No one is disputing that. Strawman.
    ALSO what I think borgo is getting at with plasma explosions is bought from a fleet embassy holding down in romulas, there is a vendor there that you can buy SCIENCE CONSOLES FROM that add a plasma explosion proc to all your energy attacks,

    Yes, the world was a aware of Embassy consoles, long before borg0 graced us with his infinite wisdom.
    I think also that borgo is pointing out that you go with all the same energy damage type DAMAGE consoles for your tactical console slots,

    And 'Buy low, sell high!' Seriously, everyone in STO for longer than 2 days knows this.
    3. Borgo says do aux to bat, not a bad idea if you don't have reciprocity space trait or you DONT know what your doing right or wrong, simply put, if the ship that you are flying can slot 2 lt position eng slots for the boff layout? or a lt and a lt commander slot eng? really.. you will be ok with healing off you sci boff slots alone in the end LOL, AUXILLARY TO THE BATTERY engineering bridge officer power PARIED with the three technician doffs (that can be gotten FOR FREE MIND YOU, type in google search aux2bat doffs colonization chain and BOOM you will find a walkthrough to explain how to get them... FREE, BUT with a bit of time)

    Yes, we know how a2b works, thank you! LOL.
    5. borgo says tac captain, holy TRIBBLE is he right, LOL

    Wut?! Tactical Captains have an adventage in this game!?! I'll alert the media! I was so lost on all these matters without borg0!
    6. borgo says go with heavy damage skills for your captain, again, great advise, skills..

    Brilliant advice! Cuz, yeah, so many ppl are thinking "Let me just slot low-damage skills!"

    7. borgo says critical chance and acc instead of crtd and dmg mods, good advice,

    No, bad advice. [Acc] is pretty much the *worst* mod these days. And borg0 does realize acc overflow doesn't really work while BFAW is active, right?! [Dmg] got a significant boost, and is the current meta for Tact Captains, As a Fed Engineer, I still swear by [CrtD]x3 [Pen], though.

    Also, a2b isn't bad per se. But the role of aux itself has seen a major boost the last few years. Nukara Offensive Trait, Temporal Disentanglement Suite, and a lot of new abilities that highly depend on aux (like SIC or DRB). And a2b costs 3 valuable dofff slots (with the advent of CrtH Energy doffs and all, that's really a major loss). And a2b messes with all your Science powers, too. And your [Amp]. I still use it, on certain ships, but no longer consider it the hottest thing since sliced bread any more, these days.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Here is the thing...WE all know this since we have been at this game a while and some of us are pretty deep into the gamecrafting. This set of advice ain't for us who actually know what the hell we are doing. It's more for new players who don't.

    Okay, fair enough.
    In fact for a while I was running around with ZERO tact consoles and doing just fine (basically before DR). It wasn't the most efficent way (actually it was bloody expensive)...but it was fun.

    I actually heard this before. :) I think it was sarcasmdetector, in a vid somewhere, who argued you could probably use ZERO Tact consoles (just your normal universals, and then load up Sci with all Embassy consoles), and then use Advanced Rendering Shots (I believe that's what the Trait is called: not in game right now), and still get your CrtH. Haven't tried that yet, but it should make for a fun experiment! :P
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    mmps1mmps1 Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I've seen rainbow boats do higher deeps these days. Perhaps your maths is not as accurate as you think op.

    None of your points were secrets and it's debatable that 70k is "hi" deeps.
    "Mr talks down to the peasants."
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    darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    edited December 2015
    borg0 wrote: »
    Warning: gameplay will be extreme boring and mindless zombie!!!

    1. Only use 1 type of weapon.
    2. All consoles should be passive n focused on increasing dps - weapon power+, plasma proc n etc. Do not use active console such as spacial discharge.
    3. A2B with 3 purple technicians (this alone would keep skills CD to the lowest n weap power at max lvl.)
    4. Warpcore with A>W or S>W (depend on ship type) and weapon overload (exceed 125 power)
    5. Tac captain.
    6. Captain skills r focused on increasing weapon power, energy weapon. In brief, those skills should be max out.
    7. Critical n accuracy bonus instead of dmg or crtd.

    Ayway, this is how I get 70k+ dps. If you like to fly around like crazy, use beams, You should get extra dps compare to cannons.

