I deleted my Fed Science officer I created a while back and while He was at Fleet Admiral I just wasn't happy with him for some reason. I rerolled an Andorian Science Officer I'll be leveling him up from scratch. I already know what ship I plan to get when I hit Rear Admiral, he's getting a Vesta class ship and eventually an Intrepid class ship at level fifty. With that being said, I'm curious how many of you just deleted a toon and started a new one from scratch.
Is this a bug becuase it sounds like a really bad one (if this is in game assimilation you're talking about, not deciding to "Kill" off the character)
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Every now and then I rename one and completely change them visually, as if the original character had "passed".
I can't do anything about their career or anything YET, (maybe someday), But most of my characters have a lot of time, effort, lock box ships ect invested in them, so there are some that definitely get neglected more than others, but I just can't bring myself to delete them.
Beyond that I've created random characters either out of boredom or good intentions. Most of them never made it very far and usually got killed off before they made captain. The only one I sort of regret is the Lethian science officer I made in the summer before Delta Rising. I actually spent a fair amount of time, got him a fleet ship and everything. But I think once DR come I deleted him.
When we got to bo's we deleted the toon and did it again..
I'd created the character to half-aft things, try out new low-level content, etc. and when the Delta Recruit thing came about I didn't really feel like buying a bunch of character slots. Instead, I killed the disposable character, created a Fed, completed the Fed-Only Episode arc for the account unlock, killed the Fed, and finally made a FedRom to run the Rom and shared Fed Episode arcs; the Klingon Episode arcs were covered by the additional character slot they gave us all to participate with as Delta Recruits. I actually liked the little difference in perspective the Delta Recruit thing gave to the various Episodes, but I really didn't want or need anything more than what I ran with... thanks to over-level progression rates, etc. and my own tendency to run multiple characters as opposed to having a true "main" character.
These days, I have 8 disposable character slots. I'd initially planned on making farming alts, but I got bored with that almost as fast as I got started. As a result only 2 proto-farmers have been created. I still haven't bothered to level them (or the other 6 empty character slots) to proper farmer status, despite knowing how useful they could be in the long run...
The 12 other characters are all level 60, although I have yet to finalize a build enough to Upgrade with most of them. The increased cost of Rep gear makes me hesitate to invest in anything I might be swapping out of later, especially with things like the recent Counter Command Exo-Armor nerf coming over a year after release, so I tend to stick with Mk XII for the most part. Weapons are an exception, of course, because killing things pretty much solves every problem in STO.
I did use to have a few character slots I'd use just to create, level and delete when I felt like running through the storyline fresh.
Her slot was taken by a Ferasan, whom enjoy playing immensely