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Wrong currency on billing page


Not long ago Itried to buy zen. So here me coming to billing page and hit squarely in the face with price. Or to be precise - with CURRENCIES!!!!
Why the hell a person that lives in Ukraine isforced to pay in RUBLES?????

Is that supposed to be amusing? With events of last 2 years and all? Any IP detector can tell I connect from Ukraine. Odesa city. Not from *censored* russian federation, not from syberia, not from moscow or lipezk!!!

I don't have a RUB bank card, i don't use this bloody currency and with all the currency value jumping it is wayy to easy for any bank to rip clients off during exchange. Only a madman will want to handle that in everyday life.

Its insulting, its dangerous, its an error.

Ok, mistakes happen. Why not give the "change native currency" option?


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