You know that bug from months back when people would log out of Elachi missions with the facehuggers attached to themselves so they could kill their fellows on ESD, Qo'Nos, Risa, Drozana, and basically anywhere else more than one person gathers at a time making them prey for simple minded idiots with nothing better to do?
Yeah, they can do that in the Winter Wonderland, and can kill Q with one hit.
What? No, "It doesn't arrive until Tuesday."? I am shocked and appalled, sir! Shock and appalled...
What makes you think they are targeting Q or anyone else? Players entering Quick PvE missions have no control over when their mission/event will pop and therefore no control of where they will re-enter the main map. Players return to the main map from PvE missions all the time covered in lava, glowing or with residual buffs still applied. There is no problem here. You sound like a chronic complainer. It is players like you who caused the virtual snowballs to be nerfed.