    "Warning part": not true

    1. Mostly true, but not limited to it.
    2. Not true
    3. That's only one way of doing that.
    4. Not true
    5. Basically true, although you can do high DPS with engs or scis as well, it just takes more effort.
    6. True
    7. Not true

    None of the above are true. ;)


    EDIT: For examples and details, see signature links below.
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
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    kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    a2b builds are way ourdated , and piloting is relevant only whe you use cannons and torpedos , FAW dose not need skill.
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    nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    I disagree. A2b is still useful, particularly on ship's with limited tac seating, but not as useful as it was in the past. I also disagree with you on piloting. While it doesn't take a rocket scientist it still requires good timing and positioning. Otherwise everyone would be doing the same amount of dps.
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    kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Aux is important not only for dps (from nukara passive and krenim console) but for defence to .
    Post edited by jodarkrider on
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    e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    borg0 wrote: »
    Warning: gameplay will be extreme boring and mindless zombie!!!

    1. Only use 1 type of weapon.
    2. All consoles should be passive n focused on increasing dps - weapon power+, plasma proc n etc. Do not use active console such as spacial discharge.
    3. A2B with 3 purple technicians (this alone would keep skills CD to the lowest n weap power at max lvl.)
    4. Warpcore with A>W or S>W (depend on ship type) and weapon overload (exceed 125 power)
    5. Tac captain.
    6. Captain skills r focused on increasing weapon power, energy weapon. In brief, those skills should be max out.
    7. Critical n accuracy bonus instead of dmg or crtd.

    Ayway, this is how I get 70k+ dps. If you like to fly around like crazy, use beams, You should get extra dps compare to cannons.

    "Warning part": not true

    1. Mostly true, but not limited to it.
    2. Not true
    3. That's only one way of doing that.
    4. Not true
    5. Basically true, although you can do high DPS with engs or scis as well, it just takes more effort.
    6. True
    7. Not true

    None of the above are true. ;)


    EDIT: For examples and details, see signature links below.

    But we all know you are weird. :p If there is one thing that holds true with the OP's suggestion though, it's this:
    borg0 wrote: »
    Warning: gameplay will be extreme boring and mindless zombie!!!

    Kidding aside, there are a lot of ways you can get high DPS in this game right now and going A2B on beams is just one way to do it. You've proven that Torps can be a perfectly viable high-DPS build for example and helped a lot of captains (me included) to make them work. There are builds where clicky consoles can be made to work (like in Vel's high-DPS tanking setups) or my "fun-build Vesta" (with all 3 clicky Vesta consoles).

    This is assuming of course that "high-DPS" is anything above 50k, which should still be considering that there are still not that many 50k+ players in the game.

    Now for ultra-high-end setups (100k+) then we're looking at more specialized builds. But at this point, piloting plays a larger role than ship gear in itself. You can have someone do 50k and another do 100k+ with exactly the same build. Ignoring the proverbial nut behind the wheel is just being naive.
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    nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    I didn't say aux wasn't important, but on a heavy engineering ship with limited tac a2b will put out good numbers. Most of the new ship's have better boff layouts and can double up on tac powers which makes a2b less desirable.
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    sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Here is the thing...WE all know this since we have been at this game a while and some of us are pretty deep into the gamecrafting. This set of advice ain't for us who actually know what the hell we are doing. It's more for new players who don't.

    Okay, fair enough.
    In fact for a while I was running around with ZERO tact consoles and doing just fine (basically before DR). It wasn't the most efficent way (actually it was bloody expensive)...but it was fun.

    I actually heard this before. :) I think it was sarcasmdetector, in a vid somewhere, who argued you could probably use ZERO Tact consoles (just your normal universals, and then load up Sci with all Embassy consoles), and then use Advanced Rendering Shots (I believe that's what the Trait is called: not in game right now), and still get your CrtH. Haven't tried that yet, but it should make for a fun experiment! :P

    Rending shots is pretty useful if you have low or very low base CrtH (less than 10%). Doesn't mean tact consoles are useless, just that there are alternatives out there.

    Also i just want to point out that Tac/Scie/Engi doesn't matter until you are trying to push beyond 75k to 100k and beyond. I always find the Fed/Klink Scie or Engi at 100k significantly more impressive than the Tac Rom at 200k+ with nannies.
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    darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Here is the thing...WE all know this since we have been at this game a while and some of us are pretty deep into the gamecrafting. This set of advice ain't for us who actually know what the hell we are doing. It's more for new players who don't.

    Okay, fair enough.
    In fact for a while I was running around with ZERO tact consoles and doing just fine (basically before DR). It wasn't the most efficent way (actually it was bloody expensive)...but it was fun.

    I actually heard this before. :) I think it was sarcasmdetector, in a vid somewhere, who argued you could probably use ZERO Tact consoles (just your normal universals, and then load up Sci with all Embassy consoles), and then use Advanced Rendering Shots (I believe that's what the Trait is called: not in game right now), and still get your CrtH. Haven't tried that yet, but it should make for a fun experiment! :P

    Rending shots is pretty useful if you have low or very low base CrtH (less than 10%). Doesn't mean tact consoles are useless, just that there are alternatives out there.

    Also i just want to point out that Tac/Scie/Engi doesn't matter until you are trying to push beyond 75k to 100k and beyond. I always find the Fed/Klink Scie or Engi at 100k significantly more impressive than the Tac Rom at 200k+ with nannies.

    I strongly second this. Yes, there are some abilities that are near-useless at higher difficulty and at the higher spectrum of game play, but some of the "oddball" abilities can work given the right circumstances, builds, and piloting.

    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    The way that one post went where everything was borg0 said... made me think of 'Blazing Saddles' Mongo.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    ltminns wrote: »
    The way that one post went where everything was borg0 said... made me think of 'Blazing Saddles' Mongo.

    You, sir, win this thread.
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
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    thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    The way that one post went where everything was borg0 said... made me think of 'Blazing Saddles' Mongo.

    borg0 only pawn in game of life.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    Just watched that again yesterday. Could never make that movie today.

    As we are pawns in the game of DPS.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,845 Arc User
    deokkent wrote: »
    It's not hard though...

    If there is one thing I've learned in this game it is a lot of people don't want to learn, a lot of people rely on being carried and contribute little to the run, they ignore you when you try to give them some advice, pretty much ignore group chat in general.
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    tenchivutenchivu Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    mmps1 wrote: »
    I've seen rainbow boats do higher deeps these days. Perhaps your maths is not as accurate as you think op.

    None of your points were secrets and it's debatable that 70k is "hi" deeps.

    Rainbow boat means different types of energy weapon mixing together... not the beam color. Posting this makes u sound like a noob m8. If you are still persistent in your argument, just search the forum 'cause it's pointless to bring this old decade subject up again.

    I saw lot of ppl ridiculed the OP points and acted almighty. However, imo his points are pretty solid cause I've seen ppl making basic mistakes in their build in points 1 and 2. If you think your build is better, then why not post it here and help new players out instead of talking trash tbh. I'm pretty sure the OP didn't divulge all his secrets. Who would do that tbh. I know I wouldn't lol.

    Imo, the OP points are general pointers. I've tested various dps builds and must say that A2B is the best way to get hi dps without breaking the bank tbh. STO is a P2W game. The more you pay the better the dps. No matter wat others said, A2B is a solid dps build. If you tweaks around further and get the right gears for the A2B build, you can get 100k+ no problem. I got 115k dps with dps with faw. If a ship can slot 2xA2B, I would go for A2B. Whoever thinks that A2B is outdate is wrong. A2B would warranty a basic 40+ power in weap/shld/eng, 3x3.3%dps boost with the right warpcore and lowest CD for all boff skills. Off course, one must use the correct gears/keybind for A2B build to take advantage of it. For example, if you use lab consoles, you can get 30% dps boost in ship with 4 sci slot. Yes you can use A2B in a sci-ship without compromise any sci-skills or dps if you keybind and power managing it right. I get 85k+. In brief, you cant just put on A2B and expect hi dps. Like many other dps build out there, the right gears, boff skills, keybind/timing/power managing (aka piloting lol) are needed.

    I'm pretty sure that OP post was for the players who need some pointers in dps. Aside from the A2B build which is only one of the many dps builds, all his points are basic and solid. Let be honest, how many of you - at the beginning - didn't use rainbow boat or prefer cool universal cons? LOL.

    Anyway, STO is a game where we suppose to have fun not going nut over the dps. However, I must agreed to the boring n mindless zombie 'cause keybind+1 build focus on dps basically is boring.
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